Detalhes revelados sobre SUPER NINTENDO WORLD no Universal Epic Universe

O Universal Epic Universe, o quarto parque temático da Universal em Orlando, está previsto para ser inaugurado em 2025 e estamos contando os dias. Ele terá cinco mundos únicos e diferentes: Celestial Park, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Ministry of Magic, Dark Universe (baseado nos clássicos monstros da Universal), How to Train Your Dragon – Isle of Berk e SUPER NINTENDO WORLD.

Talvez você esteja familiarizado com as outras versões deste mundo no Universal Studios Japan e Universal Studios Hollywood. As experiências imersivas levam você ao Mushroom Kingdom, onde você pode jogar ao lado de Mario, Luigi, Princesa Peach, Toad, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong e muitos outros personagens icônicos da amada franquia de videogame (e já que está aqui, confira nosso guia do SUPER NINTENDO WORLD em Universal Studios Hollywood.)

Conversamos com algumas das mentes criativas por trás de SUPER NINTENDO WORLD no Epic Universe, que nos deram informações privilegiadas sobre este enorme projeto. A área contará com todas as atrações do SUPER NINTENDO WORLD que os parques de Hollywood e do Japão possuem, todas desde o dia da inauguração. A inclusão de Donkey Kong Country, pela primeira vez nos EUA, certamente proporcionará uma experiência nova e única.

Bora lá!


Conforme mostrado em nosso guia sobre o Universal Epic Universe, a entrada do parque temático leva você ao Celestial Park. Esta área é inspirada no céu noturno e no espaço sideral: espere um carrossel estrelado, uma montanha-russa inspirada em cometas e uma atmosfera galáctica (e também hotéis celestiais!) O Celestial Park é uma experiência por si só, mas também contém os portais para os outros quatro mundos temáticos do Universal Epic Universe. Esses portais são estruturas altas, semelhantes a obeliscos, que marcam as entradas para outros mundos. Dirija-se ao portal e passe pelo famoso cano verde para entrar no SUPER NINTENDO WORLD.

Ao entrar no Super Mario Land, você vai querer ver tudo, em todas as direções, de uma só vez. Tudo em SUPER NINTENDO WORLD parece vivo – porque grande parte está em constante movimento. Você aparecerá na área ao sair do Castelo de Peach. Ao seu redor, Thwomps batem, projéteis giram, Koopas andam de um lado para o outro. Você estará ansioso para dar um soco no bloco “?” e ouvir aquele som delicioso e estimulante de endorfina para ganhar uma moeda digital. Até Chris Bromby, produtor sênior do projeto, admite que entrar no SUPER NINTENDO WORLD “meio que deixa você um pouco emocionado, especialmente os fãs dos jogos”.

Com o SUPER NINTENDO WORLD, a equipe da Universal Creative recebeu uma pergunta emocionante, porém desafiadora: como recriar uma franquia tão grande e amada de uma maneira totalmente nova? Mesmo que você não seja um jogador, provavelmente está familiarizado de alguma forma com os personagens do SUPER NINTENDO WORLD. Os desafios são grandes. Então, por onde essa equipe começou?

“Nem sempre é aquilo em que todos pensam, mas, em última análise, sempre começa com uma história”, diz a produtora executiva Susan Cummings. Para a equipe criativa, continua Cummings, “é uma questão de como a história funciona em conjunto e como os mundos podem ser combinados. E então é uma questão de: qual é o papel do visitante nessa história?”

No final das contas, ao longo de quase uma década e três parques temáticos diferentes, a Universal encontrou maneiras testadas e comprovadas de fazer justiça aos personagens da Nintendo e ao mundo em que habitam. Aqui está o que você pode encontrar em Super Mario Land no SUPER NINTENDO WORLD:

Mario Kart: Bowser’s Challenge: percorra o Bowser’s Castle e junte-se ao Team Mario na pista de corrida para derrotar o Team Bowser nesta atração interativa. Assim como nos jogos Mario Kart, você coletará moedas e atirar projéteis nos oponentes para desacelerá-los, tudo isso enquanto dirige por universos subaquáticos e pelas nuvens. A atração utiliza óculos especiais – basta olhar para o seu alvo, pressionar o botão para lançá-lo e BAM!

Yoshi’s Adventure: Orlando sediará a primeira atração Yoshi’s Adventure na América do Norte! Nesta atração familiar, você subirá em um Yoshi e embarcará em uma caça aos ovos brilhantes.

Key Challenges: durante essas experiências de área interativa, você testará sua velocidade, habilidade e timing em uma variedade de desafios. Os desafios incluem: Thwomp Panel Panic, Goomba Crazy Crank, Piranha Plant Nap Mishap, Koopa Troopa POWer Punch e Bob-Omb Kaboom Room (esta será a primeira sala Bob-Omb Kaboom na América do Norte!). Para cada desafio concluído, você recebe uma chave digital. Colete três chaves com uma Power-Up Band e você poderá jogar Bowser Jr. Shadow Showdown, onde você luta para recuperar o Golden Mushroom de Bowser Jr.

Toadstool CafeChef Toad traz suas deliciosas misturas para o Toadstool Cafe! Os detalhes do cardápio serão divulgados em breve, mas enquanto isso, você pode conferir nosso guia de cafés de Hollywood aquí para ter uma ideia do tipo de comida que pode estar disponível.

Meet & Greets: Não seria SUPER NINTENDO WORLD se você não conseguisse tirar uma selfie com seus personagens favoritos de Super Mario! Mario, Luigi, a Princesa Peach e Toad estarão disponíveis para encontros e cumprimentos de personagens ao longo do dia. Além disso, se você tiver uma Power-Up Band, conhecer esses personagens oferece uma experiência aprimorada.

Ah! E mais uma coisa: SUPER NINTENDO WORLD no Epic Universe incluirá ainda mais do que Super Mario Land. Saia por outra entrada e você se encontrará bem no meio do… Donkey Kong Country!


Donkey Kong Country tem uma vibração mais tropical que Super Mario Land. Andrew Padua, diretor de arte sênior e líder criativo do SUPER NINTENDO WORLD, nos conta que ao entrar no túnel túnel entre as duas áreas, você verá a mudança gradual dos tijolos e colinas de Super Mario Land para uma atmosfera mais selvagem de Donkey Kong Country. “Existem pedras, pedras preciosas e flores. Tudo é grande e tropical”, diz.

Ao redor dos visitantes de Donkey Kong Country estará sua principal atração, Mine-Cart Madness, uma montanha-russa turbulenta com tecnologia de ponta.

MINE-CART MADNESSO negócio é o seguinte: a tribo Tiki Tak veio para roubar a Banana Dourada. Para protegê-la, os visitantes se juntarão a Donkey Kong e sua família em um carrinho de mina em uma atração energizante.

Mas a tecnologia de ponta é o que fará do Mine-Cart Madness uma experiência verdadeiramente única. A montanha-russa utiliza um novo sistema de atração, desenvolvido internamente pela Universal Creative, que recria as manobras emocionantes dos carrinhos de minas da série de videogames Donkey Kong Country. 

Mine-Cart Madness fica entre uma montanha-russa familiar e uma montanha-russa emocionante. O diretor criativo Dan Jenkins imagina as crianças alcançando com entusiasmo a altura certa para Mine-Cart Madness, torcendo na fila e, claro, se divertindo muito.

Fique ligado no Discover Universal Blog nos próximos meses para saber mais sobre Donkey Kong Country.


Embora o SUPER NINTENDO WORLD do Epic Universe não seja o primeiro desses mundos, será o primeiro a recriar Super Mario Land e Donkey Kong Country em um único momento fantástico.

Para a equipe que trabalha neste projeto, o que importa são as experiências dos visitantes. “Pode ser um clichê, mas é absolutamente verdade: quando você vê um visitante vivenciar pela primeira vez o que sua equipe criou, você pensa: ‘Ah, é isso mesmo, é para isso que serve’”, diz o produtor executivo do SUPER. MUNDO NINTENDO, Susan Cummings.

O que você mais espera no SUPER NINTENDO WORLD no Epic Universe? Conte para a gente nos comentários!

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Detalles revelados sobre SUPER NINTENDO WORLD en Universal Epic Universe

Universal Epic Universe, el cuarto parque temático de Universal en Orlando, está programado para abrir en 2025 y estamos contando los días. Contará con cinco mundos únicos y diferentes: Celestial Park, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Ministry of Magic, Dark Universe (basado en los clásicos monstruos de Universal), How to Train Your Dragon – Isle of Berk y SUPER NINTENDO WORLD.

Quizás estés familiarizado con las otras versiones de este mundo en Universal Studios Japan y Universal Studios Hollywood. Las experiencias inmersivas te llevan a Mushroom Kingdom, donde puedes jugar junto a Mario, Luigi, la Princesa Peach, Toad, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong y muchos más personajes icónicos de los queridos videojuegos de Nintendo (mientras estés aquí, consulta nuestra guía de SUPER NINTENDO WORLD en Universal Studios Hollywood.)

Hablamos con algunas de las mentes creativas detrás de SUPER NINTENDO WORLD en Epic Universe, quienes nos brindaron información privilegiada sobre este proyecto masivo e inmersivo. Contará con todas las atracciones de SUPER NINTENDO WORLD que tienen los parques de Hollywood y Japón, todas desde el día inaugural. La inclusión de Donkey Kong Country, en los EE. UU. por primera vez, seguramente brindará una experiencia nueva y única.



Como se comenta en nuestra guía de Universal Epic Universe, la entrada al parque temático te lleva al Celestial Park. Esta zona está inspirada en el cielo nocturno y el espacio exterior: verás un carrusel de estrellas, una montaña rusa inspirada en un cometa y una atmósfera galáctica (y también por hoteles celestiales!) Celestial Park es una experiencia en sí misma, pero también contiene portales a los otros cuatro mundos temáticos del Universal Epic Universe. Estos portales son estructuras altas, parecidas a obeliscos, que marcan las entradas a los otros mundos. Dirígete al portal y entra por el famoso tubo verde para ingresar a SUPER NINTENDO WORLD.

Al entrar a Super Mario Land querrás verlo todo, en todas direcciones, al mismo tiempo. Todo en SUPER NINTENDO WORLD parece estar vivo, porque gran parte de él está en constante movimiento. Aparecerás en el área fuera del Castillo de Peach. A tu alrededor, los Thwomps chocan, los proyectiles giran, los Koopas caminan de un lado a otro. Estarás ansioso por golpear el bloque de “?” y escuchar ese delicioso sonido que estimula las endorfinas al ganar monedas digitales. Incluso Chris Bromby, productor senior del proyecto, admite que entrar en SUPER NINTENDO WORLD “emociona un poco, especialmente a los fanáticos de los juegos”.

Con SUPER NINTENDO WORLD, el equipo de Universal Creative se planteó una pregunta emocionante pero desafiante: ¿cómo darle vida a una franquicia tan enorme y querida de una manera completamente nueva? Incluso si no eres gamer, probablemente estés familiarizado de alguna manera con los personajes de SUPER NINTENDO WORLD. Era un gran desafío. Entonces, ¿por dónde empezó este equipo?

“No siempre es en lo que todos piensan, pero en última instancia siempre se comienza con una historia”, dice la productora ejecutiva Susan Cummings. Para el equipo creativo, continúa Cummings, “es una cuestión de cómo funciona la historia en su conjunto y cómo se pueden combinar los mundos. Y luego surge la pregunta: ¿cuál es el papel del visitante en esta historia?”

En definitiva, después de casi una década y tres parques temáticos diferentes, Universal ha encontrado formas comprobadas de hacer justicia a los personajes de Nintendo y el mundo que habitan. Esto es lo que puedes esperar encontrar en Super Mario Land en SUPER NINTENDO WORLD:

Mario Kart: Bowser’s Challenge: viaja a través del Bowser’s Castle y únete al Team Mario en la pista de carreras para derrotar al Team Bowser en esta atracción interactiva. Al igual que en los juegos de Mario Kart, recogerás monedas y lanzarás proyectiles a los oponentes para ralentizarlos, todo mientras conduces a través de universos submarinos y nubes. La atracción utiliza gafas especiales: solo mira a tu objetivo, presiona el botón para lanzarlo y ¡BAM!

Yoshi’s Adventure: ¡Orlando albergará la primera atracción de Yoshi’s Adventure en Norteamérica! En esta atracción familiar, te subirás a un Yoshi y te embarcarás en la búsqueda de huevos brillantes.

Key Challenges: durante estas experiencias interactivas en el área, pondrás a prueba tu rapidez, habilidad y sincronización en una variedad de desafíos. Los desafíos incluyen: Thwomp Panel Panic, Goomba Crazy Crank, Piranha Plant Nap Mishap, Koopa Troopa POWer Punch y Bob-Omb Kaboom Room (¡esta será la primera sala Bob-Omb Kaboom en Norteamérica!). Por cada desafío completado, recibes una clave digital. Recoge tres llaves con una Power-Up Band y podrás jugar a Bowser Jr. Shadow Showdown, donde lucharás para recuperar el Hongo Dorado de manos de Bowser Jr.

Toadstool CafeEl Chef Toad trae sus deliciosos brebajes a Toadstool Cafe! Los detalles del menú se publicarán próximamente, pero mientras tanto, puedes consultar nuestra guía de cafeterías de Hollywood aquí para tener una idea del tipo de comida que podría estar disponible.

Meet & Greets: ¡No sería Super Mario Land si no pudieras tomarte una selfie con tus personajes favoritos de Super Mario! Mario, Luigi, la Princesa Peach y Toad estarán disponibles para conocerlos y saludarlos durante todo el día. Además, si tienes una Power-Up Band, conocer a estos personajes te proporcionará una experiencia mejorada.

¡Oh! Y una cosa más: SUPER NINTENDO WORLD en Epic Universe incluirá aún más que Super Mario Land. Sal por otro tubo y te encontrarás justo en medio de… ¡Donkey Kong Country!


Donkey Kong Country tiene un ambiente más tropical que Super Mario Land. Andrew Padua, director de arte senior y líder creativo de SUPER NINTENDO WORLD, nos dice que cuando entres en el túnel entre las dos áreas, verás el cambio gradual de los ladrillos y colinas de Super Mario Land a la atmósfera más selvática de Donkey Kong Country. “Hay rocas, gemas y flores. Todo es grande y tropical”, dice.

Rodeando a los visitantes de Donkey Kong Country estará su principal atracción, Mine-Cart Madness, una turbulenta montaña rusa con tecnología de punta.

MINE-CART MADNESSEste es el trato: la tribu Tiki Tak ha venido a robar la Banana Dorada. Para protegerla, los visitantes se unirán a Donkey Kong y su familia en un carro minero, en una atracción de alta energía.

Pero la tecnología de vanguardia es lo que hará de Mine-Cart Madness una experiencia verdaderamente única. La montaña rusa utiliza un nuevo sistema de atracción, desarrollado internamente por Universal Creative, que recrea las emocionantes maniobras de los carros mineros de la serie de videojuegos Donkey Kong Country. 

Mine-Cart Madness se encuentra en un pequeño y agradable espacio entre una montaña rusa familiar y una montaña rusa emocionante. Jenkins imagina a los niños alcanzando con entusiasmo la altura adecuada para Mine-Cart Madness, emocionándose en la fila y, en última instancia, divirtiéndose por completo.

Estén atentos al Discover Universal Blog en los próximos meses para obtener más información sobre Donkey Kong Country.


Aunque el SUPER NINTENDO WORLD de Epic Universe no será el primero de estos mundos, sí será el primero en dar vida a Super Mario Land y Donkey Kong Country en un solo momento fantástico.

Para el equipo que trabaja en este proyecto lo que importa son las experiencias de los visitantes. “Cuando sea la gran inauguración, estaré escondida en la parte superior del tubo verde”, dice la productora ejecutiva de SUPER NINTENDO WORLD, Susan Cummings. “Puede que sea un cliché, pero es absolutamente cierto: cuando ves que un invitado experimenta lo que tu equipo ha creado por primera vez, piensas: ‘Oh, es cierto, para eso sirve’”.

¿Qué es lo que más esperas de SUPER NINTENDO WORLD en Epic Universe? ¡Dinos en los comentarios!

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Details Revealed About SUPER NINTENDO WORLD at Universal Epic Universe

Universal Epic Universe, Universal’s fourth theme park in Orlando, is set to open in 2025 — and we’re counting down the days! It’ll contain five different unique worlds: Celestial Park, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Ministry of Magic, Dark Universe (based on the classic Universal Monsters), How to Train Your Dragon – Isle of Berk and SUPER NINTENDO WORLD.

Perhaps you’re familiar with the other locations of this world at Universal Studios Japan and Universal Studios Hollywood. These immersive experiences of SUPER NINTENDO WORLD take you into Super Mario Land and Donkey Kong Country and allow you to play alongside Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Toad, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, and many more iconic characters from beloved Nintendo video games. (While you’re here, check out our guide to SUPER NINTENDO WORLD at Universal Studios Hollywood.)

We spoke to some of the creative minds behind SUPER NINTENDO WORLD at Epic Universe, who gave us the inside scoop on this massive and immersive project. It’ll have all the SUPER NINTENDO WORLD attractions that the Hollywood and Japan parks have, all from Opening Day. The inclusion of Donkey Kong Country, in the U.S. for the first time, is certain to provide a new and unique experience.

Let’s-a go!


As discussed in our primer on Universal Epic Universe, the theme park entrance leads you into Celestial Park. This land is inspired by the night sky and outer space: expect a starry carousel, a comet-inspired coaster, and a galactic ambiance. (And some heavenly hotels, too!) Celestial Park is an experience unto itself, but it also contains the portals to the four other Epic Universe themed worlds. These portals are tall, obelisk-like structures that mark the entries to the other worlds. Head toward the portal and enter through the familiar green pipe to make your way into SUPER NINTENDO WORLD.  

You’ll first step into Super Mario Land and you’ll want to look at everything, in every direction, all at once. Everything in SUPER NINTENDO WORLD feels alive — because so much of it is constantly in motion. You’ll pop into the land outside of Peach’s Castle. Around you, Thwomps thud down, shells spin, Koopas pace back-and-forth. You’ll be eager to punch a ? Block and hear that delightful, endorphin-pushing, sound of earning a digital coin. Even Chris Bromby, the Senior Show Producer for the project, admits entering SUPER NINTENDO WORLD “kind of makes you a little teary, especially as a fan of the games.”

With SUPER NINTENDO WORLD, the Universal Creative team was tasked with an exciting, yet daunting question: How do you bring such a massive and beloved franchise to life in a whole new way? Even if you’re not a gamer, you’re likely tangentially familiar with the characters in SUPER NINTENDO WORLD. So where did this team even start?

“It’s not always the thing that everyone thinks about, but ultimately, it always starts with a story,” says Executive Producer Susan Cummings. For the creative team, Cummings continues, “it’s a matter of how the story works together, and how the worlds can be combined. And then it’s a matter of: What is the role of the guest in that story?”

Ultimately, over the course of nearly a decade and three different theme parks, Universal has found tried-and-true ways to do Nintendo characters and the world they inhabit justice. Here’s what you can expect to find in Super Mario Land at SUPER NINTENDO WORLD:

Mario Kart: Bowser’s Challenge: Wind your way through Bowser’s Castle and join Team Mario on the racetrack to defeat Team Bowser in this interactive ride. Just like in the Mario Kart games, you’ll collect coins and throw shells, all while driving through courses underwater and in the clouds. The attraction employs special goggles— just look at your target, press the button on the steering to toss a shell, and BAM!

Yoshi’s Adventure: Orlando will host the first Yoshi’s Adventure attraction in North America! On this family-focused ride, you’ll hop onto a Yoshi and embark on a search for glowing eggs. 

Key Challenges: At these interactive experiences throughout the land, you’ll test your quickness, skill, and timing in a variety of challenges. The challenges include: Thwomp Panel Panic, Goomba Crazy Crank, Piranha Plant Nap Mishap, Koopa Troopa POWer Punch, and the Bob-Omb Kaboom Room. (This’ll be the first Bob-Omb Kaboom Room in North America!) For each challenge you win, you receive a digital key. Collect three keys with a Power-Up Band and you can play Bowser Jr. Shadow Showdown, where you’ll battle to win the Golden Mushroom back from Bowser Jr.  

Toadstool CafeChef Toad is bringing his delicious concoctions to Toadstool Cafe! Menu details are to come, but in the meantime check out our guide to the Hollywood cafe here to get a feel for the kind of food that may be available.

Meet & Greets: It wouldn’t be Super Mario Land if you couldn’t snag a selfie with your favorite Super Mario characters! Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach and Toad will all be available for character meet-and-greets throughout the day. Plus, if you have a Power-Up Band, meeting these characters offers an enhanced experience.

Oh, and one other thing. SUPER NINTENDO WORLD at Epic Universe will include even more! Beyond Super Mario Land, head through another archway and you’ll find yourself in the entrance of…Donkey Kong Country.


Donkey Kong Country has a more tropical vibe to it than Super Mario Land. Andrew Padua, Senior Art Director and Creative Lead for SUPER NINTENDO WORLD tells us that when you walk into the tunnel between the two lands, you’ll see the gradual change from the bricks and hills of Super Mario Land to the more jungle atmosphere of Donkey Kong Country. “There’s rockwork and gems and flowers. Everything’s overgrown and tropical,” he says.

Surrounding guests in Donkey Kong Country will be its flagship attraction, Mine-Cart Madness, a whirlwind roller coaster with cutting-edge technology.  

MINE-CART MADNESSHere’s the deal: the Tiki Tak Tribe has come to steal the Golden Banana. To protect it, guests will join Donkey Kong and his friends on a high-energy mine-cart ride. 

But the cutting-edge technology is what will make Mine-Cart Madness a truly unique ride experience. The roller coaster uses a new ride system, developed in-house by Universal Creative, that recreates the thrilling maneuvers of the mine carts from the Donkey Kong Country video game series. 

Mine-Cart Madness sits in a nice little space in-between a family coaster and a thrill coaster. Creative Director Dan Jenkins imagines kids excitedly reaching the right height for Mine-Cart Madness, getting hyped up in the queue and ultimately having a total blast.

Stay tuned to the Discover Universal Blog in the coming months to learn more about Donkey Kong Country.


While SUPER NINTENDO WORLD at Epic Universe won’t be the first of such lands, it will be the first to bring Super Mario Land and Donkey Kong Country to life in one fantastic moment. 

For the team working on this project, it’s all about the guests’ experiences. “It may be a cliche, but it is absolutely the truth: when you see a guest experience what your team has created for the first time, it’s like: ‘Oh, that’s right, that’s what it’s all for,’” says Susan Cummings, Executive Producer of SUPER NINTENDO WORLD.  

What are you most looking forward to at SUPER NINTENDO WORLD in Epic Universe? Let us know in the comments!

The post Details Revealed About SUPER NINTENDO WORLD at Universal Epic Universe appeared first on Discover Universal.

Guide to Universal Orlando Resort for Music Buffs

Now, you likely already know that Universal Orlando Resort is a place for guests to ride the movies, but it is also a place for music lovers to indulge. From dueling pianos to jukeboxes, there are many aspects here that music fans can enjoy.

PRO TIP: Before guests even arrive at the resort, they can pick up the vacation tempo with some playlists featuring sounds from iconic movies like “Men In Black” and “Jurassic Park.” Whether you want to use this to set the vacay vibes ahead of time or relive it once you leave, it’s the right idea.

Now, let’s press play on my guide to enjoying the sounds of Universal Orlando Resort…

Intro — Universal CityWalk


Guess where the familiar melodies start? That’s right, where you park your vehicle after driving to the theme parks! Each area of the parking garage has its own designated theme, in both sight and sound. You will not only remember your “E.T. 262” parking spot, but also those classic movie melodies you heard while stepping out of your car.

Once out of the garage and on your way to the start of your day, Universal CityWalk is guaranteed to play some bops, no matter the time of the day. One of my personal favorites spots for good music is Pat O’Brien’s, where you can witness dueling pianos (which I promise is less aggressive, but just as entertaining, than it sounds.) While this venue offers some great seating both inside and out, you’ll want to grab a table inside to see the piano players put on a show. You can also submit song requests for them! Fingers crossed they’ll play your favorite while you enjoy your cocktail of choice.

CityWalk’s Rising Star will not only have you jamming out on the floor, but also on stage (voluntarily of course)! Warm up your vocal chords and put those notes on display for the audience with a live backup band — I repeat, live backup band (subject to availability). And don’t worry, the lyrics to the songs will also be displayed for the crowd, just in case you need some additional back-up. The venue has two levels which truly amplifies the entire atmosphere and makes for a one-of-a-kind experience.

Want to dine with live music rather than be a part of it? A live mariachi band entertains Antojitos Authentic Mexican Food on select nights, where the artists put their own twist on today’s popular music. Or, a live reggae band shines nightly at Bob Marley — A Tribute to Freedom, which enhances the overall experience (make sure you order the Oxtail Stew!)

Hard Rock Cafe allows fans to see some iconic memorabilia. My favorite part of the Cafe is located inside the Rock Shop. As soon as you enter, make sure you look up:  there’s a whole band setup located on the ceiling — it will literally turn your world upside down!Be sure to also keep an eye online for your favorite musicians, comedians and other artists that hit the stage throughout the year at Hard Rock Live Orlando!

First verse — Universal Studios Florida

Photo Credit: @kristynemarie

At Universal Studios Florida, you can always count on a music moment to start your day off! As you walk through the iconic arches,  you can already hear the emblematic music playing — whether it’s the Holiday hits from November to December, the spooky soundtrack of Halloween Horror Nights, or the classic tunes during the rest of the year.

My first stop is usually Mel’s Drive-In, a feel-good, throwback-vibes kinda place. It is even complete with jukeboxes and hits that bring back the nostalgia alongside a tasty milkshake.

Photo Credit: José Atalah

The streets of New York are the place to be if you’re a music fan. Hang around long enough to experience some of the best entertainment Universal Studios Florida has to offer. From the high-energy percussion Beat Builders show, to the choreographed dance numbers and Latin Flair of ¡Vamos! – Báilalo, to the jazz groove of The Blues Brothers, and the classic performance of Marilyn and the Diamond Bellas. You can even sing along with the Universal City Tones as they have an a cappella vocal battle to popular songs we all know and love. It’s music heaven!

As you make your way to London, there is a Record Shop that offers a super cute photo moment — see if you can spot an album by the Quint Trio, a fun nod to the Jaws attraction. While you continue through the streets of London, enter The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Diagon Alley. Pay attention to the soundtrack around the land (Harry Potter fans, IYKYK!) and make sure you catch Celestina Warbeck and the Banshees performance in Carkitt Market, one of my favorite live performances!

PRO TIP: Download the Official Universal Orlando App to catch all these performance times!

Next stop: E.T. Adventure and its classic soundtrack! Whether it’s the sounds within the queue or the classic movie notes you’ll notice throughout the attraction, this ride will spark so much nostalgia to movie and music lovers alike.

Photo Credit: @polimoon9

Now, it’s time to take the music to the rides! Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit is an obvious choice, but also a must. Who wouldn’t like a musical twist with a side of popular hits from throughout the past few decades. Okay, maybe just me but still worth the mention! The roller coaster’s playlist features some fantastic hits to go with your thrill.

Second verse — Universal Islands of Adventure

Photo Credit: @attraction.faction

I have to admit: the entrance music to all Universal parks is pretty iconic. But I do have a soft spot for Islands of Adventure — there’s just something about walking through Port of Entry, grabbing an eclair at Croissant Moon Bakery and vibing to the park’s background music.

My heart always guides me to Jurassic Park when searching for a lunch spot, as I love to dine along to the soundtrack of this iconic franchise. The Burger Digs fulfills both my movie soul and music soul, as the immersion inside The Discovery Center is incredible. I recommend getting a burger with fries and actually eating it out on the patio overlooking Jurassic World VelociCoaster — great shade, thrilling coaster sounds, and a jaw-dropping view.

Jurassic Park River Adventure also is a must-do for movie lovers and music fans! The mixture of the story and sounds makes for a feeling that cannot be replicated. You’ll understand, too, once the Jurassic Park gates open.

Because I prefer my music with a side of thrills, it’s not hard to guess that The Incredible Hulk Coaster is my forever favorite. Not only does this attraction feature some, dare I say, incredible twists and turns but also a great soundtrack. Fun fact: the music for this coaster was composed by Fall Out Boy front-man Patrick Stump, which makes the fan experience that much better.

Over in Toon Lagoon, Betty Boop can be seen sitting on a massive piano, which makes for a cute photo moment.

In Seuss Landing, the music you hear throughout the land adds so much more immersion to the already immersive land. Hop on the lyrical High in the Sky Seuss Trolley Train Ride! before heading to Oh! The Stories You’ll Hear! for a storytelling session that ends with classic songs that the kiddos will enjoy. It also is a great way to meet and greet some of Dr. Seuss’ characters!

The score in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Hogsmeade immerses you almost instantly into our favorite wizarding village.

Bridge — Universal Volcano Bay

When I think of Volcano Bay, the first thing that comes to mind is the obviously iconic theming throughout this park, and, over time, I have paid more attention to the tropical soundtrack that helps set the tone of this park. It’s the music and water sounds that transport you to paradise while you’re chilling on Waturi Beach or floating through the Kopiko Wai Winding River. I always love a getaway, and this vibrant blend of Polynesian cultures and architecture that draws on influences from all over the South Pacific is everything I need on my days off. A fun hidden detail is over in Puka Uli Lagoon, where they have bongo drums at the pool!

PRO TIP: This is admittedly unrelated to music (or is it?), but I always end my day on a high note by getting the Waturi Fusion soft-serve. This photogenic and tasty treat can be found at Koka Poroka Ice Cream Kona and trust me, your tastebuds will hit a new octave with this one.

Encore — Universal Orlando Hotels

Want to fine-tune your stay? Hard Rock Hotel might just be the perfect place. You can add some sound to your vacation by having a guitar or record player delivered to your room (a true music-lover hack.) And if you’re like me and tend to enjoy chilling in your suite, make sure to download some curated playlists to enjoy throughout the stay. You will truly not miss a beat while staying here — the pools even have underwater speakers!

Outside of the amenities, there are additional options that’ll change the tune of your stay, in the best way. Make brunch reservations at The Kitchen during the live Acoustic Brunch, that happens on Sundays from 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. If you’re there for breakfast any other day, make sure to stay on theme by ordering The Elvisfrench toast, baguette slices topped with bananas, peanut butter and caramel sauce.

A late-night stop at the Velvet Bar is also a must-do for me — there’s amazing cocktails, small bites (Pork Belly Bao Buns for me, please!), rockstar vibes and even some live entertainment! The lobby at Hard Rock is also home to the Velvet Sessions and Velvet Unplugged —Velvet Sessions bring some incredibly talented artists to the hotel lobby, while Velvet Unplugged adds another layer with acoustic sessions that typically occur a few times a year. No matter what your music taste is, you are bound to enjoy something here, which makes me love it even more.

Finally, a hidden gem offered at this hotel is Wine Riffs. The best way to describe it is as  a multisensory, six-course dinner experience that includes music, food and wine. A must-do!

PRO TIP: One last note — be sure to swing by the front desk as you check out so they can turn your room key into a guitar pick! Sounds crazy but it’s legit and such a cool memento!

No matter which hotel you choose to spend your vacation, you are bound to enjoy some incredible sounds.

Vibe around the huge lagoon-style pool and immerse yourself in live music and entertainment at the Wantilan Luau on select Saturdays at Loews Royal Pacific Resort.

Immerse yourself in Italian romance with Musica Della Notte, a live (and free!) opera performance with some pop flair that occurs every evening at the Harbor Piazza at Loews Portofino Bay Hotel. If you are looking for a more specialized offering, Harbor Nights is a separately ticketed event that happens seasonally and features wine tasting and a live band.

Enjoy the sound of live music Fridays and Saturdays at Bar 17 Bistro at Universal’s Aventura Hotel — it’s also got my favorite view of the theme parks and Orlando!

Sing along to the 1950s playlist they’ve got going throughout the hotel at the retro-style Universal’s Cabana Bay Beach Resort. Big nostalgia vibes!

Remix — Events

Thought you knew the rhythm? With so many special events happening throughout the year, there are plenty of new beats to appreciate. Universal Mardi Gras: International Flavors of Carnaval not only features some amazing food offerings, but also truly brings out the best music within Universal’s events throughout the year. With the wide array of concerts that are offered with park admission, I mean it when I say, “Feet don’t fail me now!”

Holidays at Universal Orlando Resort is a time where we bring out all of the cheer! I love being able to sing along during Grinchmas and Universal’s Holiday Parade featuring Macy’s!

Halloween Horror Nights is my forever mood, and the music throughout the event is the touch of spooky I look forward to each event season. I love that each year there is different music and sounds which lurch around the arches, as well as throughout the park. If I could live in the aesthetic of Halloween Horror Nights 29 for the music alone, I would in a heartbeat.

With this in mind, I challenge you to put your vacation on shuffle and throw in some of these music-lover moments. After all, who does not like to round out their visit with a music moment to match? What was your favorite? Share it with us on social media or in the comments below.

Must be 21 years or older with valid identification to purchase or drink alcoholic beverages.

The post Guide to Universal Orlando Resort for Music Buffs appeared first on Discover Universal.

How the World-Famous Studio Tour Helped Shape Entertainment History

The World-Famous Studio Tour celebrates its 60th anniversary this year, and Universal Studios Hollywood is pumped to celebrate. After six decades of taking guests around the iconic Universal backlot — and in the process, transforming themed entertainment forever — you’d better believe we have a lot to celebrate. From a limited-time chance to hop off the tram for photo ops to adorable merch to delightful retro-inspired treats, the theme park has a whole lot of fun planned from April 26 to August 11, 2024. But you know what’s even more fun than Glamor Tram sugar cookies? Reading up on your history. Yes, kids, that’s right!

After 60 years running, the Studio Tour has entertained more than 200 million guests. It’s tough to imagine the themed entertainment world without it. It’s become one of the top things to do at Universal Studios Hollywood, and is an absolute must for any Universal Studios Hollywood itinerary. But in its early days there was no guarantee the Studio Tour would last — let alone give way to the modern theme park. To get a sense for its impact, we dug into the Universal archives to look back at the history of the Studio Tour. You know, before it was world-famous. So let’s hop in the time machine for a quick Universal history lesson, shall we? 

An Open Door Tradition 

Universal has a long tradition of welcoming the public on set. In 1915, Universal Pictures founder Carl Laemmle opened the doors to spectators during filming. Guests paid 25 cents, took a seat in the bleachers, and watched as a show was filmed in front of them. 

“You could literally watch movies get made,” says John Murdy, a Universal Studios Hollywood creative director who oversaw the refurbishment of the Studio Tour in 2000. Murdy actually got his start at Universal as a Studio Tour guide in 1989. Back in the 1910s, the tour was far less structured than it is today. “It’s kind of crazy,” says Murdy, referring to archival photos of the early audiences. “They just seem to be roaming around the property, walking around, checking stuff out.”

Sounds distracting, sure. But one crucial difference between 1915 and today? Films were silent. Audiences could watch a scene being filmed like it was a stage play, and react audibly without interfering with the filmmaking process itself.  With the dawn of the talkies in the 1920s, Universal had to close its doors to guests, so as not to drive the sound guys up a wall. 

A Little Side Project

Fast-forward to 1964. Hollywood had changed quite a bit from the silent movie days. Not only did film have sound and color, but it had become a massive industry full of glitz and glamour. “It’s a weird era of Hollywood history,” says Murdy. “You’re coming out of the studio system days, and television is starting to impact the movie business.” With television competing for viewers’ attention, studios had to keep income coming in — and do so creatively. 

It turns out, the studio execs just had to trust their guts. Or, rather — trust tourists’ guts. Prior to Universal’s own Studio Tour, third-party Hollywood tours would come onto the lot, take a swing around the sets, and stop for lunch at the Studio Commissary. With those tourist trips came a big uptick in lunch sales. How could they keep those lunch sales coming?  

“That was literally the impetus for the Studio Tour,” says Murdy. “How can we sell more lunches in the studio commissary?” 

A young executive named Jay Stein was tasked to manage this newfangled vessel for lunch sales. Stein recruited Barry Upson, a designer of the 1964 Seattle World’s Fair, to realize Universal’s own backlot tour. Hollywood legend Harper Goff, responsible for the looks of several iconic 20th century, was brought on as the art director. Goff designed the now legendary candy-striped tour vehicles that criss-crossed the Universal backlot: the “GlamorTrams.” 

In its inaugural year, guests would pay $2.50 (or $1.25 for kids), then hop aboard GlamorTrams to tour the Universal backlot. The two-hour tour included a look at outdoor film sets, a makeup demonstration, a costume display by legendary designer Edith Head and a two-man stunt show. Compared to the whole theme park we know and love today, the Universal Studio Tour was modest to say the least. “It was literally a booth on a trailer on Lankershim Boulevard,” says Murdy, who remembers visiting the Universal backlot as a kid in the early 1970s.  

We might take it for granted now, but regular folks getting to step foot on a movie set was a big deal at the time. Up to then, studios were shrouded in mystery and mystique. In a way, the Studio Tour democratized the moviemaking process — or at least, pulled back the curtain. As LA Times film critic Philip K. Scheuer wrote in 1964:

“You can now visit a bona fide movie and television studio…without having to contact a VIP who happens to be the relative of a bigger VIP, without presenting a letter from your hometown exhibitor or without, heaven be praised, making a last-ditch pitch to the motion picture editor of your favorite newspaper.” 

What was once reserved for the well-connected was now a mass-market product. By its third year, Universal reported 8,000 guests per day. 

An Opportunity For Innovation 

Per his 2023 interview with the LA Times, Stein quickly realized two things in the early days of the Studio Tour. First, you couldn’t bank on the guests seeing an actor on the tour. They were unpredictable and at work. And some actors would even head for the hills at the sight of a GlamorTram. (Though, lots of them loved the tour. As Murdy remembers from his childhood visits to Universal, “We would always see Al Lewis, who played Grandpa Munster. Like, all the time. Whenever we came to Universal, he was just hanging out.”)  

Secondly, Stein realized that studios aren’t inherently entertaining places. Sure, they’re where entertainment is created, but movie sets involve a lot of not-so-dazzling work in between shots. It was from these two observations that Stein realized that in order to survive, Universal needed to guarantee excitement on every tour. They needed to create illusions that would be (from production’s point of view) predictable, repeatable, and above all, entertaining. Guests, of course, must experience it as thrilling and unpredictable, duh. 

Throughout the following years, the tour expanded. It wasn’t just a peek behind the curtain anymore. It included a stunt show, an animal actors show, and a screen test comedy theater. A 1967 visitors pamphlet held in the Universal Archives advertised giant sound stages, a visit to a star’s dressing room, man-made lakes and waterfalls, a visit to the prop department, and exterior sets of New York, Europe, Hong Kong and the Old West. Over at the Visitors Center, guests would be treated to demonstrations by professional makeup artists, a showcase of film costumes, “push-button storms” on the Snow Set and the Rain Set, a peek inside the Munster laboratory (and the opportunity to “touch the button to bring Herman to ‘life’”), and more. 

The Studio Tour had evolved from guests visiting a movie set to guests experiencing movie magic in real time. Universal pushed the limits of interactive entertainment further and further. In the ‘70s, they expanded the studio tour, with the additions of heart-pumping attractions like “Flash Flood,” “Parting of the Red Sea,” and “Jaws Lake” to the itinerary. In the ‘80s, they premiered “Earthquake,” a scarily realistic simulation of an 8.3 seismic tremor. 

And what we now know as the Universal Studios Hollywood theme park came to life in the ‘90s, with attraction additions including “E.T. Adventure,” “Back to the Future: The Ride” and “Jurassic Park—The Ride.” Thanks to the Studio Tour, Universal found itself leading the industry in a whole new kind of fun. 

A 21st Century Tour

In 2000, the Studio Tour underwent a refurbishment to bring it into the new millennium. As the creative director on that project (and a former tour guide himself), Murdy made it his mission to bring the history of the Studio Tour to life on the tour itself. “The main thing I wanted to do was to connect the dots for the guests between the sets they were looking at and the movies they’d seen,” says Murdy. That’s when screens were added to the Studio Tour. Guests could now look out at a set on the Universal backlot, then immediately see a clip of how it had been utilized in a film or show. Murdy had a team whose job it was to watch movies and TV shows to find specific shots of the backlot they needed for the Studio Tour. “I’d be like, ‘I’m pretty sure they walk down Brownstone Street in this ‘50s movie. Can you find that shot?’” In doing so, the Studio Tour became a vehicle (pun intended) for bringing movie history to life — as it remains today. 

Over the past 60 years, Universal Studios Hollywood has gone from entertaining guests with makeup tutorials, to natural disasters caused by movie magic, to adrenaline-pumping thrill rides. Attractions have come and gone, but what remains is the storied past of a studio that brings the screen to real life. And it all began with the Studio Tour. Giving the average movie fan a peek behind the curtain birthed a series of innovations that have changed entertainment forever. 

What’s your favorite part of the World-Famous Studio Tour? Let us know in the comments below!

The post How the World-Famous Studio Tour Helped Shape Entertainment History appeared first on Discover Universal.

Ultimate Bucket List for Universal Orlando Resort

Whether it’s your first time visiting Universal Orlando Resort or your millionth, there are some things you have to do. Sure, everyone in your group is going to be coming with a different agenda and list of must-dos, but these are the most quintessential Universal Orlando experiences. In my experience from visiting the parks for years, working with the company and bombarding my coworkers with emails in asking for their advice, I can assure you that these are the things every visitor has to do.

It doesn’t matter what season or what time of day you’re visiting, or even who you’re with — you can’t claim you’ve “done Universal” without at the very least crossing every item off this list.

Get soaked on the Universal Islands of Adventure Water Rides

Orlando summers can get hot and I don’t doubt you’ll be walking around the park praying for an afternoon downpour. Lucky for you, at Universal Islands of Adventure, you can schedule that aquatic dousing at one of the three water rides! “You don’t get that wet,” your friend may  tell you. A word of warning: they’re lying.

Get a Churro

Is it even a visit to Universal Orlando Resort if you didn’t have this iconic fried treat? No! The smell alone will lure you to one of the many stands scattered around the theme parks, desperate for this  cinnamoney-sugary delicacy. 

Scream with all you’ve got on one of Universal Orlando’s immersive roller coasters

The decision is yours. Will you escape the curse of  the Medjai on Revenge of the Mummy or fly through the Forbidden Forest on Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure? Regardless of which you choose, you can’t go wrong with some of the best roller coasters on the planet!

Smell the iconic E.T. Adventure Queue Line

If you’ve ever been to Universal with a frequent visitor, there’s no doubt they raved about the smell of the E.T. Adventure queue line. At first, you were probably confused, how could the scent of something influence a ride experience?, until you yourself take a deep breath and then everything just  makes sense.

Grab a perfectly-timed globe picture in Universal CityWalk.

It’s a struggle we’ve all had. You strike the perfect pose and find a lovely photographer only to get a picture of “ERSAL.” Half the fun is choosing another pose and trying again.

Escape from a shark attack

“There used to be this really cool ride,” your ‘in-the-know’ Universal friend will tell you by the San Francisco wharf. Pay homage to an attraction that once was with The Shark Attack at Chez Alcatraz, one of my favorite drinks in the parks.

Grab a Margarita from Margaritaville’s Lone Palm Airport

Sipping a water-side margarita while people-watching the theme-park-goers may be my personal heaven on Earth, especially when the margs are as delicious as these are!

Soak in the view at Bar 17 Bistro

Who knew one of Orlando’s best rooftop bars was at the Universal Orlando Resort? I did and now you do too! Sitting 17 floors above Universal’s Aventura Hotel, this incredible bar (with seriously delicious food options) has fantastic views of the Universal Orlando theme parks, Orlando’s International Drive and the expansive flatness of Central Florida. On a clear day, you may even spot Florida’s coast and its out-of-this-world sights.  

Match with your perfect wand at Ollivanders Wand Shop

Matching with a wand is an essential rite-of-passage for witches and wizards in the Wizarding World, so it’s only fitting for a wand to choose you at Ollivanders Wand Shop in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Diagon Alley at Universal Studios Florida. Even better, with your wand, you can cast spells throughout the wizarding world!

Check out the current Tribute Store

 A relatively new addition to the Universal Experience, the tribute store is the place to stock up on seasonal merchandise during events like Mardi Gras, Halloween Horror Nights and Holidays. Each room is an experience in itself, exceptionally themed to the season it represents.

Score the highest in the vehicle on Men in Black: Alien Attack

One of the best parts of Men in Black: Alien Attack is the competition that always arises between my friends. Everyone has their personal secrets to getting the highest score, so suit up, push the red button and find yours!

Convert money with a Goblin

As Gringotts Bank is the centerpiece of The Wizarding World of Universal – Diagon Alley, it’s only fitting you can convert some of your money to Gringotts Bank Notes. A goblin will help you with the transaction and the notes can be used in select places around the Universal Orlando Resort.

Scream on the Incredible Hulk Roller Coaster

Sometimes the classics really are the best and I’m sure you’ll agree as you’re launching 67 mph into a double-loop on The Incredible Hulk Coaster. For the non-coaster lovers, watching riders plunge  right under your feet is almost as exhilarating!

Sacrifice your fears on the Ko’okiri Body Plunge

Volcano Bay’s centerpiece volcano, Krakatau, is already pretty impressive, but imagine basically freefalling from the summit! Try to decipher your heartbeat from the pounding drums seconds before plunging over 100-feet back down to the tropical paradise of the water theme park.

Stay in a Themed Kids Suite

You think riding the movies is a blast, try sleeping in them! Whether you go with Jurassic World at Royal Pacific Resort or Despicable Me at Portofino Bay Hotel, you’re sure to level-up your vacation with these hotel rooms.

Try the Waturi Fusion at Volcano Bay

A gorgeous mix of four ice cream flavors (orange, blue raspberry, strawberry and banana), the Waturi Fusion is as pretty as it is delicious. Grab this treat from Koka Poroka Ice Cream Kona in the Waves Village section of the theme park. 

Ride the Hogwarts Express…both ways

Take the legendary trip from King’s Cross Station in the London area of Universal Studios Florida to Hogsmeade Station in Universal Islands of Adventure and then back again for a completely different experience.

Score unique merch at the UNVRS store

Find some cool merchandise at the new UNVRS store in Universal Studios Florida! Full of trendy clothing items, like an incredible Jurassic Park cardigan, this is your one-stop-shop to buy the newest and coolest things from your favorite films.

Rent a cabana at Volcano Bay

Nothing says vacation luxury quite like a poolside cabana. But have you ever experienced a volcano-side cabana? Make sure that next time someone asks you that you can say yes.

Meet the Raptors of Jurassic World

 You approach the Raptor paddocks; your guard’s high as the creature lunges and shrieks. Just when you let it down enough to snap a picture, it comes at you! Meet movie-star Blue or one of her siblings over at Islands of Adventure’s Raptor Encounter

Experience the wizarding world at night

If you thought it was magical during the day, just wait until the sun sets. A ride on Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure at night is one of the most perfectly immersive (and thrilling!) experiences in the whole theme park.

Universal Orlando’s Horror Make-Up Show

 One of Universal Picture’s defining qualities is its special effects. Laugh along with the cast of the show as you learn all about the backside of horror movie effects.

Get the high score on Illumination’s Villan-Con Minion Blast

If you have a competitive streak and dream of having your name broadcast for everyone to see, grab a blaster and take your chance. Good luck!

Hug your favorite character

Is there anything better than meeting your childhood — or let’s be real — adult hero? Whether that be SpongeBob, Shrek, or one of Illuminations Minions, don’t pass up the opportunity to say hi! Some of my favorite meet-and greets are at Illumination Theater in Minion Land and throughout the streets of the Hollywood area.

Talk with Vol or The Mystic Fountain

Almost like magic, these spirits talk back. Vol, hidden deep within Krakatau is my favorite (I used to guard the waters of Volcano Bay’s Waves Village), but the mischievous Mystic Fountain in The Lost Continent is just as fun and willing to get you wet!

Eat Green Eggs and Ham

I can almost bet you’ve been wanting to try the iconic food from the world of Dr. Seuss since you first read the book in first grade. The aptly named Green Eggs & Ham Cafe is your place to grab Green Eggs & Ham Who Hash.

Take the Water Taxi to your hotel room

Talk about rolling into the parks in style; Hard Rock Hotel, Loews Portofino Bay Resort, Loews Royal Pacific and Lowes Sapphire Falls all offer water taxi service between the resort and CityWalk. It’s the perfect way to transition to a relaxing evening after a busy day in the parks!

Learn the spiel on the CityWalk moving walkway

If “The moving walkway exit is approaching please watch your step,” isn’t ingrained into your mind before you leave, then you haven’t spent enough time in the Universal Orlando theme parks. Back on the moving walkway!

Acquaint yourself with the Dark Arts in Knockturn Alley

If I’m being honest, it took me multiple visits to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Diagon Alley before I stumbled into Knockturn Alley. Browse Borgin and Burkes and meet some of the shrunken heads in this spooky alley.

Try one of the six Butterbeer variations

Everyone has a favorite type of Butterbeer they will defend to the end. Which will be your go-to: hot, cold, frozen, fudge, potted cream or ice cream?

Get decked out in your Hogwarts house gear

Robes, scarves and everything in between… the wizarding world has everything you need to represent your house colors with pride. Head to Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions to get the perfect outfits for — well — all occasions!

Grab a Pint at the Duff Brewery Beer Garden and a Krusty Burger from Springfield, U.S.A.

Many of our favorite treats from “The Simpsons” can be found at Fast Food Boulevard.

Take Center Stage at Rising Star

Fulfill your pop star dreams at CityWalk’s Rising Star. Trust me, this is karaoke like you’ve never done before.

Get one of Jacques’ Specialty Milkshakes at The Toothsome Chocolate Emporium

These shakes have to be seen to be believed, and boy have they been seen! With toppings as extravagant as slices of cake and an entire cookie, watching people devour them is half of the fun!

So there you have it! There’s a lot of Universal Orlando to explore, so jump on it!

How many of these have you done? What’s on your Universal Orlando Bucket List? Let us know on social media or in the comments below! Check out this article for more things to do around the resort!

The post Ultimate Bucket List for Universal Orlando Resort appeared first on Discover Universal.

Detalhes revelados sobre os mais novos hotéis do Universal Orlando

Ficar em um  hotel do Universal Orlando Resort é uma forma de arte, e pessoal, eu sou uma artista. Não só liderei o planejamento de inúmeras estadias de todos os tipos de férias, mas também passei muitas horas relaxantes jantando, explorando e simplesmente relaxando em cada hotel (dá uma olhadinha na biografia da autora e me encontre no Strong Water Tavern na maioria dos fins de semana). Minha cabeça deitou no travesseiro de todos os oito hotéis da Universal atualmente existentes e até escrevi minha homenagem a eles neste artigo.

Portanto, você pode confiar na minha experiência quando digo que os mais novos hotéis da Universal, Universal Stella Nova Resort e Universal Terra Luna Resort, que serão inaugurados em 21 de Janeiro de 2025 e 25 de Fevereiro de 2025, respectivamente, serão adições maravilhosas a uma linha de hotéis já bastante fenomenal.

Cada hotel de 750 quartos se concentra em um aspecto diferente do mundo astronômico, de planetas terrestres a galáxias celestes. As propriedades são diferentes o suficiente para serem únicas, mas compartilham uma vibe parecida, enfatizando diferentes elementos do mundo extraterrestre em sua temática.

“Traçamos uma linha entre o espaço e as viagens espaciais e a maravilha e a aura do espaço”, diz Russ Dagon, vice-presidente sênior de desenvolvimento de resorts da Universal. “Queríamos tentar capturar essa experiência mágica do espaço. Era realmente sobre a aura e o mistério de tudo isso.”

O Stella Nova Resort é inspirado nas estrelas. Esta propriedade celeste transportará os hóspedes para as galáxias. Do lobby cavernoso com casulos semelhantes a estalactites pendurados no teto às imagens gigantes das galáxias encontradas em todo o hotel (que são fotos reais capturadas por telescópios), nenhuma pedra lunar foi deixada de lado quando se trata do tema.

O Terra Luna Resort tem uma abordagem mais terrestre, com inspiração nos planetas e terrenos ao redor do nosso sistema solar. Ao entrar no também cavernoso lobby, você será recebido por um planeta interativo projetado. Os esquemas de cores em Terra Luna se combinam para criar uma atmosfera de outro mundo, o que obviamente é ótimo como um lugar de descanso para aqueles que visitam os outros mundos nos parques temáticos da Universal.

A parte externa dos hotéis é também uma bela visão, já que os prédios são cobertos com mais de 125.000 revestimentos que mudam de cor. O time criativo viu um gráfico galáctico que capturou a essência dos hotéis e pensou em maneiras de transpor a imagem em um edifício.

“Se você olhar durante o dia – dependendo do dia e da luz – é uma experiência diferente,” diz Dagon. “Você pode dirigir até o Universal Boulevard e parecer uma coisa em um determinado momento e então, se a luz bater, ela vai mudar.”

Jessica Iaconis, a diretora assistente de design do projeto, descreve esse efeito como dicroico e explica que os hotéis mudarão conforme você se movimenta pelas propriedades. Isso torna a experiência do hotel dinâmica. À noite, telhas de aço inoxidável escondidas iluminarão os hotéis em uma galáxia de estrelas.

Cada uma das propriedades possui uma linda piscina, bar e restaurante ao lado da piscina, e uma variedade deliciosa de comidas dentro do hotel. No que diz respeito aos benefícios, estes hotéis entregam. Na abertura, as opções de transporte para os parques existentes da Universal (Universal Studios Florida, Universal Islands of Adventure e Universal Volcano Bay) será um bônus para aqueles planejando uma viagem e buscando novas maneiras de explorar a Universal. Eles também estarão localizados ao lado do futuro parque temático Universal Epic Universe, que vai abrir mais adiante em 2025. Mas estar perto dos parques temáticos não é o único benefício…

Entrada antecipada ao parque (É necessário ter um ingresso válido para os parques temáticos; atrações selecionadas)

Transporte de ônibus gratuito

Pagamento em todos os estabelecimentos do Resort com a chave do quarto

Entrega gratuita de produtos comprados no complexo no Hotel (Restrições se aplicam)

A notícia realmente, realmente boa? As reservas já estão disponíveis. Agora. O que significa, essencialmente, que a esta altura do próximo ano a minha cabeça terá deitado nos travesseiros de dez hotéis da Universal. Eu realmente não posso esperar e você também não deveria.

Fique ligado no blog Discover Universal para mais notícias sobre o que está por vir no Universal Orlando Resort!

The post Detalhes revelados sobre os mais novos hotéis do Universal Orlando appeared first on Discover Universal.

Details Revealed About Universal Orlando Resort’s Newest Hotels

Staying at a Universal Orlando Resort hotel is an art form, and folks — I am An Artist. Not only have I spearheaded the planning for countless stays of every vacation variety, but I’ve also spent many a relaxing hour dining, exploring, and just absolutely thriving at each hotel (peek the author bio and catch me at Strong Water Tavern most weekends). My head has hit the pillow at all eight currently-existing Universal hotels and I even penned my opus and homage to them in this article.

And so, you can trust my expertise when I tell you that Universal’s newest hotels — Universal Stella Nova Resort and Universal Terra Luna Resort, opening January 21, 2025 and February 25, 2025, respectively — are going to be wonderful additions to an already pretty dang phenomenal line-up of hotels. 

Each 750-room hotel focuses on a different aspect of the astronomical world, from terrestrial planets to celestial galaxies. The properties are different enough to be unique, but share a generally cohesive vibe, emphasizing different elements of the extraterrestrial world in their theming.

“We drew a line between space and space travel and the wonder and aura of space,” says Russ Dagon, the senior vice president for resort development with Universal. “We wanted to try to capture that magical experience of space. It was really about the aura and the mystery of it all.”

Stella Nova Resort is inspired by the stars. This celestial property will transport guests into the galaxies. From the cavernous lobby with stalactite-like cocoons hanging from the ceiling to the giant images of the galaxies found throughout the hotel (which are actual pictures captured from telescopes), no moon stone was left unturned when it comes to the theming.

Terra Luna Resort takes a more terrestrial approach, with inspiration from the planets and terrain around our solar system. Stepping into the also-cavernous lobby, you’ll be greeted by an interactive projected planet. The color schemes in Terra Luna Resort combine to create an atmosphere that is otherworldly, which is obviously very apt as a resting place for those visiting the other worlds throughout Universal’s theme parks. 

The exteriors of the hotels are truly a sight to see, too, as the buildings are covered with over 125,000 color-changing tiles. The creative team saw a galaxy graphic they felt captured the overall essence of the hotels and brainstormed ways to transpose the image onto a building. 

“If you see it during the day — depending on the day and the lighting — it’s a different experience,” Dagon says. “You can drive down Universal Boulevard and it looks like one thing at one point in time and then — if the light hits it — it changes.”

Jessica Iaconis, the assistant director of facility design on the project, describes this effect as dichroic and elaborates that the hotels will change as you move around the properties. It makes the hotel’s experience dynamic; at night, hidden stainless steel tiles will illuminate the hotels into a galaxy of stars. 

Each property has a beautiful swimming pool, poolside bar and grill, and a delicious line-up of on-property dining options. As far as benefits are concerned, these hotels deliver. At opening, their transportation options to Universal’s existing theme parks (Universal Studios Florida, Universal Islands of Adventure and Universal Volcano Bay) will be a major bonus for those planning a trip and looking for a new way to explore Universal. They will also be located adjacent to the future site of the new Universal Epic Universe theme park, which will open at a later date in 2025. But being close to the theme parks isn’t the only theme park benefit…

Early Park Admission (Valid theme park admission required; select attractions)

Complimentary Shuttle Bus Transportation

Resort Charging with Room Key

Merchandise Delivery to Hotel (Restrictions apply)

The really, really good news? Bookings are available right. now. Which essentially means that by this time next year my head will have hit the pillows at ten Universal hotels. I truly cannot wait and neither should you.

Stay tuned to Discover Universal blog for more news on what’s on the horizon at Universal Orlando Resort!

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Detalles revelados sobre los hoteles más nuevos de Universal Orlando

Alojarse en un  hotel de Universal Orlando Resort es una forma de arte, y amigos, soy una artista. No solo he encabezado la planificación  de innumerables estadías de todo tipo de vacaciones, sino que también he pasado muchas horas relajantes cenando, explorando y relajándome absolutamente en cada hotel (ve la biografía de la autora y encuéntreme en Strong Water Tavern la mayoría de los fines de semana). Mi cabeza ha golpeado la almohada de los ocho hoteles Universal que existen actualmente e incluso escribí mi homenaje a ellos en este artículo.

Por lo tanto, puedes confiar en mi experiencia cuando te digo que los hoteles más nuevos de Universal, Universal Stella Nova Resort y Universal Terra Luna Resort, que abrirán en 21 de enero de 2025 y 25 de febrero de 2025, respectivamente, serán maravillosas adiciones a una línea de hoteles ya bastante fenomenales.

Cada hotel de 750 habitaciones se centra en un aspecto diferente del mundo astronómico, desde planetas terrestres hasta galaxias celestes. Las propiedades son lo suficientemente diferentes como para ser únicas, pero comparten un ambiente generalmente cohesivo, enfatizando diferentes elementos del mundo extraterrestre en su temática.

“Trazamos una línea entre el espacio y los viajes espaciales y la maravilla y el aura del espacio”, dice Russ Dagon, vicepresidente senior de desarrollo de resorts de Universal. “Queríamos tratar de capturar esa experiencia mágica del espacio. Realmente se trataba del aura y el misterio de todo”.

Stella Nova Resort se inspira en las estrellas. Esta propiedad celestial transportará a los visitantes a las galaxias. Desde el lobby cavernoso con capullos similares a estalactitas que cuelgan del techo hasta las imágenes gigantes de las galaxias que se encuentran en todo el hotel (que son imágenes reales capturadas con telescopios), no se dejó ninguna piedra lunar sin remover cuando se trata de la temática.

Terra Luna Resort adopta un enfoque más terrestre, inspirándose en los planetas y el terreno que rodea nuestro sistema solar. Al entrar en el lobby también cavernoso, serás recibido por un planeta proyectado interactivo. Los esquemas de color en Terra Luna se combinan para crear una atmósfera que es de otro mundo, que obviamente es muy apta como lugar de descanso para aquellos que visitan los otros mundos en los parques temáticos de Universal.

Los exteriores de los hoteles también son realmente un espectáculo digno de ver, ya que los edificios están cubiertos con más de 125.000 azulejos que cambian de color. El equipo creativo vio un gráfico galáctico que, en su opinión, capturaba la esencia general de los hoteles e hizo una lluvia de ideas sobre formas de trasladar la imagen a un edificio.

“Si lo ves durante el día, dependiendo del día y de la iluminación, es una experiencia diferente”, dice Dagon. “Puedes conducir por Universal Boulevard y parece una cosa en un momento dado y luego, si la luz la golpea, cambia”.

Jessica Iaconis, la directora asistente de diseño de este proyecto, describe este efecto como dicroico y explica que los hoteles cambiarán a medida que te muevas por las propiedades. Hace que la experiencia del hotel sea dinámica. Por la noche, las baldosas ocultas de acero inoxidable iluminarán los hoteles en una galaxia de estrellas.

Cada una de las propiedades tiene una linda piscina, bar y restaurante al lado de la piscina y muchas opciones deliciosas de comida dentro del hotel. Y acerca de los beneficios, estos hoteles cumplen. En la apertura, sus opciones de transporte a los parques temáticos existentes de Universal (Universal Studios Florida, Universal Islands of Adventure y Universal Volcano Bay) será una gran ventaja para aquellos que planean un viaje y que buscan nuevas maneras de explorar Universal. También se ubicarán junto al futuro sitio del nuevo parque temático Universal Epic Universe, que se inaugurará en una fecha posterior en 2025. Pero estar cerca de los parques temáticos no es el único beneficio de los parques temáticos…

Entrada temprana al parque (Se requiere un ticket válido a los parques; atracciones seleccionadas)

Transporte en autobús de cortesía

Pagar cosas en el resort con la llave de la habitación

Entrega gratis de compras hechas en el complejo al hotel (Se aplican restricciones)

¿La muy, muy buena noticia? Las reservas están disponibles a la derecha. Ahora. Lo que esencialmente significa que para esta época del próximo año mi cabeza habrá golpeado las almohadas en diez hoteles Universal. Realmente no puedo esperar y tú tampoco deberías.

¡Estén atentos al blog Discover Universal para obtener más noticias sobre las novedades de Universal Orlando Resort!

The post Detalles revelados sobre los hoteles más nuevos de Universal Orlando appeared first on Discover Universal.

Guide to the Studio Tour 60th Anniversary Celebration at Universal Studios Hollywood

Happy 60th Anniversary to the World-Famous Studio Tour! This beloved attraction isn’t just a fan favorite; it kicked off a series of innovations that completely reshaped the themed entertainment industry. To honor this game-changing tram tour, Universal Studio Hollywood has a whole bunch of vintage-inspired fun in store from April 26 to August 11, 2024.

A (very) quick history lesson: The Studio Tour began in 1964 as Universal Studios’ humble effort to get tourists onto the lot to pay for lunch at the commissary. Guests paid $2.50, hopped aboard a candy-striped “GlamorTram,” and got to peek at film sets, a stunt show, a makeup demonstration and a costume show. In doing so, Universal effectively demystified the movie-making process, as film sets had until then been largely closed off to the public. But beyond that, the Universal Studio Tour birthed a series of innovations that changed entertainment forever. Showcasing practical effects on the Studio Tour led to creating thrill rides based on beloved movies, which led to…well, what Universal Studios Hollywood is today. 

Six decades and over 200 million guests later, the Studio Tour basically invented the modern theme park. So how could Universal not throw a party for it? Here’s everything you need to know about the celebrations for the 60th Anniversary of the Studio Tour at Universal Studios Hollywood.

A Special Edition Studio Tour 

Even if you’ve been on the Studio Tour before, you’ve definitely never experienced what the 60th Anniversary of the Studio Tour has to over. Naturally, the biggest Studio Tour celebrations are happening on the attraction itself. The whole tour is getting a makeover for its anniversary, including updated decor, new scripts for the tour guides, and new media content (featuring new celebrity cameos) you’ll watch on the tour.

The trams themselves are getting in on the fun, too: several will be made up to look like old school, candy-striped Glamor Trams, just like those from the 1960s. Plus, new (and oh-so quiet) electric trams will take guests cruising through the past in modern style. 

Step Onto an Iconic Movie Set 

The 60th Anniversary Studio Tour is so much more than a makeover. For the first time in decades, guests will get to step off the Studio Tour trams and experience the studio backlot by foot! Once the tram reaches a certain well-known movie set, you’ll get to deboard for some extra special photo ops. Not only will you get an opportunity to get up close and personal with an old-school Glamor Tram, but you’ll get unique photo ops inspired by some of Universal’s most adored blockbusters. Some of those include special, cinematic AR filters, but we’ll keep that as a fun surprise. 

And, just a heads up, you are on one of the creepiest sets in movie history. Keep an eye out for a certain someone lurking around the set. He just might be amenable to a selfie — if you’re lucky. 

Experience Historic Studio Tour Moments

The World-Famous Studio Tour is always a fun history lesson, but this special version will really relish in the legacy of this iconic attraction. Several iterations of the Studio Tour have traversed the studio backlot. That means celebrated experiences have come and gone, including the Parting of the Red Sea, the Ice Tunnel, and so many more. This year’s gussied-up tour will give you a taste of those retired moments: as you pass the location of an erstwhile Studio Tour moment, the tram screens will display what Classic Moment used to be there. For history nerds like me, this is huge.

Even better, though: one of those Classic Moments is returning to the World-Famous Studio Tour for this celebratory event! The Runaway Train, which originally ran from 1974-1985, is back in action for the 60th Anniversary of the Studio Tour. (An archival photo of the original is shown above.) If you want to see an old-school attraction up and running again, you’ll definitely need to take a spin on the Studio Tour this summer. 

A New Look For a Beloved Classic 

One beloved Studio Tour moment has a whole new look for 2024. “Earthquake – The Big One” which replicates an 8.3 Richter scale seismic shift inside a 1989 San Francisco BART station, has been revamped as a modern subway stop, complete with electric bikes and sleek white tiles. Don’t worry, “Earthquake – The Big One” hasn’t lost any of the thrills its namesake promises. Complete with a fire, a ceiling crashing in, a gas tank sliding into the station, a flood — all fabricated with practical effects, of course – the 21st century spin on the crowd favorite won’t disappoint. 

Celebratory Food and Beverage Offerings

What’s a celebration without party food, right? Throughout the festivities, Universal will have special, retro-inspired eats, drinks and desserts available throughout the park. Here’s what you can expect on the food and beverage front:

Special Edition Popcorn Bucket

Great news for collectors: for the 60th Anniversary of the Studio Tour, Universal Studios Hollywood is rolling out one of its more adorable popcorn buckets ever. Classic Universal cartoon character Woody Woodpecker helms the Studio Tour on this delightful snack vessel. Woody might not actually drive the Glamor Tram in real life, but let us dream, OK?

Festive Drinks

The park has two celebratory drinks on tap to honor the 60th. And they are both, in a word, extra— in the very best way. First is the non-alcoholic Lava Lamp, a swirl of Sprite, alcohol-free blue Curaçao, grenadine and sparkling cranberry juice, topped with blue raspberry Pop Rocks. 

For the 21+ crowd, there’s the Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend, a vodka hibiscus lemonade; the Shark Bite, a tequila-based drink with tropical vibes and a shark lollipop; the Old Hollywood, with whiskey, a root beer liqueur and cream soda; and the rum-based Kong Tiki which, appropriately, uses banana and other fruit flavors. When I said extra, I meant it. 

Celebratory Snacks

Guests can enjoy 60th Anniversary snacks on-the-go, too. City Snack Shop, a to-go stand flanking Production Plaza on the Upper Lot, is offering giant pretzels shaped like the number 60, special edition Banana Breath Popcorn (that’s caramel + banana chips), and a whole lineup of commemorative sugar cookies — including one shaped like a candy-striped Glamor Tram. Just don’t forget to Instagram it before you take a bite!

Nostalgic Meals

You’ll find the bulk of the Studio Tour 60th Anniversary offerings at Hollywood & Dine and Mel’s, two eateries located on the Upper Lot. Hollywood & Dine will boast a drool-worthy slate of sandwiches — smoked brisket, BBQ cheeseburger, BBQ pulled pork, and BBQ grilled chicken — all on adorable Woody Woodpecker buns. Over at Mel’s, guests will nosh on fried chicken and meatloaf served on throwback combo trays. It’s just so charmingly ‘60s, isn’t it? 

Delightful Desserts

If you’re a can’t-skip-dessert person like me, you’ll be particularly amped for the Studio Tour 60th anniversary. Over at Hollywood & Dine, guests can dig into sweets inspired by Woody Woodpecker’s pal Chilly Willy: the Chilly Willy Funnel Cake, and the Chilly Willy snowball. Film Reel Cookie Sandwich, which is a sugar cookie with cream filling shaped, yes, like a film reel. Lights! Camera! Dig in! 

Down on the Lower Lot, Studio Scoop has whipped up some throwback treats for the festivities, too. You might need a buddy to dig into Kong’s Ice Cream Sundae, a gigantic banana split topped with strawberry, chocolate, waffle cone chunks, candy bananas, whipped cream, banana chips and a 60th Anniversary cookie. If you don’t have a Kong-sized appetite, try the Glam Tram Cone: vanilla soft serve with a strawberry flavor swirl, also topped with a 60th Anniversary cookie. 

And don’t miss out on the big daddy of ‘em all: the 60th Donut. It’s technically two donuts covered in blue icing and candy pearls, because we’re just that serious about celebrating. 

PRO TIP: In-between sundaes and donuts, keep your eyes peeled for blue signs reading HERE BACK THEN all throughout the theme park. When you scan the QR code, you’ll get a look at the retired attractions or shows that used to stand in that same spot. 

Limited-Edition Throwback Merch

The Studio Tour 60th aesthetic is looking cute. Inspired by the red and white stripes on the original Glamor Trams, these shirts, jackets, hats, mugs, cups and so much more will be available at Universal Studio Store at CityWalk, Universal Studio Store (inside the theme park) and Production Central (also inside the theme park) all celebration long. Because we all want a piece of history all to ourselves, right? 

That’s what’s on the docket for the Studio Tour 60th Anniversary celebration at Universal Studios Hollywood! What’s your favorite part of the backlot tour? Let us know in the comments below. 

Must be 21 years and older with valid identification to purchase or drink alcoholic beverages.

The post Guide to the Studio Tour 60th Anniversary Celebration at Universal Studios Hollywood appeared first on Discover Universal.