Guide to Mario Kart: Bowser’s Challenge in SUPER NINTENDO WORLD at Universal Studios Hollywood

In 1992, players pressed “start” on Mario Kart. Brothers Mario and Luigi, who’d been around since the mid-80s, took us on various kart races for the very first time.  

In the gaming world Mario Kart was — well — a game-changer. And still is.

Mario Kart: Bowser’s Challenge in SUPER NINTENDO WORLD at Universal Studios Hollywood is groundbreaking, putting guests in the driver’s seat for an immersive, unprecedented ride experience. Whether you’re a skilled racer or have never held a controller in your entire life, you’re up for this challenge. And Mario Kart is a must-do on your Universal Studios Hollywood itinerary

Let’s-a go!

PRO TIP: Depending on the day, you may need to make a reservation to enter SUPER NINTENDO WORLD. Once you’ve entered Universal Studios Hollywood, open the official Universal Studios Hollywood app on your phone to select the number of people in your party (up to 10) and join the virtual queue for the same day. You’ll still wait in line for the ride, but there’s plenty of fun to be had in the queue.


The long-standing rivalry between Mario and Bowser is as fierce as ever! The fire-breathing Koopa has been plotting the perfect plan to defeat Team Mario on the racetrack. You’ll get into your own four-person kart and join Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Princess Daisy, Toad, and Yoshi to help them win the Golden Cup. But it is Mario Kart, so don’t expect a seamless ride…


Once you’re through the green pipe and into the Mario Kart: Bowser’s Challenge queue, you’ll land on Yoshi’s Island themed spaces. The first one is a whimsical cave-like area, filled with colorful gems and stars, followed by a two-level outdoor room.

You’ll soon reach my favorite part of the line: Bowser’s Castle. This section of the queue is elevated to the second story of the land, and has one of the best views of the entire Mushroom Kingdom — a great spot to stop and take it all in (and take some pictures, too!). You’ll spend the rest of your time in the queue inside Bowser’s Castle. As soon as you walk through the castle gate, you’ll come face to face with an impressive statue of Bowser, which definitely warrants another photo. 

You’ll move through several rooms within the Castle, from the hall of medallions and trophies, to the study where Bowser plots mischievous schemes to defeat Mario and his friends, past his impressive collection of books (take a moment to read the book titles — the references are genius!), to the factory which produces Bob-ombs and Mechakoopas.

You’ll then proceed into two pre-shows. There, you’ll gear up for the race and learn about the ride functionalities on the screens in front of you — how to steer your vehicle, throw shells, collect coins, etc. Next, you’ll grab your Mario-hat-looking visor and adjust it on your head (make sure it’s firm, but comfortable) and board the attraction. Once you’re on the ride, attach the goggles in front of you onto your visor.



If you’ve played Mario Kart before, then you know the kart-racing adventures never go smoothly, not even for the most skilled drivers. You can always count on multiple obstacles to throw you off-course, be they slippery banana peels or sneaky Bob-ombs and Bullet Bills along the way. Well, Mario Kart: Bowser’s Challenge at Universal Studios Hollywood is no different.

“If you look around while you’re riding the attraction, you’ll be able to see your favorite characters racing beside you,” says Abbye Finnan, show producer on SUPER NINTENDO WORLD. “But what makes the ride brilliant is that you’re getting a unique experience by being able to compete with, let’s say, your little brother for coins and points.” Nothing like a dash of competition to elevate the fun!

Once you enter your four-seat vehicle, there are three things you must do before starting your engines:

Pull down your lap bar

Pick up the goggles in front of you and attach them to your visor

If you have one, tap your Power-Up Band on the “M” on the steering wheel so you can track your points. And, if they have Power-Up Bands as well, you can compete with friends and family! You can still play even if you don’t have a Power-Up band, but it surely adds to the fun!

Ready, set… let’s-a go!

As soon as Lakitu gives the 3, 2, 1 signal, you’re off!

Use your steering wheel to move right and left and drive through multiple courses. While you’re at it, make sure you collect any coins you find along the way. Can you get over 100 coins?

But great driving skills alone won’t cut it — you’ll have to use the two buttons at the top of your steering wheel to throw shells at Koopas and other enemies to earn points and defeat Team Bowser. The secret to hitting your targets with your shells is look to aim — wherever you look, that’s where your shell is going to hit. I see you, Goomba! You’ll eventually come face-to-face with Bowser, and when you do, send off as many shells as you possibly can!

Will Team Mario always win? I wish (although I have been developing a soft spot for Bowser lately). “Just like in the video game, there are different outcomes to the attraction. So depending on how many coins you get, Bowser’s team can win,” says Abbye. Great excuse to come back and ride it again, am I right?

KNOW BEFORE YOU GO: You can purchase your Power-Up Band, themed to your favorite character, at stores around Universal Studios Hollywood and CityWalk, as well as at 1-UP Factory, the SUPER NINTENDO WORLD exclusive store. To learn more about Power-Up Bands, check our Guide to SUPER NINTENDO WORLD.  Download the Universal Studios Hollywood App before you arrive so you can sync your Power-Up Band before entering SUPER NINTENDO WORLD and playing Mario Kart.


–   Single Rider available

–   Height requirement: 40” (102 cm)

–   Children under 48” (122 cm) require a supervising companion

–   Ride type: not a coaster, but it’s a 3D and 4D dark ride

–   Child Swap is available upon request

– Universal Express Pass is not available at this time (but is available for VIP Tour guests)


Once you walk through the life-sized green pipe and into the Mushroom Kingdom, you’re immediately transported to the world of Mario and Luigi, where you can punch ? Blocks, collect digital coins (so long as you have a Power-Up Band), and explore the Frosted Glacier area while peeping into the binoculars for fun surprises.

Here’s how to have the most fun in Universal Studios Hollywood’s SUPER NINTENDO WORLD, besides riding Mario Kart: Bowser’s Challenge, of course!

Play the four main Key Challenges around the land — my favorite one is Piranha Plant Nap Mishap!

As you walk around the land from challenge to challenge, stop by the Meet and Greet spots for a quick hello and photo with Mario, Luigi, Toad and Princess Peach. (Yes, that’s me in the photo above. I’m a fan.)

Make a pit stop at 1-UP Factory to grab your favorite SUPER NINTENDO WORLD merchandise — the ? Block reversible pillow turns into a Super Star so that’s a no-brainer. 

This land also has some of the best food and drink at Universal Studios Hollywood. Start or end your day at Toadstool Cafe — Just be sure to make a reservation in advance. And don’t miss my personal favorite menu item, the Super Star Lemon Squash! Take a peek at the Toadstool Cafe menu right here

Let us know in the comments below who won the race in Mario Kart: Bowser’s Challenge when you played: Team Mario or Team Bowser? If you haven’t been yet, tell us what you’re looking forward to experiencing at Universal Studios Hollywood!

The post Guide to Mario Kart: Bowser’s Challenge in SUPER NINTENDO WORLD at Universal Studios Hollywood appeared first on Discover Universal.

Universal Epic Universe: Tudo o que nós sabemos sobre o novo parque temático

O Universal Epic Universe começou como um desenho em um guardanapo.

“Aqui está o esboço de como isso poderia funcionar”, Mark Woodbury disse em 2016. Naquela época, o atual CEO da Universal era presidente de Universal Creative e tinha acabado de pedir para sua equipe de fazer uma sessão de ideias com um tópico na agenda: “O que nós criaríamos se tivéssemos a oportunidade de construir um novo parque nos Estados Unidos?”

Aparentemente, um novo universo inteiro.

Corta para quase uma década depois e aqui estou eu compartilhando com você os primeiros detalhes mais esperados e exclusivos sobre o Universal Epic Universe, o parque mais imersivo e interativo já construído, que abre em 2025.

O que é o Universal Epic Universe?

Vamos começar com o básico. O Epic Universe é o quarto parque temático do Universal Orlando Resort, construído em uma área de 750 acres, apenas a alguns quilômetros do Universal Studios Florida, Universal Islands of Adventure e Universal Volcano Bay. Esse novo parque vai transportar os visitantes para mundos expansivos e vívidos repletos de atrações inspiradoras, entretenimento, restaurantes e mais.

Como chegar ao Epic? Ao invés de parar no estacionamento principal e acessar os parques pelo Universal CityWalk, você vai dirigir diretamente ao local do novo parque temático (e sim, também haverá transporte grátis que conecta todo o complexo do Universal Orlando Resort!)

De tecnologia de ponta (esqueça ingressos, estamos usando validação por foto!) até uma inovadora montanha-russa de corrida e cinco mundos diferentes conectados por portais míticos, o Epic é transformador em muitos níveis. 

“Epic é o futuro encontrando o presente,” diz Gabriela Lander, diretora de Facility Design para o Universal Creative, que esteve envolvida no projeto do Epic (o que naquela época era chamado de “novo projeto”) desde a primeira sessão de brainstorm. “Nós teremos um parque onde poderemos andar pela natureza e sermos guiados pelas estrelas, cercados pelos elementos icônicos que materializam sonhos em mundos imersivos de histórias épicas, e com um nível de tecnologia que levará a experiência para um outro nível,” ela acrescenta.

Inspirado pelo paraíso, estrelas e constelações, o parque temático oferece um novo nível inteiro de experiências ao colocar os visitantes em cinco mundos completamente temáticos. “Nós estamos contando histórias que se conectam com nossos visitantes, deixando-os imersos desde o portão de entrada,” diz Tate Tathem, o diretor criativo executivo para o Universal Epic Universe, que se mudou para Orlando desde Osaka, Japão, para trabalhar neste projeto. “A Universal redefiniu o entretenimento de parques temáticos para sempre. Nós estamos estabelecendo um novo parâmetro, e é isso o que significa ser um parque temático moderno,” ele acrescenta.

Você consegue imaginar como deve ser trabalhar em um projeto por tanto tempo, não poder falar sobre ele, e então finalmente começar a ver ele se tornando realidade? “É uma das experiências mais recompensadoras da minha vida,” diz Gabriela. “Este parque Incrível foi de uma ideia para um projeto, e de um projeto para um canteiro de obras, onde todos os dias você pode ver novas partes sendo construídas ou instaladas. A quantidade de talento investido em produzir um novo parque temático, que vai muito além do que nós já fizemos, é uma experiência que enche o coração.” Ela atribui a grandiosidade do Epic Universe à diversidade de talentos envolvidos em sua criação. “É um reflexo direto da diversidade de culturas, raças, religiões, habilidades, experiências e gêneros representados nesse projeto através dos nossos membros de equipe,” diz Gabriela.

Mas como o Epic funciona?

Epic Universe é feito de cinco mundos diferentes que partem do Celestial Park, o primeiro mundo que você vai vivenciar após passar pelo Emerald Gate e o Chronos, que ficam na entrada do Epic. “Na nossa história, Chronos é essa máquina gigante usada para coletar a energia do Universo que faz todo o Celestial Park funcionar, permitindo que possamos abrir os portais para outros mundos,” explica Adam Rivest, produtor executivo do Celestial Park, que trabalha na Universal há 24 anos e foi a pessoa que organizou a primeira geração de ideias sobre o Epic quase uma década atrás – sim, a mesma reunião em que a Gabriela estava, e onde eles puderam ver o terreno disposto sobre a mesa. Círculo completo.

Uma vez no Celestial Park (e eu vou falar mais sobre ele abaixo), você terá acesso aos quatro portais, que são estruturas grandes parecidas com um obelisco, que te levarão a outros mundos imersivos e completamente temáticos. E eles são (que rufem os tambores, por favor)… 

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter — Ministry of Magic


How to Train Your Dragon — Isle of Berk

Dark Universe

“Nunca antes os visitantes puderam estar imersos tão profundamente nessas histórias como quando eles cruzarem os quatro portais,” diz Steve. “Eles vão estar cara a cara com monstros assustadores, vão domar dragões, encontrar novas eras mágicas e decifrar códigos para ganhar pontos em um jogo de tamanho real.” E todas essas narrativas existem dentro de um gigante — você adivinhou — universo épico.

“Tem um pouquinho para cada pessoa,” Adam acrescenta. “Nós temos mundos que são mais voltados para as crianças, alguns mais voltados para os aventureiros, outros mais voltados para adultos. Tem uma boa mistura e dentro de cada mundo também há experiências atrativas para diversas faixas etárias”

E enquanto eu ainda não posso dar mais detalhes dos mundos, eu posso te dar uma pincelada do Celestial Park e a história por trás do Epic Universe (é a Universal, claro que tem uma história!).

Celestial Park

Colocando de forma simples, o Celestial Park é um mundo entre mundos, onde tudo começa e termina. No Celestial Park você encontra a entrada (portais) para as outras áreas imersivas do parque temático (mundos) e também é onde você encontrará alguns dos melhores restaurantes do parque, atrações imperdíveis, lojas e o hotel mais único do portfólio da Universal. Foi criado como um espaço para as pessoas se (re)conectarem umas com as outras e com a natureza. “Nós fizemos um esforço consciente para colocar o parque de volta a um parque temático, e garantimos que ele não seria projetado com um monte de concreto e ruas de asfalto,” diz Adam.

O Celestial Park também tem a função de se transformar completamente entre o dia e a noite – durante o dia, é um jardim exuberante com fontes espetaculares, e à noite, a área inteira se acende e se transforma em um ambiente completamente diferente. É de tirar o fôlego!  

Dentro da narrativa criada para o Epic Universe, o Celestial Park é o centro de um universo em constante evolução que, através dos séculos, pessoas – artistas, músicos, exploradores, aventureiros, inventores – visitaram para se inspirarem e se conectarem, e talvez tenham deixado um pedacinho deles para trás.

“E eu acho que é isso que é o mais emocionante de tudo: nosso desejo de pertencer, de se conectar, de encontrar novas pessoas, de descobrir novos lugares, de ter novas experiências. É isso o que faz nascer grandes exploradores, o motivo das pessoas escalarem montanhas, o porquê vão em aventuras. E também o motivo de atravessarem esses portais,” diz Steve.

Aqui está tudo o que você pode encontrar no Celestial Park:

Atrações do Celestial Park

Constellation Carousel

Este lindo carrossel tem uma reviravolta – literalmente. Pode parecer um carrossel tradicional, com uma variedade de criaturas celestiais para escolher, mas conforme ele vai girando, as criaturas também giram 360º, fazendo você se sentir dentro da Via Láctea, andando em constelações através da galáxia.

“O Constellation Carousel é o carrossel mais encantador já construído,” diz Gabriela. “O design, as cores e tonalidades, o domo que o cobrirá… bem, todos os elementos usados nessa experiência são a combinação perfeita para criar um momento único ao aproveitar o Epic. O carrossel tradicional da nossa infância está sendo redefinido pelas estrelas!” A atração também é coberta por centenas de pontos de luzes estelares, criando uma ambientação cósmica de tirar o fôlego.

Starfall Racers

“O Celestial Park é sobre o paraíso, sabe? E na Starfall Racers você está andando fisicamente na cauda de um cometa,” diz Adam. Essa atração é uma montanha-russa de corrida de lançamento duplo que vai a 100km/h e alcança a altura máxima de 40 metros. “Embora ela seja gigante e pareça bem intimidadora à primeira vista, ela é desenhada para parecer como uma montanha-russa de madeira, mas suave como uma brisa. Dessa forma, você vai subir no seu assento e ter aquelas sensações de gravidade zero,” diz Adam. “Embora tenham alguns movimentos únicos, a maior parte dos trilhos de quase 3km é uma corrida lado a lado entre dois cometas para ver quem chega ao final primeiro,” ele acrescenta. Sem nenhum freio durante o percurso, por acaso.

Andar nessa atração à noite será uma experiência única – porque a montanha-russa é coberta por centenas de pontos de luz, os carrinhos parecem cometas cadentes cruzando o céu. Muito legal.

E embora eu ainda não possa te contar esse segredinho ainda, apenas saiba que tem um presente para verdadeiros fãs da Universal atrás de cada carrinho da montanha-russa. É outatime!


No centro do Celestial Park está a Astronomica, uma atração molhada e interativa desenhada como uma bússola que aponta para os portais e atrações ao redor do Epic. Uma boa dica? Certifique-se de que passará por aqui à noite também, já que a Astronomica ganha vida com luzes, cores e música!

Onde comer no Celestial Park

Por enquanto, eu posso te dizer que o Celestial Park terá dois restaurantes com visuais incríveis, Atlantic e The Blue Dragon Pan-Asian Restaurant. (Vale dizer que eu recomendo que você fique ligado para mais atualizações de restaurantes!) “Esses dois restaurantes mostram como a nossa missão culinária continua a ser: comida fresca de qualidade com uma história incrível” diz o Chef Robert Martinez Jr., chef executivo no Universal Orlando Resort. “Eu sinto que toda a minha carreira me levou para o projeto do Epic Universe. Para mim, não há nada mais recompensador do que ser parte de um projeto desde o conceito e vê-lo florescer para uma atmosfera incrível e com comida deliciosa.”

Ao desenvolver os menus para os restaurantes do Epic, o time de Food & Beverage levou todos os visitantes em consideração, garantindo que restrições alimentares e preferencias estivessem cobertas.

Um dia, a comida foi uma parte da experiência na Universal, mas hoje, em alguns casos, a comida é a experiência!” diz o Chef Martinez. “Os menus fazem parte da história da Universal e das experiências imersivas. Então, conforme mais anúncios vão saindo, apenas saiba que mais coisas muito legais virão por trás deles!”


Localizado no meio do Celestial Park, Atlantic é a “pedra preciosa” do Chef Martinez. O restaurante é cercado pelas águas cintilantes da piscina de Netuno e tem janelas Vitorianas do chão ao teto. “Ele te dá a impressão de estar comendo em um aquário de vidro ‘fora desse mundo’,” diz o Chef Martinez. O nome provavelmente já entregou, mas você poderá encontrar os peixes e frutos do mar mais frescos e opções surf and turf típicas – e não tão típicas – no menu. Mesa para um, por favor!

The Blue Dragon Pan-Asian Restaurant  

O Blue Dragon é uma verdadeira explosão de sabores. Fazendo juz aos dragões de neon elétricos que serpenteiam o interior do salão, o restaurante tem um menu vibrante e delicioso. “Nossos visitantes terão a chance de experimentar sabores da China, Sudeste Asiático e Japão, tudo enquanto comem embaixo de constelações, com lanternas dançando em cima de suas cabeças nesse pátio interno belíssimo,” diz o Chef Martinez. Se você precisa de uma pausa do ambiente movimentado, pegue um lugar no aconchegante Tiger Bar para uma ou duas bebidas.

Onde Comprar

Há várias opções de lojas para que você possa comprar lembranças no Celestial Park, incluindo a Nintendo Super Star Store. Fundada por exploradores que estiveram em várias excursões pelo SUPER NINTENDO WORLD, essa loja está cheia de lembranças coloridas com temas dos amados personagens da Nintendo. Nem preciso dizer que não existem sacolas de compras suficientes para tudo que eu quero trazer pra casa comigo.

Onde ficar

Universal Epic Universe abrirá em 2025  com três novos hotéis – sim, três novos hotéis:  Universal Helios Grand Hotel, Universal Stella Nova Resort e Universal Terra Luna Resort.

Helios Grand Hotel

Você viu aquele lindo edifício emoldurando o Epic Universe? Aquele é o Universal Helios Grand Hotel, um hotel completo para visitantes que querem aproveitar ao máximo sua estadia noUniversal Orlando Resort. Nomeado em homenagem ao Deus do Sol, Helios é onde o paraíso se une à terra: ele é adornado com padrões celestiais e detalhes das constelações na decoração e tem um clima casual e elegante inspirado no Mediterrâneo. Sentindo uma temática, né?

A coisa mais legal sobre esse hotel é que é possível ir a pé para o Epic e há uma entrada dedicada e exclusiva para o Celestial Park, fazendo com que ele seja uma das propriedades mais únicas no portfólio dos hotéis do Universal Orlando. “Do hotel, nossos visitantes poderão apreciar a vista dos lindos jardins e belezas naturais, e testemunhar sua transformação de uma atração diurna para uma visão estrelada,” diz Gabriela.

Universal Stella Nova Resort e Universal Terra Luna Resort

Galáxias e planetas inspiram esses hotéis-irmãos. Eles estão relacionados em conceito, mas oferecem duas experiências diferentes – Stella Nova possui cores verde-azuladas e roxo e representa a sua própria galáxia, com uma grande entrada que parece um vórtice de buraco negro; enquanto o Terra Luna possui cores douradas e verdes. Stella é inspirado na vastidão do universo desconhecido e o Terra é inspirado na emoção de ultrapassar os limites da descoberta. Os dois hotéis terão 750 quartos para hóspedes, amenidades de resort e diversas opções de comidas e bebidas. As fachadas exteriores estão cobertas por milhares de painéis dicroicos, com cada painel único que faz com que a fachada sempre mude dependendo de onde você está, da hora do dia e do clima. E adivinha? Você já pode reservar o seu quarto no Stella Nova (abre em 21 de Janeiro de 2025) e Terra Luna (abre em 25 de Fevereiro de 2025)! Te vejo lá!

“O Epic não é só uma ideia; é uma entidade que vive e respira que estamos criando aqui em Orlando, e muitas outras pessoas estão cuidando dele ao longo do caminho,” diz Adam. “Então é realmente emocionante estarmos prestes a compartilhar isso com o mundo.”

Bem, eu espero que você esteja tão animado com o Epic Universe quanto eu claramente estou! O que mais você quer saber sobre ele? Fique ligado aqui no blog Discover Universal para mais atualizações e inscreva-se aqui para atualizações por e-mail!

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Universal Epic Universe: Everything We Know About the New Theme Park

Universal Epic Universe started out as a doodle on a piece of napkin. 

“Here’s a layout of how this could work,” said Mark Woodbury back in 2016. At the time, Universal’s current CEO was president of Universal Creative and had just tasked his team with setting up a brainstorm session with one topic on the agenda: “What would we create if we had the opportunity to build another domestic park?” 

As it turns out, a whole new universe.

Cut to nearly a decade later and here I am sharing with you the first exclusive deep dive into the highly anticipated details around Universal Epic Universe, the most immersive and innovative park ever built, opening in 2025. 

What is Universal Epic Universe?

Let’s start with the basics. Epic Universe is Universal Orlando Resort’s fourth theme park, built on 750 acres of land, just a few miles from Universal Studios FloridaUniversal Islands of Adventure and Universal Volcano Bay. This new offering will transport guests to expansive, vivid worlds filled with awe-inspiring attractions, entertainment, hotels, dining and more. 

How do you get to Epic? Instead of parking in the main parking garage and accessing the theme parks through Universal CityWalk, you’ll drive directly to where the new theme park is located (and yes, there will also be complimentary transportation connecting the entire Universal Orlando Resort destination!).

From ground-breaking technology to an innovative racing roller coaster, to five different worlds connected through mystical portals, Epic is transformational on so many levels. 

“Epic is the future meeting the present,” says Gabriela Lander, director of Facility Design for Universal Creative, who’s been involved in the Epic project (what at the time was being called the “new project”) since the very first brainstorm session. “We’ll have a park where we’ll be able to walk through nature and be guided by the stars, surrounded by iconic elements that materialize dreams into immersive worlds of epic stories, and with a level of technology that will take the experience to a new level,” she adds.

Inspired by the exploration of unknown worlds, the theme park offers an entirely new level of experience by putting guests into five fully-themed worlds. “We’re telling stories that resonate with our guests, immersing them right from the front gate,” says Steve Tatham, the executive creative director for Universal Epic Universe, who moved back to Orlando from Osaka, Japan, to work on this project. “Universal redefined theme-park entertainment forever. We’re setting a new standard, and that’s what it means to be a modern theme park,” he adds. 

Can you imagine what it must feel like to work on a project for so long, not be able to talk about it, and then finally start to see it come to life? “It’s one of the most rewarding experiences of my life,” says Gabriela. “This amazing park went from an idea to a design, and from there to a full construction site, where everyday you see new parts being built or installed. The amount of talent invested in producing a new theme park that goes above and beyond what we have already done, is a humbling and heart-filling experience.” She attributes the greatness of Epic Universe to the diverse talent involved in its creation. “It’s a direct reflection of the multitude of cultures, races, religions, abilities, backgrounds and genders represented in this project through our Team Members,” says Gabriela.

But how does Epic work?

Epic Universe is made up of five different worlds, all connected through Celestial Park, the first world you’ll experience once you walk through the Emerald Gate and the Chronos device at the entrance to Epic. “In our story, Chronos is this giant machine used to harness the energy of the Universe that powers all of Celestial Park, allowing us to open the portals to other worlds,” explains Adam Rivest, executive producer for Celestial Park. He has worked at Universal for 24 years and was actually the one who set up that first-ever brainstorm about Epic almost a decade ago — yes, the same meeting Gabriela was in, and where they got to see the plot of the land laid out on the table. Full circle.

Once you’re in Celestial Park (and I’ll get more into it below), you’ll have access to four portals, which are tall, obelisk-like structures, that take you into the other fully-themed, immersive worlds. And they are (drumroll please)… 

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter — Ministry of Magic


How to Train Your Dragon — Isle of Berk

Dark Universe

“Never before have guests been able to immerse themselves in these stories as deeply as they do when crossing the thresholds of the four portals,” Steve says. “They’ll come face-to-face with scary monsters, they’ll tame dragons and encounter new magical eras.” And these narratives all exist within one giant — you guessed it — epic universe.

“There’s a little bit for everybody,” Adam adds. “We’ve got worlds that are more geared toward children, some that are more geared toward the adventurous, others that are geared more toward adults. There’s a nice mix and within each world there’s also levels of demographic and appeal.”

And while I cannot quite expand on any of the worlds just yet, I can give you a glimpse of Celestial Park and the lore behind Epic Universe (it’s Universal, of course there’s lore!). 

Celestial Park

Simply put, Celestial Park is a world between worlds, where everything begins and ends. Celestial Park holds the entrance (portals) to the other immersive areas of the theme park (worlds) and it’s also where you’ll find some of the best restaurants on property, must-do attractions, retail options and the most unique hotel in Universal’s portfolio. It was created as a space for people to (re)connect with each other and with nature. “We’ve made a conscious effort to put the park back into theme park, and made sure not to design it with lots of concrete and asphalt streets,” says Adam. 

Celestial Park also has a transformative function between day and night — during the day, it’s this beautiful, lush living garden with spectacular fountains, and at night, the entire area lights up and transforms into a completely different environment. It’s breathtaking.  

Within the narrative created around the lore of Epic Universe, Celestial Park is the center of an ever-evolving universe that, throughout centuries, people — artists, musicians, explorers, adventurers, inventors — have visited for inspiration and connection, and maybe left a little piece of them behind. 

“And I think that’s what’s really at the emotional core of it: our desire to belong, to connect, to meet new people, to discover new places, to have experiences. That’s what sets off great explorers, why people climb mountains, why they go on adventures. And also why they go through these portals,” says Steve.

Here’s everything else you can find in Celestial Park:

What to Ride in Celestial Park

Constellation Carousel

This beautiful carousel has a wonderful spin to it — quite literally. It may seem like a traditional carousel, with an array of celestial creatures to choose from, but as it goes round and round, the creatures are also turning 360 degrees, making you feel like you’re caught within the Milky Way, riding on constellations through the galaxy. 

“Constellation Carousel is the most enchanting carousel ever made,” says Gabriela. “The design, the colors and tones, the dome that will cover it… well, all the elements used in this experience are the perfect combination to create a unique moment while enjoying Epic. The traditional carousel of our childhood is being redefined by the stars!” The ride is also covered in hundreds of points of starlight, creating a breathtaking cosmic ambiance.

Starfall Racers

“Celestial Park is all about the heavens, you know? And on Starfall Racers you’re physically riding the embodiment of a comet,” says Adam. This attraction is a racing dual-launch coaster that goes at 62 mph and reaches a max height of 133 feet. “While it’s giant and looks really intimidating at first, it’s designed to feel like an old wooden coaster, but smooth as a button. So, you’ll rise up in your seat and get those zero G feels,” says Adam. “Although there are a couple signature moves in there, most of the 1.8 mile track is a side-by-side race between two comets to see who gets to the end first,” he adds. With no break zones, by the way. 

Riding it at night will be an attraction in itself — because the coaster is covered with hundreds of points of light, the vehicles look like shooting comets racing across the sky. Pretty cool.

And although I can’t give this easter egg away just yet, just know that there’s a gift for true Universal fans on the back of each coaster vehicle. Truly outatime! 


At the center of Celestial Park lies Astronomica, an interactive wet-play attraction designed as a compass rose that points to the portals and attractions around Epic. A pro tip? Make sure you stop by at night too, as Astronomica comes alive with light, color and music! 

Where to Eat in Celestial Park

For now, I can tell you that Celestial Park will house two visually breathtaking restaurants, Atlantic and The Blue Dragon Pan-Asian Restaurant. (Though I of course recommend staying tuned for more dining option updates!) “These two venues set the tone for what our culinary mission continues to be: quality fresh food with amazing storytelling,” says Chef Robert Martinez Jr., executive chef at Universal Orlando Resort. “I feel like my whole career has been leading up to the Epic Universe project. For me there is nothing more fulfilling than being part of a project from its inception and watching it blossom into an amazing atmosphere with delicious food.”

When creating the menus for the restaurants around Epic, the Food & Beverage team took all guests into consideration, making sure to cover dietary restrictions and preferences. 

“Once upon a time, food played a part in the Universal experience, but today, in some cases, the food is the experience!” says Chef Martinez. “The menus touch on Universal’s great storytelling and immersive experiences. So, as more announcements get released, just know that something else really cool is coming right behind them!”

Atlantic Restaurant

Nestled in the middle of Celestial Park, Atlantic is Chef Martinez’s “precious gem.” The restaurant is surrounded by the shimmering waters of Neptune’s pool and has floor-to-ceiling Victorian glass walls. “It gives our guests the illusion of dining in an ‘out of this world’ glass aquarium,” says Chef Martinez. The name probably already gave it away, but you’ll be able to find the freshest seafood and typical — and not so typical — surf and turf options on the menu. Table for one, please!

The Blue Dragon Pan-Asian Restaurant  

Blue Dragon is a legitimate flavor bomb. Staying true to the electric neon dragons that snake the interior of the dining room, the restaurant has a vibrant and delectable menu. “Our guests will have the chance to enjoy flavors from China, Southeast Asia and Japan, all while dining under the constellations, as lanterns dance overhead in this beautiful indoor courtyard,” says Chef Martinez. If you need a break from the bustling environment, grab a seat at the cozy Tiger Bar for a drink or two.

Where to Shop

There will be plenty of retail options for you to stock up on souvenirs through Celestial Park, including the Nintendo Super Star Store. Founded by explorers that have been on multiple excursions into SUPER NINTENDO WORLD, this store is filled with colorful keepsakes themed around Nintendo’s beloved characters. Needless to say, there aren’t enough shopping bags for all I’ll want to bring home with me.

Where to Stay

Universal Epic Universe will open in 2025 alongside three new hotels — yes, three new hotels: Universal Helios Grand HotelUniversal Stella Nova Resort and Universal Terra Luna Resort

Helios Grand Hotel

See that gorgeous backdrop encircling Epic Universe? That’s Universal Helios Grand Hotel, a full-service hotel for guests looking to go all-out during their Universal Orlando Resort stay. Named after the God of the Sun, Helios is where the heavens and earth unite: it’s adorned with celestial patterns and constellation details in the decor and has a casual, elegant Mediterranean-inspired feel throughout. Sensing a theme, are we?

The coolest thing about the hotel is that it is walking-distance from Epic and has a dedicated and exclusive entrance into Celestial Park, making it one of the most unique properties in the Universal Orlando hotel portfolio. “From the hotel our guests will be able to enjoy the view of the beautiful gardens and natural wonders, and witness with advantage how they turn from a day event to a starry vision,” says Gabriela. 

Universal Stella Nova Resort and Universal Terra Luna Resort

Galaxies and planets inspire these sister hotels. They’re related in concept, but offer two different experiences — Stella Nova is highlighted in teal and purple colors and represents its own galaxy with a black hole vortex porte-cochère while Terra Luna is highlighted in gold and green. Stella is inspired by the infinite vastness of the unknown universe and Terra is inspired by the thrill of pushing the limits of discovery. Both hotels will have 750 guest-rooms, resort-style amenities and several food and drink options. The exterior facades of the hotels are layered with thousands of dichroic panels, with every panel slightly unique, which makes the facade ever-changing depending on where you stand, time of day and weather. And guess what? You can already book your room at Stella Nova (opening January 21, 2025) and Terra Luna (opening February 25, 2025)! See you there!

“Epic is not just an idea; it is a living, breathing entity that we are creating here in Orlando, and so many people have been nurturing it along the way,” says Adam. “So it’s just really exciting that we’re about to share this park with the world.”

Well, I hope you’re as excited about Universal Epic Universe as I clearly am! What else do you want to know about it? Stay tuned to Discover Universal for more news and sign up here for email updates!

The post Universal Epic Universe: Everything We Know About the New Theme Park appeared first on Discover Universal.

Universal Epic Universe: Todo lo que sabemos sobre el nuevo parque temático

Universal Epic Universe comenzó como un dibujo en una servilleta.

“Este es un esquema de cómo podría funcionar”, dijo Mark Woodbury en 2016. En ese momento, el actual CEO de Universal era presidente de Universal Creative y acababa de encargar a su equipo que organizara una sesión de lluvia de ideas con un tema en el orden del día: “¿Qué crearíamos si tuviéramos la oportunidad de construir otro parque nacional?”.

La respuesta fue un universo completamente nuevo.

Casi una década después, comparto con ustedes la primera exclusiva sobre los detalles más esperados de Universal Epic Universe, el parque más inmersivo e innovador jamás construido, que abrirá las puertas en 2025.

¿Qué es Universal Epic Universe?

Empecemos por lo básico. Epic Universe es el cuarto parque temático de Universal Orlando Resort, construido en un terreno de 750 acres, a pocos kilómetros de Universal Studios Florida, Universal Islands of Adventure y Universal Volcano Bay. Este nuevo complejo llevará a los visitantes hasta mundos impresionantes, llenos de atracciones, entretenimiento, restaurantes y mucho más.

¿Cómo llegar a Epic? En vez de aparcarte en el estacionamiento principal y acceder a los parques temáticos a través de Universal CityWalk, conducirás directamente hasta donde se encuentra el nuevo parque temático (y sí, también habrá transporte gratuito que conectará todo el complejo de Universal Orlando Resort!).

Desde tecnología innovadora (olvídese de los tickets, ¡utilizaremos la validación fotográfica!), pasando por una innovadora montaña rusa de carreras, hasta cinco mundos diferentes conectados a través de portales místicos, Epic es transformador en muchos niveles.

“Epic es el futuro encontrándose con el presente”, dice Gabriela Lander, directora de Diseño de Instalaciones de Universal Creative, que ha participado en el proyecto Epic (lo que entonces se llamaba el “nuevo proyecto”) desde la primera sesión de lluvia de ideas. “Tendremos un parque donde podremos pasear por la naturaleza y guiarnos con las estrellas, rodeados de elementos icónicos que materializan los sueños en mundos inmersivos de historias épicas, y con un nivel de tecnología que llevará la experiencia a un nuevo nivel”, añade.

El parque temático, inspirado en los cielos, las estrellas y las constelaciones, ofrece un nivel de experiencia totalmente nuevo al situar a los visitantes en cinco mundos totalmente tematizados. “Estamos contando historias que resuenan con nuestros visitantes, sumergiéndolos desde la primera puerta”, dice Steve Tathem, director creativo ejecutivo de Universal Epic Universe, que se trasladó a Orlando desde Osaka (Japón) para trabajar en este proyecto. “Universal redefinió el entretenimiento de los parques temáticos para siempre. Estamos estableciendo un nuevo estándar, y eso es lo que significa ser un parque temático moderno”, añade.

¿Puedes imaginarte lo que se siente trabajar en un proyecto durante tanto tiempo, no poder hablar de él y, finalmente, empezar a verlo hacerse realidad? “Es una de las experiencias más gratificantes de mi vida”, dice Gabriela. “Este increíble parque pasó de ser una idea a un diseño, y de ahí a una obra completa, donde cada día ves cómo se construyen o instalan nuevas partes. La cantidad de talento invertido en producir un nuevo parque temático que va más allá de lo que ya hemos hecho, es una experiencia que te llena el corazón y te hace sentir humilde.” Ella atribuye la grandeza de Epic Universe a los diversos talentos implicados en su creación. “Es un reflejo directo de la multitud de culturas, razas, religiones, habilidades, orígenes y géneros representados en este proyecto a través de los miembros de nuestro equipo”, dice Gabriela.

Pero, ¿cómo funciona Epic?

Epic Universe está formado por cinco mundos diferentes, todos conectados a través de Celestial Park, el primer mundo que conocerás una vez atravieses la Puerta Esmeralda y el dispositivo Chronos a la entrada de Epic. “En nuestra historia, Chronos es esta máquina gigante que se utiliza para aprovechar la energía del Universo que alimenta todo Celestial Park, lo que nos permite abrir los portales a otros mundos”, explica Adam Rivest, productor ejecutivo de Celestial Park, que trabaja en Universal desde hace 24 años y que, de hecho, fue quien organizó aquella primera lluvia de ideas sobre Epic hace casi una década; sí, la misma reunión en la que estuvo Gabriela y en la que llegaron a ver la parcela del terreno puesta sobre la mesa. El círculo completo.

Una vez que estés en el Celestial Park (y hablaré de ello más adelante), tendrás acceso a cuatro portales, que son estructuras altas con forma de obelisco, que te llevarán a otros mundos inmersivos totalmente tematizados. Y son (“tambores”, por favor)…

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter — Ministry of Magic


How to Train Your Dragon — Isle of Berk

Dark Universe

“Nunca antes los visitantes habían podido sumergirse en estas historias tan profundamente como cuando cruzan los portales”, dice Steve. “Pelearán cara a cara con monstruos terroríficos, domarán dragones, encontrarán nuevas eras mágicas y descifrarán códigos para ganar puntos en un juego a tamaño real”. Y todas estas narraciones existen dentro de un gigantesco – lo adivinaste – universo épico.

“Hay un poco para todos”, añade Adam. “Tenemos mundos más orientados a los niños, otros a los aventureros y otros a los adultos. Hay una buena mezcla y dentro de cada mundo también hay niveles demográficos y de atractivo.”

Y, aunque todavía no puedo dar más detalles sobre ninguno de los mundos, sí puedo adelantaros algo sobre Celestial Park y la historia de Epic Universe (es Universal, ¡claro que hay una historia!).

Celestial Park

En pocas palabras, Celestial Park es un mundo entre mundos, donde todo empieza y acaba. Celestial Park contiene la entrada (portales) a las otras áreas inmersivas del parque temático (mundos) y es también donde encontrarás algunos de los mejores restaurantes de la propiedad, atracciones imprescindibles, tiendas y el hotel más exclusivo de la cartera de Universal. Se creó como un espacio para que la gente (re)conectara entre sí y con la naturaleza. “Hemos hecho un esfuerzo consciente para que el parque vuelva a ser un parque temático, y nos hemos asegurado de no diseñarlo con muchas calles de cemento y asfalto”, dice Adam.

Celestial Park también tiene una función transformadora entre el día y la noche: durante el día, es un hermoso y exuberante jardín vivo con fuentes espectaculares, y por la noche, toda la zona se ilumina y se transforma en un entorno completamente distinto. Es impresionante. 

Dentro de la narrativa creada en torno a la historia de Epic Universe, Celestial Park es el centro de un universo en constante evolución que, a lo largo de los siglos, la gente -artistas, músicos, exploradores, aventureros, inventores- ha visitado en busca de inspiración y conexión, y en el que tal vez han dejado un pedacito de sí mismos.

“Y creo que eso es lo que está realmente en el núcleo emocional: nuestro deseo de pertenecer, de conectar, de conocer gente nueva, de descubrir nuevos lugares, de vivir experiencias. Eso es lo que motiva a los grandes exploradores, por lo que la gente escala montañas, por lo que se lanzan a la aventura. Y también por lo que atraviesan estos portales”, dice Steve.

Aquí tienes todo lo que puedes encontrar en Celestial Park:

Las atracciones in Celestial Park

Constellation Carousel

Este hermoso carrusel tiene un giro maravilloso, literalmente. Puede parecer un carrusel tradicional, con un surtido de criaturas celestiales entre las que elegir, pero mientras da vueltas y vueltas, las criaturas también giran 360 grados, haciéndote sentir como si estuvieras atrapado dentro de la Vía Láctea, viajando en constelaciones a través de la galaxia.

“Constellation Carousel es el carrusel más encantador que se ha hecho en la historia”, dice Gabriela. “El diseño, los colores y tonos, la cúpula que lo cubrirá… en fin, todos los elementos utilizados en esta experiencia son la combinación perfecta para crear un momento único mientras se disfruta de Epic. El tradicional carrusel de nuestra infancia está siendo redefinido por las estrellas”. La atracción también está cubierta por cientos de puntos de luz estelar, que crean un ambiente cósmico impresionante.

Starfall Racers

“Celestial Park gira en torno a los cielos. Y en Starfall Racers estás conduciendo físicamente la encarnación de un cometa”, dice Adam. Esta atracción es una montaña rusa de carreras de doble lanzamiento que va a 100km/h y alcanza una altura máxima de 40 metros. “Aunque es gigantesca y parece realmente intimidante al principio, está diseñada para que se sienta como una antigua montaña rusa de madera, pero suave como un botón. Así, te levantarás en tu asiento y tendrás esas sensaciones de gravedad cero”, dice Adam. “Aunque hay un par de movimientos característicos, la mayor parte de la pista de casi 3km es una carrera lado a lado entre dos cometas para ver quién llega primero al final”, añade. Sin zonas de descanso, claro.

Subir en ella de noche será una atracción en sí misma: como la montaña rusa está cubierta de cientos de puntos de luz, los vehículos parecen cometas fugaces surcando el cielo. Impresionante.

Y aunque todavía no puedo revelar este detalle, sepan que hay un regalo para los verdaderos fans de Universal en la parte trasera de cada uno de los vehículos de la montaña rusa. ¡Es outatime!


En el centro de Celestial Park se encuentra Astronomica, una atracción interactiva diseñada como una rosa de los vientos que señala los portales y atracciones alrededor de Epic. ¿Un consejo de experto? Asegúrate de pasar también por la noche, ya que Astronómica cobra vida con luz, color y música.

Dónde comer en Celestial Park

Por ahora, puedo decirte que Celestial Park tendrá dos restaurantes visualmente impresionantes, Atlantic y The Blue Dragon Pan-Asian Restaurant. (Aunque, por supuesto, les recomiendo que sigan atentos para conocer más opciones gastronómicas). “Estos dos locales marcan la pauta de lo que sigue siendo nuestra misión culinaria: comida fresca de calidad con una narrativa sorprendente”, dice el chef Robert Martinez Jr., chef ejecutivo de Universal Orlando Resort. “Siento que toda mi carrera ha estado conduciendo al proyecto Epic Universe. Para mí no hay nada más satisfactorio que formar parte de un proyecto desde su inicio y verlo florecer en un ambiente increíble con comida deliciosa.”

Al crear los menús de los restaurantes alrededor de Epic, el equipo de Alimentos y Bebidas tuvo en cuenta a todos los huéspedes, asegurándose de cubrir las restricciones y preferencias dietéticas.

“En otros tiempos, la comida formaba parte de la experiencia de Universal, pero hoy en día, en algunos casos, ¡la comida es la experiencia!”, dice el chef Martínez. “Los menús tocan la gran narrativa y las experiencias inmersivas de Universal. Así que, a medida que se hagan más anuncios, ¡sepan que algo realmente genial vendrá justo despuésde ellos!”.


Ubicado en medio del Celestial Park, Atlantic es la “joya preciosa” del chef Martínez. El restaurante está rodeado por las brillantes aguas de la piscina de Neptuno y cuenta con paredes de cristal victoriano del suelo al techo. “Ofrece a nuestros clientes la ilusión de estar cenando en un acuario de cristal “fuera de este mundo”, dice el chef Martínez. Probablemente, el nombre ya lo delate, pero en el menú encontrarás los mariscos más frescos y opciones típicas -y no tan típicas- de mar y montaña. Mesa para uno, por favor.

The Blue Dragon Pan-Asian Restaurant  

Blue Dragon es una auténtica bomba de sabor. Fiel a los dragones de neón eléctrico que serpentean por el interior del comedor, el restaurante ofrece un menú vibrante y delicioso. “Nuestros clientes tendrán la oportunidad de disfrutar de sabores de China, el sudeste asiático y Japón, mientras cenan bajo las constelaciones y las linternas bailan en este hermoso patio interior”, dice el chef Martínez. Si necesitas un descanso del bullicioso ambiente, siéntate en el acogedor Tiger Bar para tomar una copa o dos.

Dónde comprar

Habrá muchas opciones de tiendas para que puedas comprar recuerdos en Celestial Park, incluyendo Nintendo Super Star Store. Fundada por exploradores que fueron muchas veces a SUPER NINTENDO WORLD, esta tienda está llena de productos coloridos con temas de los queridos personajes de Nintendo. No hace falta decir que no hay suficientes bolsas de compras para todo lo que quiero llevarme a casa.

Dónde Hospedarte

Universal Epic Universe abrirá sus puertas en 2025 junto a tres nuevos hoteles, sí, tres nuevos hoteles: Universal Helios Grand Hotel, Universal Stella Nova Resort y Universal Terra Luna Resort.

Helios Grand Hotel

¿Ves el precioso telón de fondo que rodea Epic Universe? Eso es Universal Helios Grand Hotel, un hotel con todos los servicios para los huéspedes que buscan ir con todo durante su visita a Universal Orlando Resort. Helios, llamado así por el dios del sol, es el lugar donde se unen el cielo y la tierra: está adornado con motivos celestiales y detalles de constelaciones en la decoración y tiene un aire informal y elegante de inspiración mediterránea. ¿Qué te parece el tema?

Lo mejor del hotel es que está a un paseo de Epic y tiene una entrada exclusiva al Celestial Park, lo que lo convierte en uno de los establecimientos más exclusivos de la cartera de hoteles de Universal Orlando. “Desde el hotel nuestros huéspedes podrán disfrutar de la vista de los hermosos jardines y maravillas naturales, y ser un testigo privilegiado de cómo pasan de ser un evento diurno a una visión estrellada”, dice Gabriela.

Universal Stella Nova Resort y Universal Terra Luna Resort

Galaxias y planetas inspiran estos hoteles hermanos. Están relacionados en concepto, pero ofrecen dos experiencias diferentes – Stella Nova destaca en colores verde azulado y morado y representa su propia galaxia con un vórtice de agujero negro en la parte superior, mientras que Terra Luna destaca en dorado y verde. Stella se inspira en la inmensidad infinita del universo desconocido y Terra en la emoción de ir más allá de los límites del descubrimiento. Ambos hoteles contarán con 750 habitaciones, servicios de tipo resort y varias opciones de gastronomía. Las fachadas exteriores de los hoteles están revestidas con miles de paneles dicroicos, cada uno de ellos ligeramente único, lo que hace que la fachada cambie en función del lugar, la hora del día y el tiempo. ¿Y adivina qué? Ya puedes reservar tu habitación en Stella Nova (inauguración el 21 de enero de 2025) y Terra Luna (inauguración el 25 de febrero de 2025). Allá nos vemos.

“Epic no es solo una idea; es una entidad viva que estamos creando aquí en Orlando, y que tanta gente ha cuidado a lo largo del camino”, dice Adam. “Así que es realmente emocionante que estemos a punto de compartir esto con el mundo”.

Espero que Universal Epic Universe te entusiasme tanto como a mí. ¿Qué más quieres saber? Permanece atento al blog Discover Universal para más información y regístrate aquí para recibir actualizaciones por e-mail.

The post Universal Epic Universe: Todo lo que sabemos sobre el nuevo parque temático appeared first on Discover Universal.

Guide to Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey at Universal Studios Hollywood

Don’t lie. We know you’ve fantasized about being a student at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You know what house you’d be in, what classes you’d take, which Quidditch position you’d play. While I can’t promise a flurry of Hogwarts acceptance letters will fly down your chimney, I can offer you a chance to traipse around the school grounds with with Harry Potter himself. Just head to Universal Studios Hollywood, wander through The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, make your way to Hogwarts Castle and hop in line for Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey.

This dark ride in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is an epic, can’t-miss adventure for wizards and Muggles alike. Here’s everything you need to know about it.


All your wildest dreams have come true: Professor Albus Dumbledore has invited Muggles into Hogwarts! That means you. It might be just for a History of Magic lecture with the ghostly Professor Binns, but don’t worry — our favorite trio of Gryffindors has other plans for you. With some genius magic from Hermione, you’ll soar through the Hogwarts grounds with her, Harry and Ron.


If you’ve ever fantasized about creeping around Hogwarts under Harry’s Invisibility Cloak, you’ll love the queue for this ride. Seriously — as a “Harry Potter” fan, I think the queue for this ride is one of the best parts. Here are just a few things true fans will catch as they wind through Hogwarts:

Talking, moving portraits throughout the experience. This includes the founders of the four Hogwarts Houses: Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff and Salazar Slytherin.

The Headmaster’s office, where Dumbledore extends a hearty welcome to all visiting Muggles.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, where Harry, Ron and Hermione emerge from an Invisibility Cloak with important instructions: meet them in the Room of Requirement. Adventure awaits!

And so much more. Superfans should keep their eyes peeled for familiar characters and magical objects.


You’ve made it to the Room of Requirement! Once you’re secured into the four-person enchanted bench, Hermione will send you to the Astronomy Tower via the Floo Network. You’ll careen through the Floo Network, and once you land in the tower. Harry and Ron bring you down to the Quidditch Pitch for the big Gryffindor vs. Slytherin match!

But trouble seems to follow these three wherever they go. You’ll spend this ride flying all over the Hogwarts grounds — and even within the castle, too. You’ll twist and turn, narrowly escaping peril at every turn. The ride uses a combination of 4K-HD video and practical, dark ride elements, so guests really feel like they’re inside the wizarding world.

I won’t spoil too much for you. But here’s what you can expect to encounter on Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey:

A treacherous Hungarian Horntail, who has just escaped from Hagrid and seems determined to set you ablaze.

The infamous Whomping Willow, whose wild branches could take you out with the slightest swing.

A mob of soul-sucking Dementors, who interrupt a Quidditch Match with nefarious intentions.

The skeletal remains of the deadly Basilisk, who rests in the depths of the Chamber of Secrets.

And much more! C’mon, it’s Hogwarts. There are always unexpected surprises here.


Here’s the nitty-gritty stuff you need to know about the attraction:

Height requirement: 48” (122 cm)

Free lockers available on site to stow bags

Child Switch available upon request

Universal Express Pass is available

Single Rider is available


Exploring Hogwarts doesn’t end on the ride. After disembarking your bench, you’ll head down to the dungeons to peruse Filch’s Emporium of Confiscated Goods. Because if the notorious Hogwarts caretaker doesn’t want students to have it, you know it’s gotta be good.

At this gift shop, you can buy your very own Marauder’s Map, a wizard chess set, and apparel specific to your Hogwarts House. You can also take home your very own magical creature — OK, the plush kind, but still — like an Acromantula, a Hippogriff, or even a Basilisk. If you haven’t stopped by Ollivanders yet, you can get your very own wand at Filch’s Emporium, too.


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Guide to Minion Land at Universal Studios Hollywood

What is it about the Minions that make them so irresistible? Perhaps it’s the goggles, perhaps it’s the overalls, perhaps it’s the Minionese. (Which I’m convinced I could speak in a pinch.) But one thing’s for sure: hanging out with these yellow mischief makers is an absolute blast. If you agree with me, you’re going to love Minion Land at Universal Studios Hollywood.

While they seem to occupy every inch of this land, Minion Land is about more than just the Minions. This section of the theme park includes several elements of the “Despicable Me” franchise, from Miss Hattie’s Home For Girls to Super Silly Fun Land. The land also includes an attraction from another, equally fun Illumination franchise, “The Secret Life of Pets.” You need to know everything, right? That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive guide. Here’s everything you need to know about Minion Land at Universal Studios Hollywood.


Despicable Me: Minion Mayhem

Gru is hatching yet another scheme: to turn you into a Minion. On this ride, you’ll go through “Minion training” in Gru’s home, then take an exhilarating trip through his supervillain lab. This motion simulation experience is surprisingly heartwarming, striking the familiar balance of rambunctiousness and sweetness that we love about “Despicable Me.” And also: fart guns.

The Secret Life of Pets: Off The Leash

On this attraction, you’ll be digitally transformed into a puppy and join the gang from “The Secret Life of Pets.” But the fun actually begins in the queue, where you’ll wind through the pets’ New York City apartments in immersive detail. You’ll follow Max, Gidget, and the rest of your favorite pets on an adventure through N.Y.C. on your way to be adopted. (There are 64 animated figures total throughout the adventure!) This dark ride is designed for kids of all ages and is, personally, one of my favorite attractions in the theme park — it really brings the movie to life.

PRO TIP: This ride uses gesture-tracking technology. So when you get to see your puppy self in the mirror, put your hands up in the air — your puppy paws will do the same back at you! And duck your head down to see yourself wag your puppy tail. It seriously never gets old.

Super Silly Fun Land

Want a chance to “win” an oh-so-fluffy unicorn, just like Agnes? Now you can. Super Silly Fun Land is a re-creation of the oceanfront carnival Gru (begrudgingly) takes the girls to in “Despicable Me.”This kid-friendly land is packed with can’t-miss attractions for any Minion lover, including:

Carnival Games: No carnival is complete without games! Play games like Minion Mishap, Banana Cabana, and Super Silly Space Killer for a chance to win from a selection of plushies. Most of the prizes are variations of Minions and unicorns — what else would you even need?

Silly Swirly: This Minion-themed, kid-friendly ride will have you soaring above Super Silly Fun Land. Hop into one of its twelve unique buggies and lift off for a 360-degree view of the carnival.

Kids Playground: If water features aren’t your family’s thing (or it’s too chilly out to get wet), hop over to the equally fun, and equally silly, playground. Jump, slide and climb your way through this play zone, which is tucked just behind Silly Swirly.

Wet Zone: With 80 different water features, this super silly area will get families totally soaked! The area includes changing rooms, so your family doesn’t have to walk around in wet clothes once you’re done playing. Footwear must be worn here, so make sure you have water shoes!

PRO TIP: Forgot to bring water clothes? You can buy them, along with aqua socks, towels and sunscreen, at Super Silly Stuff and the Minion Mart. And remember: you’ll need water shoes to play in the wet zone.


Minion Cafe

Minion Cafe is the main dining area in this section of the park, with a long list of eats the whole family can enjoy. The menu includes variations on grilled cheeses (including one with pulled pork and banana BBQ sauce), loaded nachos, chicken Caesar salad, and much more. Then, enjoy your meal right in the heart of Super Silly Fun Land — a prime people-watching location.

MY RECOMMENDATION: Go for the Chicken Bacon Ranch Mac n Cheese. Is it over-the-top? Yes. Will you eat every last bite of it? Again, yes.

Despicable Delights

Right around the corner from Minion Cafe, you’ll find some of Universal’s most outrageous treats. The menu at Despicable Delights is almost exclusively desserts, including yellow and purple cinnamon churros, Minion cotton candy, Nutella Banana Pudding, and more. You can also get collectibles here, including the Minion Car Popcorn Bucket and the Minion Sippers.

MY RECOMMENDATION: It’s gotta be the Felonious Float, if only for the content. This Raspberry Icee is topped with banana frozen yogurt, whipped cream and banana candies. It’s the sugar blast you know you need. You can buy a Felonious Float at both Minion Cafe and Despicable Delights.


The Pets Store

Take your very own puppy home! Well, a plush one, at least. At The Pets Store, you can select from an array of puppies, then pair them with Adopt-a-Pup carriers and bandanas, too. You can also take home hats, wallets, and mugs adorned with Max’s face, Gidget tees, and “Pets” lanyards and keychains galore. The pupsibilities are endless.

Super Silly Stuff

Your official destination for everything Minion at Universal Studios Hollywood. From Minion T-shirts to mugs to keychains, from plush Minions you can dress up, to Minion slippers you can wear, to Minion backpacks your kids can take to school, Super Silly Stuff is the premier destination for Minion souvenirs at the park. It’s all yellow, all the time here. There are also plenty of unicorn plushies, T-shirts, headbands and backpacks, too.

PRO TIP: You can also peep a (smaller) selection of Minion and unicorn memorabilia at Minion Mart, a cart located in-between the Wet Zone and Minion Cafe in Super Silly Fun Land.


Minions & Gru

Just next to Despicable Delights, you’ll find Miss Hattie’s Home For Girls, where Gru adopts his three girls. While you can’t go inside the orphanage, you can meet a Minion here! This is where two Minions often appear for photos. And, every so often, you’ll get a visit from Gru himself. Throw on your new Minion merch and smile!


Keep your eyes up for Snowball, the maniacal (if misunderstood) villain of “The Secret Life of Pets.” He might look like a cute little fluffy bunny, but Snowball always has something up his sleeve. The bunny makes appearances at the second-story balcony right above Otto’s Toys, a storefront adjacent to the Palace Deli. While you can’t get close enough to Snowball for a selfie, you can talk to him — and he’ll talk back to you!

What’s your favorite part of Minion Land at Universal Studios Hollywood? Let us know in the comments!

The post Guide to Minion Land at Universal Studios Hollywood appeared first on Discover Universal.

Guide to Getting the Most Out of the Official Universal Orlando App

Maybe you already knew that Universal Orlando Resort has an official app, but did you know there are some sensational ways that it can save you hassle and headaches during your vacation? Well, there are and I’m here to share some of my favorite tips for using the Universal App to hack your vacation. 

Tip 1 – Add your tickets to your mobile wallet

My dad refuses to forgo paper tickets. He prints out airline tickets, hotel confirmations, and even directions “just in case”. And I get it! 

But paper tickets and wallets can get lost, especially if you forget to secure them as you board Jurassic World VelociCoaster for the eighth time. So, my first tip is to make sure you upload your tickets, Annual Pass, Express Pass, and any extras to your wallet on the app. It couldn’t be easier; you’ll just scan your tickets and — voila! — you are making a decision that is eco-friendly, convenient and will make your day so much smoother. 

NOTE: If you purchase your tickets through the app or Universal’s main website and chose the Mobile Ticket delivery option, your tickets will be automatically delivered to your mobile wallet and ready to use!

How to upload your tickets: (after you’ve already set up and logged into your Universal Orlando account in the app)

1.)   Open the app and click ‘Profile’

2.)   Click ‘Wallet’

3.)   Click ‘Scan Tickets and Passes’ and you’re all set to go. 

Tip 2 – Chat with Universal 

This one is for all the introverts out there who would rather spend all day on Revenge of the Mummy than ask a Team Member for the closest bathroom. The Universal App has a feature where you can talk to a virtual assistant that can help you with almost anything you need. It also speaks Spanish!

You can find this chat feature in two places. The first is on the app’s homepage under ‘Helpful Tools’. You can also find it under the ‘Profile’ tab. 

You can have most of your questions answered immediately. Such as “Where is the closest bathroom?” “How long is the wait for Fast & Furious – Supercharged?” and “How can I find the entrance to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Diagon Alley?”. 

Tip 3 – Mobile order your food 

These days, this tip is — thankfully — less of a hack and more of the norm for dining at Universal Orlando. Use your app to utilize Mobile Food and Drink Ordering from your table. This table delivery option is currently being implemented throughout most of Universal Studios Florida, Universal Islands of Adventure, Universal CityWalk and even Universal Volcano Bay. Don’t forget to scan in your Annual Pass to make sure you receive your deserved discounts on Mobile Food and Drink orders. 

PRO TIP: While I love that this option is in many restaurants throughout the theme parks, I want to share my super specific, favorite hack because I like you. I love doing this in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Hogsmeade. Any time not spent taking in the sights of the wizarding world is time lost in my book. So, my all-time favorite hack is walking through the alleyway between Dogweed and Deathcap and the bathrooms to find a spot on the back patio. On some of these tables, you will find a QR code. Once you’ve claimed your table, you can pull up your app and order for food (and Butterbeer!) to be delivered directly to you versus waiting in line! Try this for dinner around sunset to get a beautiful view of Hogwarts. 

Tip 4 – Filter the map to find your fun

It can be a little overwhelming when trying to navigate all the options Universal has to offer. If you read this Discover Universal blog about using the official app, you already know that there is a feature to set wait time alerts for your favorite rides. 

But did you know that you can filter by wait times, as well? Actually, you can filter by almost anything!

Picture this: You want to get in another ride before your reservation at Lombard’s Seafood Grille. You have just enough time to ride one more ride before you have to make your way to the restaurant. But which ride should you choose? You could wander around the park hoping to find a ride with an appropriate wait time, but depending on where you are, you may spend all your free time walking. Instead, you can use the app!

How to filter the map:

1.)   Open the app and click ‘Map’ on the bottom banner. 

2.)   Initially you will see pins for every option Universal Orlando Resort offers. Click ‘View Park Maps’ and choose the park you’re exploring. This will focus your map to only what you want to see. 

3.)   To find all the filters you can choose from, click the funnel on the top right. 

After clicking the funnel, you can refine your search based on what your heart desires: child swap availability, Universal Express Pass acceptance, and even rider height requirements for the little ones. 

PRO TIP:  Be sure to explore the specific filters for Shows and Dining. There, you’ll be able to discover things like when the next show will start, and what dining options sound most appealing to you and your crew. 

Getting back to the example above, instead of hoping to find a ride on your own, you can slide the Maximum Wait Time filter to the amount of time that you are willing to wait and, once you hit ‘Apply’, you’ll be able to see the ride options that will have you in and out in time for that Lombard’s Lobster Roll! 

Finally, if you are looking for essentials such as Lockers, Restrooms, First Aid, or Service Animal Rest Areas, these options can be filtered for by choosing the ‘Change Category’ button on the map view. 

Those are some of my favorite app tricks. What are yours? Any I missed? Let me know and I’ll see you in the parks!

The post Guide to Getting the Most Out of the Official Universal Orlando App appeared first on Discover Universal.

Guide to Springfield, U.S.A. at Universal Studios Hollywood

Have you ever wished you could step inside an episode of “The Simpsons”? Well, at Universal Studios Hollywood, you totally can. Welcome to Springfield, U.S.A. Here, you’ll get to play arcade games like Bart, drink Duff Beer like Homer, and scarf down burgers like Krusty the Clown. In the words of Homer himself: Woo-hoo!

The town of Springfield offers tons of games, dining options, and of course, The Simpsons Ride! It can be tough to know where to start, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here’s our complete guide to everything you need to eat, drink and do in Springfield, U.S.A.


The Simpsons Ride

No trip to Springfield, U.S.A. is complete without a spin on this virtual thrill ride. Strap in for an adventure through Krustyland — one of Krusty’s oh-so-many business ventures — with the whole Simpsons family. Jam-packed with memorable characters and quippy jokes, you’ll feel like you’re inside a (very action-packed) episode of the iconic TV series.

PRO TIP: Lines for this ride build up pretty quick. Avoid long waits by setting a Wait Time Alter in the Official Universal Studios Hollywood app — it’ll let you know when the line’s gotten to your desired length. That said, the queue is lined with TVs playing classic Simpsons clips on loop, so you’ll stay entertained.

Krustyland Games

After you laugh and scream your way through The Simpsons Ride, go old school with some classic carnival games. Only these ones are, naturally, “Simpsons”-themed. They’ve got Dunk or Flunk with Principal Skinner, the Full Nelson, Wild and Willie, and so many more.


One of the most iconic Springfield, U.S.A. establishments is open for business! Take a spin through Apu’s beloved convenience store. It stocks all kinds of “Simpsons” souvenirs, from T-shirts with Bart’s face on them to Duff Beer mugs to Itchy & Scratchy plush toys.


Krusty Burger

Yet another Krusty the Clown business venture to put on your list. The fast food joint has burgers for everyone in your group, from the Clogger Burger (double patties and bacon) to the Mother Nature Burger (an all-vegan sandwich with plant-based meat), with gluten-free buns available for substitution.

PRO TIP: Head upstairs to eat in Krusty’s Klown Room, an ode to Krusty featuring photographs of — you guessed it — Krusty himself, plus his prized memorabilia, including his motorcycle jacket and fireman’s hat.

Lard Lad Donuts

You know what you need? A donut that’s larger than your head. Pop over to Lard Lad Donuts — with Chief Wiggum, predictably, parked right outside — for a coffee and a breakfast treat at any time of day. The donuts come in several flavors: The Big Pink (as seen above), the Chocolate Glazed Donut, and more.

Cletus’ Chicken Shack

How does fried chicken literally always hit the spot? Hit up Cletus’ Chicken Shack and you’re bound to leave happy. The go-to to-go spot serves the classic southern dish with sides like corn on the cob, mashed potatoes, biscuits and gravy. My favorite, though, has got to be the chicken and waffle sandwich, which comes complete with maple mayo sauce. Mmmmm…

More Dining Options

Springfield, U.S.A. is one of the best places to eat in the theme park. With a plethora of dining options, this land’s got you covered, no matter what you’re in the mood for. Here’s a quick run-through of the other delicious eats available:

Bumblebee Man’s Taco Truck: ¡Ay Carumba! You can’t walk a single SoCal block without discovering unbelievable Mexican food. Swing by this truck in the Duff Beer Garden for loaded nachos and tacos topped with chicken, carnitas or carne asada.

Suds McDuff’s Hot Dogs: This spot serves up carnival favorites with a “Simpsons” twist, including Marge Hair Cotton Candy, Ralph Wiggum’s Choo-Choo Churro, and, of course, Krusty’s Non-Kosher Hot Dog Kombo.

Luigi’s Pizza: Sometimes you just need a good slice. When that moment hits, head to Luigi’s Pizza for meat-heavy and vegetarian classics alike. If it’s pasta you crave, go for Fat Tony’s Witness-Protected Pasta.

Phineas Q. Butterfat’s Ice Cream: A hot day at the theme park calls for an iced treat. Dig into an Ice Cream Conan (real fans get that reference), or a Mr. Teeny’s Banana Delight to cool off.


Duff Brewery Beer Garden

This is my favorite spot in the park to take a breather. The open-air beer garden is the perfect reprieve from your go-go-go day. There, you can throw back a cocktail (even a Long Island Iced Tea, Marge’s vice of choice), a glass of wine, or, of course, a classic Duff Beer. Grab a bite from Suds McDuff’s or Bumblebee Man’s Taco Truck to make it a full snack break — just don’t forget to snap a photo with the statue of the Seven Duffs before you go.

Moe’s Tavern

There’s perhaps no activity more Homer-esque than bellying up to the bar at Moe’s Tavern. Located adjacent to Krusty Burger, this classic dive serves up a similarly broad drink selection as the Duff Beer Garden, including some seasonal Duff brews and even the (extremely delicious, non-alcoholic) Flaming Moe.

DID YOU KNOW: The Duff Beer you can drink at Moe’s is locally brewed especially for Universal. Cowabunga!


Keep your eyes peeled for your favorite “Simpsons” characters bopping around Springfield! (They shouldn’t be hard to miss, they’re the big yellow ones.) Specifically, you might catch a glimpse of…

The Simpsons Family. Yep, all of ‘em. They might not all be out together at the same time, but if you linger outside the Kwik-E-Mart long enough, you might be able to grab a selfie with television royalty.

Krusty the Clown: Everyone’s favorite down-on-his luck, chain-smoking children’s entertainer makes appearances in Krustyland, just outside The Simpsons Ride.

Sideshow Bob:AHH! Sideshow Bob! The carnival act appears from time-to-time in the arcade area, too. Take a picture with him — just make sure your name isn’t Bart Simpson.


Keep an eye out for the kinds of hidden gems only a true fan of the show would catch. Without giving too much away, I recommend…

A visit to The Hey Hey Club on the second floor of Krusty Burger

Looking up at the ceiling in Cletus’ Chicken Shack

Taking a call at Moe’s Tavern

That’s a wrap on our guide to Springfield, U.S.A.! What’re your favorite spots in the Simpsons’ hometown? Let us know in the comments below.

The post Guide to Springfield, U.S.A. at Universal Studios Hollywood appeared first on Discover Universal.

Winter Guide to Universal Orlando Resort

Head off the winter blues with a sunny visit to Universal Orlando Resort. With warm days and cool nights, it’s the perfect “winter” season——blending the festiveness of the holidays with the unapologetic beauty of the Sunshine State, truly making it my favorite season to visit. 

Whether you’re coming for a fun twist on holiday traditions during The Holidays at Universal Orlando Resort or for the ultimate friend getaway, this guide will help you make the most of this spectacular time of year. 


With incredible hotel options for every family, budget and style, just selecting the perfect place to stay on your winter vacation might be the hardest choice of the trip. Let me help you out by sharing two of my favorite places. 

Loews Portofino Bay Hotel

If you love nothing more than enjoying the winter season with a glass of wine and heaps of pasta, then you must stay at Loews Portofino Bay Hotel. This incredibly appointed hotel is full of Italian charm and was inspired by the picturesque seaside village of Portofino, Italy. Plus, all guests of this hotel receive some sweet perks like Early Park Admission, transportation to and from the theme parks via water taxi and Universal Express Unlimited access to skip the regular lines at participating rides and attractions. 

Must-Have Experiences

Winter in the Sunshine State is still sunny, so soak in some Vitamin D at one of the three heated pools. The Beach Pool is the best spot for families with a water slide, sandy beach and poolside activities, while the Villa and Hillside Pools offer more privacy and upgraded amenities. 

Escape to the indulgent Mandara Spa for a facial, pedicure or signature Balinese massage to really take this vacation vibe to the next level. 

Grab a drink at The Thirsty Fish, a waterfront bar overlooking the harbor with live music on select nights. 

Sit down to a family dinner at Mama Della’s Ristorantewhere everyone is family. Dishes from Tuscany, Naples, and Piemonte regions take you on an epicurean adventure while strolling musicians add to the ambiance. 

Ring in the New Year with the hotel’s annual New Year’s Eve Party on the Piazza! This outdoor family-friendly celebration will rock your bells with gourmet food, desserts, live DJ and plenty of dancing. *Separately ticketed event.

Universal’s Endless Summer Resort – Dockside Inn and Suites

Dockside Inn and Suites is an affordable winter escape with spacious rooms and two-bedroom suites that sleep up to six people, two heated pools, and a food court serving up comfort foods. 

Must-Have Experiences

Home to five unique food stations, the Pier 8 Market serves up special holiday meals like Thanksgiving Day oven-roasted turkey and Christmas honey-glazed ham, so you can still enjoy holiday comfort food.

Chill poolside with your favorite book and a warm Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks. 

Take a festive photo by the beautifully-themed Christmas trees.

Keep the kids (or adults) busy with an on-site arcade, two pools, splash pad and poolside activities. 

Stop by one of the two pool bars or the lobby bar for a cozy cocktail.


Universal Orlando Resort has plenty to see and do year-round, but some experiences are especially suited for winter. During the holiday season, the parks are dressed up in full festive spirit with ornately decorated garland, twinkling lights and of course, lots of trees, trees, trees! I could go on and on about my love of the holidays but this guide is covering more than just the holidays. Check out The Guide to the Holidays at Universal Orlando Resort for more. 

Universal Studios Florida

From day to night, Universal Studios Florida has the perfect mix of movie magic and fun for everyone. 

Must-Have Experiences

Enjoy a slice of Christmas in the Big Apple every November and December when the streets in the New York area of Universal Studios Florida are transformed into a holiday wonderland, complete with a stunning Christmas tree, views of 30 Rockefeller Center, and even Macy’s window facades to peruse. And don’t forget to post up for the nightly Universal’s Holiday Parade featuring Macy’s with larger-than-life balloons. 

Watching Celestina Warbeck and the Banshees perform their holiday hits like “My Baby Gave Me a Hippogriff for Christmas” in Diagon Alley.  

Blasting your way through Illumination’s Villain-Con Minion Blast and celebrating the highest score with Fluffy’s Unicorn Cupcake at Illumination’s Minion Café

Dance to the beat of all the street performances around the park. The Beat Builders and ¡Vamos! – Báilalo are two of my favorites. 

Shop for everyone on your holiday gift list at the Universal Tribute Store.

Stop in the Leaky Cauldron and try the Beef, Lamb & Guinness Stew served in a warm, crusty bread bowl.  

Islands of Adventure

Chestnuts roasting in the air, Blue the Raptor nipping at your nose, Yuletide carols being sung by a Frog Choir, and folks dressed up like Whos… this park has all the makings of a holiday song remix! 

Must-Have Experiences

Soaring above Seuss Landing on The High in the Sky Seuss Trolley Train Ride is even more whimsical in the winter with the time change and seeing the land sparkle at night.

Meet the maven of mischief, The Grinch during Grinchmas.  

Don your Hogwarts house robe and soar through the grounds of Hogwarts castle on Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey.

Holiday shopping in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter — Hogsmeade can’t be beat. I personally love to stuff stockings with treats from Honeydukes or a festive Potter-themed ornament.

Sip on a hot Butterbeer as The Frog Choir sings seasonal melodies. 

Brighten your night at Hogwarts castle with the different seasonal shows that showcase a stunning light and sound experience. Be sure to catch “The Magic of Christmas at Hogwarts” when you visit for the holidays! 

In Marvel Super Hero Island, brave a different kind of storm with a spin on Storm Force Accelatron. I hear at night the lightning can be especially vivid.

Universal Volcano Bay

Relaxing volcano-side is a view that beats any snow pile. With less crowds, heated pools, sandy beach and a mix of thrills and relaxing, Volcano Bay is a must-do. 

Must-Have Experiences

Find the perfect spot to post up for the day. My favorite is underneath an umbrella on Waturi Beach where I can listen to the waves, gaze at the stunning and surreal volcano and fully unwind.

Taste the tropics at Kohola Reef Restaurant & Social Club. The jerked mahi sandwich and longboard pizzas are always a hit.  

Two rivers equals twice the fun. The TeAwa Fearless River is a thrilling whitewater journey that takes you through the heart of the volcano. The Kopiko Wai Winding River is slow and mellow passing by Stargazer’s Cavern. 


Fun winter activities continue beyond the theme parks with these CityWalk ideas! 

Must-Have Experiences

Check out Universal’s Great Movie Escape to put your quick-thinking and problem-solving skills to the test. 

Putt-putt your way through two interactive 18-hole mini-golf courses at Hollywood Drive-In Golf. 

Grab your friends to laugh, cry and snack your way through the latest holiday movie lineup at Universal Cinemark.

With 100 high-def screens, there’s no bad seat to catch a game at NBC Sports Grill & BrewThis is one of my family’s go-to spots for watching sports and grubbing on some great food, especially for some of the SUPER games that happen this time of year. My boys can’t get enough of the giant soft-pretzel and Wisconsin Fried Cheese Bites. I hardly deviate from the pulled pork sandwich (and tots!) because it’s just that good. 


The talented culinary team at Universal Orlando are always cooking up new and classic dishes you’ve got to try. 

Warm your belly and soul with the Campfire Chili served with cornbread or the Dutch Oven Beef Burgundy at Bigfire Restaurant in Universal CityWalk. End on a sweet note by roasting s’mores tableside. 

There are always delicious offerings around the holidays throughout the theme parks and resorts. Nab a hot chocolate and a sweet treat while checking out the holiday decor.

A glass of red vino with a steaming bowl of Mussels Marinara or Bucatini with Meatballs is a great way to warm up at VIVO Italian Kitchen in Universal CityWalk. For even more pasta plates, check out Where to Find the Best Spaghetti. 

Celebrate National Chocolate Lovers Month in February with a tour de chocolate at all the best spots featured in A Chocolate Lover’s Guide to Chocolate Desserts.

National Potato Month, also held annually in February, is the perfect time to try the stuffed jacket potatoes and British crisps at the London Taxi Hut in Universal Studios Florida. 

February also kicks off the annual Mardi Gras celebration at Universal Studios Florida and food is definitely at the heart of the experience. Check out all the eats.

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with dinner for two at Toothsome Chocolate Emporium & Savory Feast Kitchen. The Quiche Lorraine is a personal fave with a side of French Onion Soup. And you must save room for the Triple Chocolate Bread Pudding!

I’ve got my scarf, shorts and sunglasses ready to seize the winter season. See you there! 

What are your favorite things to see, do, or eat during winter at Universal Orlando Resort? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

The post Winter Guide to Universal Orlando Resort appeared first on Discover Universal.

Guide to the VIP Experience at Universal Studios Hollywood

What’s better than being a guest at Universal Studios Hollywood? Being a VIP guest at Universal Studios Hollywood. Don’t get us wrong , every day at Universal feels like magic. But the VIP Tour feels like…well, extra cushy magic.

So what, exactly, does it mean to be an A-lister at Universal Studios Hollywood? In the VIP Experience, you’ll explore the theme park with a super knowledgeable tour guide, in a maximum 13-person group. The tours last a minimum of five hours and include one (truly delicious) meal, an extended Studio Tour, unlimited Express Pass access, and — well, let’s just get into it, shall we? Here’s everything you need to know about the VIP Experience at Universal Studios Hollywood.


When you hear the words “VIP,” it’s fair to assume you’re about to be peppered with sweet, sweet perks. The VIP Experience at Universal Studios Hollywood is no exception to the rule. And, lucky for you, those fun little bonuses begin the second you arrive at Universal. Here’s what you can expect before you even start the tour:

Valet parking. This is a huge perk! Just roll up to the main entrance to the Jurassic Parking garage, hand your keys over to a Team Member, and they’ll take it from there. No fretting over losing your keys or forgetting where you parked — you’re a VIP now. 

Complimentary refreshments. Enter the VIP lounge (just look for the red carpet to the right of the entry gates after security) for a comfortable, air-conditioned waiting area before your tour. There, you can enjoy a complimentary spread including bagels, coffee, and other light bites.

Sun protectants. You’re about to spend a full day in a theme park — there’s no such thing as enough sunscreen! Guests have access to complimentary sunscreen ,lip balm, and ice water in the VIP Experience Center.

Once your group is assembled, fed and sunscreened up, it’s time to explore Universal Studios Hollywood!


The tour guides are what make the VIP Experience truly one-of-a-kind. First, they’re perhaps the most knowledgeable folks you’ll ever meet about all things Universal. As your tour guide leads your small group through the theme park, they’ll hit you with factoid after factoid. It’s an inundation of anecdotes to use at your next cocktail party.

Do you know which other major studios you can see from the escalator on the way to the Studio Tour? Or what iconic 80s film the facade of Saul & Sons in the New York section of the theme park is based on? Or who dubbed Universal “the strangest city in the world”? Your VIP tour guide does.

Beyond a sky-high Universal IQ, the tour guides are there to help make your experience exactly what you want it to be. Each VIP Tour is different. Your Guide is given an allotted time to take your group to three things: the Studio Tour, the WaterWorld show, and lunch. Other than that, they have room to improvise. That means there’s lots of time for rides via Express Lanes. While you can’t completely tailor the experience to every little thing that you, personally, would like to do — you are on a group tour, after all — the guides are able to take your input into consideration.


The Studio Tour is your chance to see the ins and outs of how movies get made. But on the VIP Experience, the Studio Tour brings you just shy of straight-up making the movies yourself. While General Admission guests stay on the tram, VIP guests get to hop off and walk the sets. The exclusive access of movie and TV sets — plus certain luxe amenities — make this unlike any other Studio Tour you’ve experienced. In addition to all standard Studio Tour experience, VIP guests have access to:

The VIP Trolley. Forget the tram, you’re a trolley rider now! Part of being very important means riding on a special trolley, complete with complementary ice water.

Soundstage stop. Learn how movie magic comes to life inside one of Universal’s massive soundstages. You might walk through rooms that look totally real — until you learn all the walls are removable for lighting and camera access.

Edith Head Costume and Prop department. Named for the legendary 20th century costume designer, this building homes hundreds of props used in iconic films throughout time. Just one rule: you break it, you buy it. So I’d keep my hands to myself. 

Walk on a real set. VIP guests get to hop off and explore iconic movie sets on foot. It could be New York City, or Courthouse Square, or Colonial Street, but each tour is slightly different.

NOTE: These are all real, working sets! Therefore, all VIP Experience tours are subject to availability based on production schedules and other factors. Each tour is a little bit different.


VIPs? Wait in long lines? What a ridiculous concept! With your VIP Experience comes an Unlimited Express Pass, meaning you get to use the Express Lanes on every ride in the theme park. That means less time waiting, and more time riding. We made it onto seven rides during my VIP Experience.

And the best part? The VIP Experience is the only way to bypass the general queue for Mario Kart: Bowser’s Challenge. The regular Express Pass doesn’t come with that perk.

But the VIP Experience isn’t just about skipping lines, it’s about the little things. It’s all about removing friction from your day. Here are a few of examples of little luxuries on the rides:

No Ride Locker Necessary. VIP guests can just hand their bag to their tour guide as they hop on a ride, who hands it back when you get off. Easy peasy. 

WaterWorld Seats. Snagging seats for this crowd-pleaser is no sweat when you’ve got VIP seats waiting for you. 

Ride Photos. You know those photos they take of you on rides? VIPs get them for free. You’re welcome. 

PRO TIP: Your VIP lanyard functions as an Express Pass for the remainder of your day at Universal Studios Hollywood! If you’re a real thrill-seeker, snag a spot on an early tour — then hit the rides via Express Lane until the theme park closes. 


You’ve done everything at Universal Studios Hollywood, you claim? Bet you haven’t eaten at VIP Dining. If you haven’t already done the VIP Tour, you definitely haven’t. I mean, I hadn’t, and Iwork here.

VIP Dining, tucked in the Parisian (so you know it’s fancy) portion of the Upper Lot, is the VIP-only dining room. During your VIP Tour, you’ll enjoy a one-hour, all-you-can-eat experience here. And I do mean enjoy. VIP Dining has (arguably) the tastiest food available at the theme park and CityWalk. The whole buffet is delicious, but I especially recommend the mushroom risotto, the melon and prosciutto, the caprese salad, the asian cucumber salad — I could go on. And, you know what? I will: Don’t forget to save room for gelato, cheesecake and cookies.

The elevated menu, plus free phone charging stations and visits from Universal characters, makes VIP Dining the perfect oasis at which to refuel during a jam-packed day at the theme park.


Here are the nitty-gritty details you need to know:

VIP Tours start at various times throughout the morning. The number of tours per day varies by season and day of the week.

Tours are capped at 13 guests each.

Tours run for a minimum of 5 hours.

Children must be at least 5 years old to attend, and 17 years old to attend without an accompanying adult.

Book your VIP Experience here.

VIP Private Experience tours are also available. Call (818) 622-8477 to reserve yours.


I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the combination of two of the best parts of Universal Studios Hollywood: VIP + Halloween Horror Nights. It’s called the R.I.P. Tour. (Genius.)

The R.I.P. Tour differs slightly from the regular VIP Experience, but the bones (har-har) are the same. You’ll get a guided walking tour of the event, one-time express entry to each haunted house and available attractions, the Terror Tram backlot experience in a VIP trolley, and gourmet dining experience, and more. Check out the full details here. But basically, it’s the VIP Experience, plus a whole lot of guts and gore and jump-scares. Hell really is a place on Earth.


So, should you splurge on the VIP Experience? The short answer: yes. But let’s break it down and see if it makes sense for you. The VIP Experience is awesome for…

Universal superfans. If you want to soak up every last thing the theme park has to offer, the VIP Experience is an absolute must. As I mentioned, certain experiences, like VIP Dining and the up-close Studio Tour, are only available to VIP guests.

Folks who want a cushier experience. Treat yourself! Theme park days can be long ones — make yours a truly relaxing visit with the VIP Experience.

Entertainment buffs. Even the biggest film nerds can learn a thing or two from the brainiac VIP tour guides.

Parents of young ones. Tired of planning every single little detail of the family vacation? Your VIP tour guide has got you covered. Parents will appreciate someone else taking the lead for a jam-packed day!

Overall? Going VIP totally elevates the Universal Studios Hollywood experience. Whether you’re a first-timer or have an Annual Pass, put this one on your bucket list.

What part of the VIP Experience are you most excited for? Let us know in the comments below.

The post Guide to the VIP Experience at Universal Studios Hollywood appeared first on Discover Universal.