Detalles revelados sobre How to Train Your Dragon – Isle of Berk 

Con Universal Epic Universe en el horizonte, llegó el momento de adentrarse en la tierra de Hiccup (Hipo), Toothless (Chimuelo), los escandalosos vikingos y los traviesos dragones de How to Train Your Dragon – Isle of Berk.

How to Train Your Dragon – Isle of Berk, uno de los cinco mundos que se encuentran en Epic Universe: se trata de una aldea vikinga a gran escala con cinco emocionantes atracciones, encuentros con dragones (¿alguien quiere tomarse una foto con Toothless?) y oportunidades para cenar y comprar como un vikingo.

Este mundo es donde las historias de How to Train Your Dragon se materializan tanto para los entrenadores de dragones experimentados como para los novatos (casualmente vivo con un niño de 11 años aficionado a los dragones, así que pueden confiar en mi experiencia.). Llegó la hora de descubrir todo lo que los visitantes podrán experimentar en How to Train Your Dragon – Isle of Berk.

Una atracción en sí misma

Desde el momento en que los visitantes atraviesan el portal desde Celestial Park a How to Train Your Dragon – Isle of Berk, se sentirán inmersos en una aldea vikinga escarpada, enorme y llena de colores situada sobre el mar. Los visitantes, recibidos por las icónicas estatuas de vikingos y dragones que aparecen en las películas, contemplarán el mundo de Berk, con una laguna salpicada de barcos vikingos.

“Como se aprecia en las películas, nuestra primera vista de la isla de Berk es a través de las estatuas centinela de vikingos y dragones, con una panorámica de acantilados rocosos, casas de dragones y montañas al fondo”, explica la productora ejecutiva del proyecto, Katy Pacitti. “Les impresionará la escala del mundo y su vitalidad. Para nosotros, este mundo es una atracción en sí mismo: nuestro objetivo siempre fue darle vida a Berk y crear una tierra muy vibrante y animada en la que los vikingos y dragones vivieran en armonía.”

Concebido para ajustarse a la trama de How to Train Your Dragon entre la segunda y la tercera película, How to Train Your Dragon – Isle of Berk será el mundo más grande del nuevo parque temático además de Celestial Park, y estará inspirado en una aldea vikinga del siglo VIII. El mundo es una obra maestra visual y sensorial que muestra detalles hechos a mano a la medida de los vikingos, como puertas de dos metros de altura, bancos tallados a mano con motosierra, tapices tejidos y seis edificios de madera auténtica, además de numerosos y magníficos dragones que escupen fuego. Además, los visitantes podrán disfrutar al máximo los lugares más emblemáticos de las películas, como Gobber’s Forge, Hiccup’s House y las gradas de las carreras de dragones.

Cuando los visitantes entren por el portal, estarán poniendo un pie en Berk y podrán ver la isla extenderse ante ellos. El equipo que está detrás del proyecto describe este instante como un “momento impresionante, que te deja boquiabierto”, ya que se puede apreciar la enorme escala de la tierra.

¿A qué atracciones subirse en How to Train Your Dragon – Isle of Berk?

El mundo cuenta con cinco atracciones y encuentros con algunos de los personajes más emblemáticos de las películas.

Hiccup’s Wing Gliders 

En esta montaña rusa, los visitantes dan un paseo en el nuevo artilugio planeador de Hipo: una máquina voladora alada que lanza a los aspirantes a Dragon Riders al cielo para que vean Berk desde la perspectiva de un dragón.

The Untrainable Dragon

En este espectáculo en vivo con personajes entrañables (como Hiccup, Gobber y Astrid), aparece un nuevo dragón en la isla de Berk y los vikingos creen que por fin han encontrado a un rival debido al misterio del dragón imposible de adiestrar. Uno de los momentos más destacados del espectáculo es cuando Toothless vuela justo por encima de nosotros.

“Me emociona ver volar a Toothless porque es muy impresionante y fascinante”, dice Pacitti. “Además, el dragón imposible de entrenar es simplemente hermoso.”

Aunque es similar al espectáculo de Universal Beijing Resort, The Untrainable Dragon de Universal Epic Universe está ambientado en una época diferente y presenta personajes variados.

Dragon Racer’s Rally

En Dragon Racer’s Rally, los visitantes pueden practicar maniobras acrobáticas y volteretas a gran velocidad en un entrenador de dragones de fabricación vikinga con la esperanza de convertirse en los campeones de las carreras de dragones.

Esta emocionante atracción voladora cuenta con un sistema de recorrido nuevo en Universal Destinations & Experiences y está inspirada en Snotlout, el peor jinete de la saga, así como en Astrid, la mejor jinete de dragón.

Fyre Drill

En esta atracción salvaje y acuática, Ruffnut y Tuffnut (los gemelos cómicos de las películas) han convertido Berk’s Fyre Skööl en una batalla naval en la que los equipos de vikingos compiten para superar a los demás mientras intentan acertar en más de 130 blancos móviles repartidos por toda la atracción. La atracción se encuentra en el centro del mundo, dentro de la laguna, por lo que los visitantes podrán contemplarla desde distintos ángulos.

Viking Training Camp

Los jóvenes vikingos descubrirán todo tipo de dragones mientras trepan, se deslizan y exploran su camino a través de un extenso campamento de aventuras interactivo y una zona de juegos para niños a cargo de Fishlegs, el experto en dragones residente en la Isla de Berk. 

Encuentros con Personajes

Los dragones están vivos y se encuentran activos en How To Train Your Dragon – Isle of Berk, gracias a los encuentros con dragones y personajes repartidos por todo el mundo.

Probablemente, el momento más anticipado será conocer y tomarse fotos con Toothless y Hiccup en un tranquilo claro creado para honrar el vínculo entre dragón y vikingo.

“Creo que el encuentro con Toothless es lo que va a dejar a todos con la boca abierta”, dice Pacitti. “Será una experiencia para los visitantes que marcará un nuevo estándar.”

También se pueden ver dragones y personajes emblemáticos por todo el mundo, entre los que destacan:

Se puede ver a Astrid y a su Deadly Nadder, Stormfly, así como a Ruffnut y Tuffnut deambulando por el mundo e interactuando con los visitantes.

Gobber y su querido dragón Hotburple Grump ocupan el centro del escenario en la fragua.

Dónde comer y comprar en How to Train Your Dragon – Isle of Berk

Como los visitantes podrán comprobar a lo largo de Universal Epic Universe, la experiencia de inmersión en el mundo se prolonga a través de la comida y, en How to Train Your Dragon – Isle of Berk, comer como un vikingo es clave para que puedan conservar su energía para las aventuras con dragones.

Mead Hall es el corazón palpitante de Berk. Este enorme salón es un espacio gigantesco y el principal lugar de reunión de la aldea. Se trata de una gran sala tallada en la roca de la montaña, con un enorme candelabro suspendido en lo alto, donde los vikingos pueden darse un festín con abundantes platos y disfrutar de cerveza e hidromiel únicos, elaboradas exclusivamente para este restaurante casual y rápido.

¡No te pierdas los detalles sobre la comida y los productos!

Qué esperar en la inauguración

Por primera vez el mundo de los dragones y Berk salen de las películas y cobran vida a gran escala: How To Train Your Dragon – Isle of Berk será un espectáculo visual e interactivo cuando abra sus puertas en Universal Epic Universe. La presentación de este mundo supondrá la culminación de años dedicados a la creación y el desarrollo por parte de los equipos de Universal Creative, Universal Orlando Resort y DreamWorks, que están impacientes por compartir todo lo que han creado.

“Estar en los muelles de acceso y ver entrar a los clientes es probablemente lo que más me gustaría experimentar en la inauguración”, dice Pacitti. “No hay nada como experimentar la primera reacción de un visitante ante algo que llevas varios años construyendo.”

Además, poder compartir este asombroso mundo con los fanáticos de los dragones por primera vez será un momento inigualable.

Para el autor de este artículo, ver la emoción en el rostro de mi hijo cuando entre a How to Train Your Dragon – Isle of Berk y conozca a sus queridos dragones en persona por primera vez, sin duda creará un recuerdo que perdurará en mi memoria (y que, seguramente, también me sacará algunas lágrimas).

Así que, ¿qué les parece? ¿Están preparados para volar con dragones en 2025? Yo sí.

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The post Detalles revelados sobre How to Train Your Dragon – Isle of Berk  appeared first on Discover Universal.

Universal Zodiac: A Guide to IOA for Each Astrological Sign

Have you ever wondered, “What would a Virgo do at Universal Islands of Adventure?” What about Leos or Capricorns? Well, we’ve got you. Here’s a special guide featuring the best attractions, food options and photo ops for each zodiac sign so you can enjoy an epic day at the theme park.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Must-Do Attraction: The Incredible Hulk Coaster

Your Favorite Food Item:  Jumbo Pepperoni Slice – Café 4

The Photo Op You Can’t Miss: Flexing those muscles in front of the Hulk!

I like to describe Aries folks as lizards turned dinosaurs — similar to anyone we know? So, what better ride to describe you than The Incredible Hulk Coaster — zero to one hundred, am I right? You too are bold, passionate and driven! After you get off the attraction, satisfy a jumbo appetite with a jumbo pepperoni or cheese slice of pizza, the perfect “snack” for a Hulk.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Photo Credit: @travelwithleahferguson

Must-Do Attraction: Skull Island: Reign of Kong

Your Favorite Food Item:  Turkey Leg – food carts around the theme parks

The Photo Op You Can’t Miss: Leaning back against any wall, eating that turkey leg

Oh Taurus… you are stubborn like Kong and can most likely be found eating.  You are known for your tenacious, down-to-earth, and steadfast nature. Some might argue that you’re lazy, but I’d claim that your priorities are in check; so I guess who’s to say?!  Hop on a jungle expedition perfect for your Kong-like nature — facing your fears, preferably while seated.

If seeing your ole’ furry bestie fighting dinos gave you an appetite, go ahead and satisfy that craving by getting that food moment you’ve been waiting for. 

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Photo Credit: @thegrandarlin

Must-Do Attraction: Hogwarts Express

Your Favorite Food Item: Frozen Butterbeer at Hog’s Head and Regular Butterbeer at Three Broomsticks

The Photo Op You Can’t Miss: Snapping two photos — one in front of Hogsmeade Station AND one in front of King’s Cross Station.

You know what, Geminis get a bad rap, but you all are the most adaptable, fun, and witty people in the zodiac family! Add some excitement by hopping aboard the Hogwarts Express which showcases the two sides of you. (Why pick between The Wizarding World of Harry Potter — Diagon Alley and The Wizarding World of Harry Potter  — Hogsmeade when you can have both?) Be sure to try out a frozen Butterbeer in the Hog’s Head before heading to King’s Cross Station. Then, grab a Regular Butterbeer at Three Broomsticks as soon as you exit Hogsmeade station — the sheer duality of this has you written all over it! Remember, it’s all about the versatility, so bonus points to those of you who can clone yourself in your photos!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Must-Do Attraction: Popeye & Bluto’s Bilge-Rat Barges

Your Favorite Food Item: Dole Whip Pineapple Sorbet – Wimpy’s

The Photo Op You Can’t Miss: Say cheese! with a Dole Whip

This attraction is family-friendly, fun, and will leave you borderline soaked like you just swam in the ocean. Sounds like you, huh? Nurturing, compassionate, and protective! Finish out with a taste of the ocean, a sweet Dole Whip Pineapple Sorbet while you dry off. *Crab walks away*

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Must-Do Attraction: Jurassic World VelociCoaster

Your Favorite Food Item: Prehistoric Raptor Wings – Thunder Falls Terrace

The Photo Op You Can’t Miss: A brave pose in front of VelociCoaster

Leos, you know I had to choose our center-of-attention attraction for the center-of-attention zodiac. Just kidding! You light up the room when you enter it, and you are vibrant, charismatic, and ambitious —  just like the thrills of our VelociCoaster. Snap a pic showing your might in front of the track and then grab a T-Rex sipper to finish off your adventure.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Must-Do Attraction: Storm Force Accelatron

Your Favorite Food Item: Ice Cream Float – Chill Ice Cream

The Photo Op You Can’t Miss: Marvel Character Meet and Greet

Virgos, you love to be in control, and we love you for it! You’re hardworking, reliable, and the perfect candidate to be in charge for a spin on Storm Force Accelatron. Grab onto the wheel of the ride with the same steady hand and focused energy that you use to grab onto the wheel of life! After leading your group through a raucous good time, reward yourself with an Ice Cream Float; on the way over you can point out all the little details your sharp, Virgo eye catches throughout Marvel Super Hero Island.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Must-Do Attraction: Flight of Hippogriff

Your Favorite Food Item: Pumpkin Fizz – Three Broomsticks

The Photo Op You Can’t Miss: Wand at the ready in Hogsmeade

The peacemakers, the kindred spirits, the charmers! How you all just glide through environments like butterflies is beyond me, but it’s truly magical. Grab a pumpkin fizz to match the zest you add to life, and be sure to hop on Flight of Hippogriff, where you can embark on this majestic creature — it feels fitting to a majestic being like yourself. As the sign of peacemakers, throw up a peace sign in Hogsmeade, you flirty hippies!

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Must-Do Attraction: Jurassic Park River Adventure

Your Favorite Food Item: Dulce de Leche Churro — Natural Selections

The Photo Op You Can’t Miss: Getting soaked by a wave of water in the Thunder Falls Terrace splash zone.

You know the T.rex that surprises you at the end of the Jurassic Park River Adventure? Well, he’s obviously a Scorpio. Let me elaborate: Scorpios are known for their mystery, protectiveness and enigmatic nature — the calm before the storm. (Or should I say, the calming river adventure that turns into an 85-foot drop and a roaring T.rex?) Enjoy a churro from Natural Selections or a signature key lime cheesecake from Thunder Falls Terrace before getting a picture under the splash of water from when the raft plunges.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Must-Do Attraction: The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man

Your Favorite Food Item: Hot Honey Chicken Sandwich — Captain America Diner

The Photo Op You Can’t Miss: Web slinging pose in Marvel Super Hero Island

Who’s more down for an adventure than a Sagittarius? Known for your outspoken, ambitious, and magnetic nature, you are perfectly fit to hop on an adventure of a lifetime with Spider-Man and friends. Fuel your spirit on some ramen to prepare for some more wandering. Shoot your best web slinging pose in front of the building in Marvel Super Hero Island to showcase where this Sagittarius is on their journey! You never know where a Sag could be swinging to next…

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Picture Credit: @ sara-lorena

Must-Do Attraction: Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey

Your Favorite Food Item: Chocolate Frog – Honeydukes

The Photo Op You Can’t Miss: Holding up your wand to the Hogwarts castle

Regal just like the famous Hogwarts castle! True royalty if I must say myself (or Capricorns would like you to believe.) You all are known for your perseverance, success-driven mindset and practical nature. Embark with Harry Potter and friends into the Hogwarts castle, going through the halls and classrooms. Take a well earned break at Honeydukes and pick up a chocolate frog. You all know it’s okay to relax, right? Complete the moment by taking a shot in front of the castle in your Hogwarts gear to be sure to capture the very essence of Capricorn’s academic aesthetic.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Must-Do Attraction: Caro-Seuss-el

Your Favorite Food Item: Green Eggs & Ham Tots – Green Eggs & Ham Cafe

The Photo Op You Can’t Miss: Taking a picture in front of the Truffula Trees

You are creative, fun, and weird, so embrace it! What better place is there to let it out then on the Caro-Seuss-el? After you’ve made yourself dizzy on the ride, be sure to grab a bite on over at the Green Eggs & Ham Cafe, where green eggs are not unorthodox, and you can be in your element. Finish up by snapping a pic underneath the Truffula Trees — all the colors and swirls truly make for the perfect Aquarius photo op.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Must-Do Attraction: One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

Your Favorite Food Item: Moose Juice – Moose Juice, Goose Juice

The Photo Op You Can’t Miss: Make a “fish face” beneath the one that shoots out water

Fish… straightforward enough? First of all, this ride is cool just like you — sensitive, imaginative and artistic! And because you’re fun (with an ounce of mischief), I know your favorite thing to do when riding with family and friends is to purposefully aim your fish vehicle into the waterspouts to get them wet! That’s the little daredevil inside of you that not many people see *manic laughter.* After your ride, grab a refreshing Moose Juice. Be sure to snap a picture underneath the waterspout with the both of you soaking wet to commemorate the moment!

Did I miss anything! Let us know in the comments below your sign + favorite thing in Islands of Adventure!

The post Universal Zodiac: A Guide to IOA for Each Astrological Sign appeared first on Discover Universal.

Guide to Nachos (and Dips!) at Universal Orlando Resort

When I was growing up, if you had asked me to try nachos, I would have wrinkled my nose and said a (somewhat) polite, “No, thank you, I don’t like cheese.” 

So, it may come as a shock when I tell you now how much I LOVE nachos, specifically the nachos around Universal Orlando Resort. Please come along with me as I adventure to find the perfect nacho option across the theme parks. I even included a few chip-and-dip options, mostly because I just had to start with my favorite queso dip…


Queso Dip

Honestly the greatest and you cannot change my mind about this. I’m here for the liquid-white-gold of Antojitos Authentic Mexican Food’s queso dip, with its perfectly blended cheesy, spicy goodness. I could genuinely have this with — or for — every meal.

BONUS: This is served with some soft tortillas, which are meant to be dipped directly into the queso. However, I recommend saving them for the nacho fixings and making a taco.

DOUBLE BONUS: Add some broken chips for an extra crunch to your soft taco.


These are perfect for all nacho lovers and have everything you need for a perfect pre-meal bite. Or, you can make it your main, like I did, and be satisfyingly full before strolling around the Universal CityWalk Promenade. Between the beef or chicken, I went with the shredded chicken and it was tender, juicy, and nicely seasoned. I took things a step further by adding on my favorite queso dip — it comes with some already on top, but there’s just never enough of it for me!

PAIR WITH: Blood Orange Margarita | A trip to Antojitos Authentic Mexican Food isn’t complete without a stop at its bar! My go-to drink here is the Blood Orange Margarita with a tajin rim. It’s delightfully balanced between sweet and bitter, with a little extra kick from the tajin.


Carnitas Tots

These might be my favorite nachos across the theme parks, and they don’t even have tortillas! These chunky-yet-fluffy tots bring a fun, crispy element to nachos that cannot be overlooked. Plus, they’re drizzled in a white cheese sauce, so it immediately had my heart (and my stomach). This dish can be shared between two, or you can conquer it on your own.

Honestly everything on the Green Eggs and Ham Cafe menu is fab (I’m looking at you, Buffalo Chicken Tots), but these really are a fun change from your typical nacho dish. If you see that the line is short, get in! You won’t regret it.


Blackened Chicken Nachos

My roommate and I endeavored on this nacho journey across Universal together, and in her words, “I’ll eat anything blackened.” So, we of course had to stop in at our favorite dueling piano bar, Pat O’Brien’s, to try the NOLA version of nachos. They. Did. Not. Disappoint. They were a delicious nacho option, with juicy chicken, delightful red beans, and fresh jalapeños; however, I will forever recommend asking for extra cheese – no, I don’t have a problem, thank you.

BONUS: We had some left-over Cajun spices from the fries and I ended up sprinkling it over the nachos for a bit more of a kick. These nachos were originally on the milder side, so I appreciated this extra complexity.

Cajun Crawfish Dip

Now this is a dip for fish lovers. It’s thick and creamy, with perfect morsels of crawfish throughout, and a light, crispy crust. Paired with their house-made tortillas — I swear they’re scientifically designed just for this dip — this savory snack just feels at home in this cozy pub.

PAIR WITH: Category 5 Margarita | While there are a few versions of the Hurricane across Universal Orlando, there has only ever been one that I count on when I’m here, and that’s at Pat O’Brien’s. However, wanting to mix things up a bit, I ordered the Category 5 Margarita… because tequila and I are a lot like queso and I: together whenever possible. If you’re looking for a different twist on this classic cocktail, I cannot recommend it enough!


Crab Rangoon Dip

While not nachos, they are an absolute MUST when exploring the dips around the Universe. This unique treat from The Cowfish Sushi Burger Bar is everything I love from Chinese takeout in the form of a dip! With rich, cream cheesy goodness on crisp wonton chips, add a drizzle of sweet chili sauce, it’s easy to fall head over stomach for this dish.

BONUS: Ask for extra sweet chili sauce… you will thank me! Whether you order sushi, burgers, or a bento box, you will want to dip everything in it. That is, whatever is left over from your wantons.

Blackened Tuna Nachos

I don’t always go for raw sushi, so these nachos were a true surprise and delight! The dish consists of those same crispy wonton chips (this time extra-large) and that same creamy, sweet-and-savory cheese that I fell in love with from the Crab Rangoon Dip, but with enhancements of Cowfish’s tuna and avocado salsa. This is a fun start to your sushi and burger adventure — and looking over this menu, it’s gonna be a good time!

PAIR WITH: Pearls Of Wisdom | This drink is so cute! I honestly couldn’t decide between the delicious drink options and asked my server to recommend something sweet. It sounded sensational on the menu, but I wasn’t prepared for the fish-themed glass it would be served in. While sweet, it wasn’t overly so, and the dragon fruit boba was a fun addition. This was a true highlight during my meal!



I knew a tour of nachos wouldn’t be complete without Totchos, and I must say these tots are everything! They are perfectly crispy and potato-y tender, with a very satisfying crunch. And they’re covered in cheese, which I’m pretty sure I’ve established is all I really need to elevate a dish. Add on the crispy pork belly, and I swear I’m in potato-nacho (Totcho) heaven.

Kettle Chip Nachos 

To see how good those Totchos really were, I put them head-to-head with the Kettle Chip Nachos to see which would come out victorious. Plot Twist: it was me! These delicious chips have the same savory andouille queso that I loved from the Totchos, but with some key differences — beyond the kettle chips. The sweet peppers topping this nacho bowl add another level of deliciousness to this amazing feast.

BONUS: If you end up ordering both Totchos and Nachos — and really you should because they’re both phenom! — commandeer some of the peppers for the Totchos to carry that sweet lightness across both dishes.

PAIR WITH: Chocolate Coffee Banana | It may seem obvious, but in The Toothsome Chocolate Emporium and Savory Feast Kitchen, order the chocolate! And this delightful cocktail was everything I wanted for my chocolate craving. Served in a bespoke martini glass with a sliced banana centered in this crafted libation, it was delectably light with forwards of chocolate and coffee, and then a hint of banana on the end. 10 out of 10, will order again!


Tampico Nachos

While all the pool bars serve their own version of nachos (my idea of the perfect poolside snack), I had to follow my heart and stop in at my favorite Universal Hotel, Loews Sapphire Falls Resort, to sample Drhum Klub Kantine’s take on this dish. What I wasn’t prepared for was the ginormous bowl of goodness brought to my lounge seat! These nachos are fully covered in cheese — be still my heart — with phenomenally good guacamole, too. Honestly, I have no idea what they did to elevate this fresh dip, but it worked. I went for the fire roasted chicken, which came pulled and gooey in a savory sauce that blended well with the cheese and black beans.


Volcano Nachos

I blame this dish for my interest in the nacho game. This was always my mom’s go-to meal in CityWalk growing up (so maybe she’s the woman to blame?). Once I finally admitted that I maybe, sort of, sometimes liked cheese, I was all-in on trying this mountain of crispy, cheesy, pico de gallo-y goodness. And the rest, well, it’s in this article!

Tequila Spiked Shrimp Ceviche 

Ceviche was a new one for me, but I felt I had to include it in this adventure once I saw it on the Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville menu and thought, “This looks nacho-like.” I’m truly glad I tried it! While deficient in cheese — I know, I’m shocked it made it onto the list, too — it was beyond what I was expecting. A light, refreshing salsa-esque dip, with chilled shrimp and chunks of avocado, this was a fantastic stop along my journey and was a perfect counter to the heavier flavors of the Volcano Nachos.

BONUS: Use whatever chips you don’t dip into this salsa for the cheesy, chili-soaked chips at the bottom of the Volcano Nachos to reinvigorate the crunch in your bite!

Nacho Burger

I’d be remiss if I didn’t try this behemoth of a burger. With Monterey Jack Cheese stuffed inside the beef patty and topped with lettuce, guacamole, blue corn tortilla chips, chipotle aioli, poblano salsa, and pickled jalapeño, this dish was equally as yummy as it was messy (i.e., ask for extra napkins). The burger had a lovely heat from the chipotle aioli and the pickled jalapeño, and a fun crunch with the blue corn tortilla chips.

BONUS: While you can get this with your choice of fries or a salad, I actually recommend asking to sub it out for the coleslaw. After all the cheese and chips I’d had at this point, the coleslaw brought a light and refreshing touch to this filling dish and balanced out the spicy flavors of the burger.

PAIR WITH: Off To The Virgin Islands | This non-alcoholic daiquiri was the perfect counter to the hot, Florida-summer day, and very refreshing. With my choice of flavors, I asked to mix the strawberry and mango for a sweet addition to my savory meal, and the end of my culinary adventure. If you’re looking for something a bit boozier, make sure to check out the Boat Drinks (Rocks and Frozen) or try out the Margarita Flight. My eye is on the Don’t Stop The Carnival!

OK, those were my top nacho options at Universal, but what are yours? Let me know in the comments below!

The post Guide to Nachos (and Dips!) at Universal Orlando Resort appeared first on Discover Universal.

My First Mardi Gras Float Ride and Dine Experience

As a master’s student, full-time intern and accommodating-eldest-sibling, I barely have time on the weekdays to do anything but reset for the next day. However, a couple of Tuesdays ago was absolutely the opposite of what a normal weekday night usually is for me. I had the honor of experiencing my first ever Mardi Gras parade! If you’ve never come to Universal Studios Florida during Mardi Gras: International Flavors of Carnaval, here’s your sign to change that ASAP.

Picture this: a fun-filled day of riding roller coasters and catching shows all culminating with a perfect three-course meal and bead tossing from one of Universal’s fantastic Mardi Gras floats during the best party of the season! 

The Mardi Gras event that takes place every year at Universal Orlando celebrates a variety of cultures through atmosphere, food and entertainment.  Not only can you celebrate New Orleans Mardi Gras and international variations of Carnaval, but you can also book a Float Ride and Dine Experience (like I did a couple Tuesdays ago!) and I’m here to give you the rundown on everything you need to know. 

Dinner is Served

A crucial part of the Float Ride and Dine Experience is — of course — the dining! For this portion of the bundled experience you’re able to choose from four Universal Orlando Resort dining locations. These include: Lombard’s Seafood Grille, Finnegan’s Bar & Grill, NBC Sports Grill & Brew and The Cowfish Sushi Burger Bar. The dining will take place prior to the float riding and on early days, this could mean as early as 3:00 p.m. 

For my experience, I opted to try Lombard’s Seafood Grille (my first time ever) and it did not disappoint. The meal plan includes a nonalcoholic beverage, an appetizer, an entrée and a dessert from the full menu of the restaurant that you opted for. Here’s a look at what we ordered, but what I learned this night is you really can’t go wrong at Lombard’s.

Tuna Poké

Sushi-grade ahi tuna in a soy garlic sauce mixed with fresh vegetables, next to a bed of refreshing frisée, and served with fried wontons and a crispy nori chip — this one is a must-try if you’re craving a light appetizer. 

Monterey Garlic Shrimp

Gulf shrimp tossed in pan-roasted garlic, herbed butter, chili peppers, and fresh lemon served with a rosemary focaccia. What really stood out about this dish — besides the yummy flavors and nice little kick — is that they served the shrimp butterflied for you to place on top of the nicely charred focaccia. 

Catch of the Season

For the catch of the season, I opted for the grilled halibut offering which was a nice mild flaky white fish. This was served with a smooth celeriac purée, roasted mushrooms, crispy brussels sprouts, chive oil and crunchy pomegranate seeds. 

I usually do not order halibut and stick to my favorite — salmon — but I thought I’d take some risk this night  — boy was I right. The mildness of the halibut balanced well with the celeriac purée. The pomegranate seeds were also a surprise hit for me because they added an extra layer of complexity and  texture to the dish. 

Devil’s Food Chocolate Cake

I know they call this the Devil’s cake but it sure was heavenly. Three layers of cake topped with dark chocolate ganache… a chocolate lover’s dream come true. 

Classic Key Lime Pie

This pie embodies the definition of timeless with a graham cracker crust and a tart lime filling topped with vanilla whipped topping. 

Check In

After the fantastic meal, we headed on over to Animal Actors on Location! around 5:00 p.m; we got there one hour before the parade started, but you may want to head over earlier depending on your parade time. At the meeting point, we were checked in for our float ride by some awesome team members. When it’s your turn, just tell them your reservation name and they’ll ensure you have a waiver signed for the float riding experience. 

Once we got our float assignment, we then moved on to the wardrobe area. This part was super fun because I got a fancy costume to reflect the float I was riding on. For this portion, my friend, Nicole, and I were actually crowned queens and got to wear these sparkly gold dresses and crowns on the King and Queen’s Krewe. A couple of very enthusiastic and lovely team members helped us put on our gowns and made sure we looked our best for the big show. I was super excited and knew that this was my time to shine — like I had been waiting my whole life for this moment. 

The Unforgettable Ride

As the two queens, we were each given about 100 bead necklaces to toss into the crowd as we sat on a beautiful throne bench. This was absolutely my favorite part of the night  — yes,  even more than that heavenly chocolate cake  — because I was able to really witness how much people truly enjoy the Mardi Gras parade and catching beads. The crowds gathered, cheered, and danced to the Mardi Gras music while the floats kept rolling. I can’t believe my first ever Universal Mardi Gras and I got to be the queen of it!

It was the perfect evening to try the Mardi Gras Float Ride and Dine Experience, too, because it wasn’t hot and humid, but rather a nice temperate night with a cool breeze. Something about Florida winters just adds to the magic of Mardi Gras, so don’t miss your chance to join in on the party this season! 

Share with us your first Mardi Gras float experience by leaving a comment down below and stay up to date on all things Mardi Gras here.

The post My First Mardi Gras Float Ride and Dine Experience appeared first on Discover Universal.

Guide to Universal CityWalk at Universal Studios Hollywood

Universal CityWalk Hollywood is unlike anywhere in Los Angeles. Why? Because it’s an entertainment district right on the doorstep of Universal Studios Hollywood. At CityWalk, you can catch a film just steps away from a working production studio; shop for one-of-a-kind movie memorabilia; get your hands on some coveted SUPER NINTENDO WORLD merch; dig into immersive, themed dining experiences, and do so much more. Whether you’re extending your day at the theme park or just craving a taste of the Universal fun, Universal CityWalk Hollywood has you covered. 

In fact, the destination is so jam-packed with entertainment, restaurants, and shops that it can be hard to keep track of all the options. No biggie — we’ve whipped up a comprehensive guide just for you. Here’s everything you need to know about Universal CityWalk Hollywood.


You’re not a true Angeleno until you’re planning your parking strategy days in advance. Luckily, Universal CityWalk Hollywood makes parking a breeze — and an affordable one at that. Here’s what you need to know about parking at CityWalk and Universal Studios Hollywood ahead of your visit. 

$10 parking after 5 p.m. Did you hear that? If you come to CityWalk after 5 p.m., parking is just $10. All the more reason to make it a night on the town. 

$5 Cinema parking If you’re catching a flick, General Parking costs just five bucks. We recommend purchasing your movie ticket and parking ahead online or through the AMC Theatres app. That way, you’ll get a barcode you can show at the gate on your way into the garage. Otherwise, you can pay for General Parking when you arrive, then bring your receipt to the box office to receive a rebate. 

$10 valet for full-service restaurants If you come to CityWalk for a sit-down dinner, you can park like a VIP starting for just ten bucks (with validation). Just follow the signs for valet parking in the Jurassic Parking garage and get your parking ticket validated at the restaurant.

Complete parking details, as well as electric vehicle charging information, can be found right here


Universal Cinema

This cineplex has 18 movie theaters, including an IMAX theater and a brand-new AMC PRIME theater — plus (and perhaps most importantly) reclining seats that make Universal Cinema one of the coziest in Los Angeles. Before your show, grab a drink at the Director’s Lounge (if you’re 21 or older), whose playful menu is inspired by the shows and movies featured at Universal Studios Hollywood. It’s like having a taste of theme park magic in a glass. (Just note: you can only consume alcohol on the second floor of the cinema.) 

5 Towers Stage 

Situated right outside Universal Cinema, 5 Towers Stage is a state-of-the-art, open air concert venue with over 5,000 LED lights. With a rotating lineup of local acts, you never know who might be performing at Universal CityWalk Hollywood!


Ready for thrills before you even hit the theme park? Tap into your inner daredevil at iFLY, an indoor skydiving experience at CityWalk. The vertical wind tunnel lets you experience the sensation of flight — no airplane necessary. Plus, it’s safe for all folks ages three-and-up. 


The Toothsome Chocolate Emporium & Savory Feast Kitchen

Whether you’re a kid or a kid at heart, Universal CityWalk Hollywood is here to satisfy your dream of eating chocolate for dinner. Well, sort of. The entire menu at The Toothsome Chocolate Emporium & Savory Feast Kitchen is based around chocolate: from the Pork Belly Sliders with chocolate-dipped bacon, to the Coffee and Chocolate Stout Chicken Wings to the Chocolate Almond Bread, the sweet stuff finds its way into much of the savory menu. 

And then there’s the dessert foundry. Toothsome has an amazing menu of decadent milkshakes, which come in flavors including Red Velvet, Cookie Jar, Confetti, and much more. They’re topped with whole treats unto themselves; you definitely can’t skip out on a Toothsome dessert. Plus, you can order a milkshake to-go from the foundry. 

If you’d like to take a taste of Toothsome home with you, pop over to Candy Smith, just to your right upon entering the main door. There, you can find specialty chocolates, truffles, macarons, and more. 

NBC Sports Grill & Brew

If you’re trying to catch the game, you can bet it’s on here. NBC Sports Grill & Brew has everything you want from a good sports bar: high-definition TVs, 20 rotating draft beers on tap (for the 21-and-up crowd only), and a menu full of dippable appetizers. With wings, jalapeño poppers, gigantic soft pretzels, chili, and a whole slate of burgers, this spot is shareable comfort food heaven. There’s no better place to catch the Olympic Games than the bar named for their broadcasting network. 

VIVO Italian Kitchen 

Nothing hits the spot like handmade Italian cooking. The menu at VIVO Italian Kitchen is brimming with Italian-American favorites, including a host of pizzas, panini, and pastas. With a sleek interior, an extensive wine list and an enticing lineup of craft cocktails, VIVO makes for a great date spot. Oh, and also: tiramisu. You’re welcome. 

Antojitos Cocina Mexicana 

Southern California isn’t lacking in excellent Mexican fare, and neither is Universal CityWalk Hollywood. Antojitos Cocina Mexicana serves up all the classics of this beloved cuisine: tacos, enchiladas, burritos, nachos and so much more. It also boasts an impressive tequila and mezcal list with over 100 spirits and curated Tequila Flights. 

Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville

The vibes? Tropical. The drinks? Blended. The music? Jimmy Buffett, of course! It’s always 5 o’clock at Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville. The eatery is synonymous with taking a load off. The tasty menu is reminiscent of hot summer beach barbecues, with items including Island Kabobs, Crispy Coconut Shrimp, the Bikini Wrap, and barbecue items, including the infamous Cheeseburger in Paradise. And, because of course there’s a robust margarita menu, order a Margarita Flight to taste a few at once. (Only if you’re 21+, of course.) 

Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.

The “Forrest Gump” inspired restaurant has an outpost at Universal CityWalk Hollywood. The menu at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. features, as you might expect, a whole lot of seafood, but there are all kinds of Southern American eats to choose from. 

Buca di Beppo

Are you dining with the kind of crowd that likes to eat off each others’ plates? Look no further than Buca di Beppo. The Italian-American eatery has an expansive menu designed to be eaten family-style. You can’t go wrong with a menu chock-full of pizzas, pastas, salads, fried calamari, meatballs, and so much more. 

Dongpo Kitchen

This modern Sichuanese spot is another good spot for a crowd. From Pork Buns to Pot-stickers, from Dan Dan Noodles to Fried Rice, from Kung Pao Chicken to Sautéed Scallops, the extensive menu at Dongpo Kitchen has something for everyone. 

Johnny Rockets

Step into mid-century Americana as this retro-themed diner. Johnny Rockets serves up the kind of fare we like to imagine everyone ate in the 1950s: burgers, fries, and of course, shakes and malts. 


Hop across the Pacific Ocean for dinner at Wasabi. This Japanese spot features an impressive sushi menu, including an array of rolls, nigiri and sashimi, as well as teriyaki, tempura, and BBQ short ribs. Its drink menu features Japanese flavors like sake, plum wine, yuzu, lychee, and more. 


On the second story of Universal CityWalk Hollywood you’ll find CityFood, a selection of quick-service restaurants for when you’re on-the-go. Guests can access CityFoods from the escalators opposite the Universal Cinema, or directly from the second floor of Jurassic Parking. Here’s what you can find there.  

KFC Express/Pizza Hut Express

Want chicken? Want pizza? Want both? Want ‘em now? That’s why the gods invented the KFC Express/Pizza Hut Express. Find it on the second story of CityWalk, up the escalator across from the cinema. 

Panda Express

The Panda Express menu includes all your favorite Chinese-American dishes, from Orange Chicken to Broccoli Beef to Veggie Spring Rolls. There’s also a location inside the theme park itself, on the Lower Lot. 

Pink’s Famous Hot Dogs

If “taste an iconic LA food” is on your weekend bucket list, look no further than Pink’s Famous Hot Dogs. The legendary Fairfax District hot dog stand has been in business for over 80 years, and its Universal CityWalk Hollywood outpost serves up the same snappy sausages that make Pink’s iconic. You can’t go wrong with the classic Chilli Dog, but Hollywood-inspired orders like The Mulholland Drive Dog and The Betty White Naked Dog are always a trip.  

Taco Bell

You’ll find all your favorite Mexican-inspired comfort foods at Taco Bell, from Chalupas to Crunchwraps. 

Firehouse Subs

This to-go spot dishes up toasted submarine sandwiches, stuffed with stacks of premium meats and cheeses. Choose from Firehouse Subs’ curated menu or build your own. 

Uncle Sharkii Poke Bar

One of Universal CityWalk Hollywood’s newest establishments, Uncle Sharkii Poke Bar serves up Hawaiian poke bowls and boba teas. Their bowls are totally customizable, and packed with your choice of fresh fish, tofu, and chicken, with a selection of vegetables, and tangy sauces.

The Habit Burger Grill

This California-based chain serves an array of grilled Charburgers, as well as Chardogs and veggie burgers. The Habit Burger Grill is located on the second story of CityWalk, across from the Universal Cinema. 


Chick Chick Chicken

Craving chicken? As the name might suggest, Chick Chick Chicken is your spot. Nashville hot ‘n’ spicy chicken? Check. Crispy puffed rice chicken? Check. Hand-breaded chicken tenders? Check. 


It’s never a bad idea to load up on fruit before heading into a day at the theme park. At Jamba, you’ll find an array of fruit-sense smoothies to keep your energy high for a fun excursion. 

mini monster

mini monster, a small-batch boba tea spot, offers a tasty lineup of Asian-inspired milk teas, refreshing lemonades, and coffees served in adorable, reusable jars. 

Starbucks Coffee

Whether you’re just starting off a day in the theme park or need an afternoon pick-me-up before hitting the cinema, the Starbucks Coffee at CityWalk sure can be a lifesaver. Come for a java fix, stay for the exclusive Universal Studios Hollywood mugs available for purchase. 


Voodoo Doughnut

This conveyor of breakfast pastries has a cult following for a good reason. At Voodoo Doughnut, choose from dozens of off-the-wall doughnut flavors, like the Bacon Maple Bar, the Voodoo Double Bubble, the PB&J, and many more, including a lengthy vegan doughnut menu. The shop also features seasonal doughnuts throughout the year, celebrating everything from Valentine’s Day to Halloween Horror Nights with eye-popping sweets. 

Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt

With over 100 rotating frozen yogurt flavors and 50 rotating toppings, there are seemingly infinite permutations of desserts at Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt. You could visit hundreds of times and never eat the same thing twice.

Ben & Jerry’s

Whether it’s Chunky Monkey, Phish Food or Cherry Garcia, everyone has their favorite Ben & Jerry’s flavor. Visit the beloved Vermont-based ice creamery at Universal CityWalk Hollywood for yours.  


Is there anything quite like the smell of a hot, fresh cinnamon bun? Follow your nose to Cinnabon, with a menu packed with sticky-sweet treats sure to hit the spot.

Sparky’s Mini Donuts and Chocolates

The best thing about mini donuts? Sharing them with your friends. Satisfy your sweet tooth with an order of bite-sized pastries and homemade confections  at Sparky’s Mini Donuts and Chocolates

The Crêpe Café

You might not be able to jet-set to France this very second, but you can take a taste of Parisian indulgence at CityWalk. Watch as sugary, paper-thin pancakes are prepared right in front of you at The Crêpe Café.


If you crave a little more than salt and butter out of your popcorn, look no further than Popcornopolis. This gourmet popcorn purveyor sells an array of sweet and savory flavors, including chocolate, caramel, cheese, sweet, spicy, and more. Don’t sleep on the Zebra popcorn: caramel popcorn drizzled in white and dark confectioner’s chocolates. 

Wetzel’s Pretzels 

Nothing quite says “theme park” like a soft pretzel, right? Take a bite out of the Universal Studios Hollywood experience right on CityWalk at Wetzel’s Pretzels. Their menu boasts a variety of sweet, savory, dippable and shareable soft pretzels. 


You’re about to feel like a kid in a candy shop. Literally. A delightfully over-the-top sweets emporium, IT’SUGAR isn’t just a great place to find sour gummies, but an awesome place to find novelty gifts, too. 


Universal Studio Store

Whether you’re heading into the theme park, leaving the theme park, or just visiting CityWalk, no visit is complete without a stop in the Universal Studio Store. This is an emporium of all things Universal Studios Hollywood: from dinosaur gear to wizarding robes to iconic monster tees, you can find all kinds of apparel, toys and souvenirs at this massive shop. Merchandise rotates in and out of stock, so never miss a chance to swing in and see what’s new. The Universal Studio Store also includes UNIVERS, which features a specialty apparel line based on beloved Universal movies. 


The newest land in Universal Studios Hollywood is so epic, it has its own store at Universal CityWalk Hollywood. The SUPER NINTENDO WORLD STORE on CityWalk features all kinds of apparel, plushies, toys, bags, and more, all inspired by SUPER NINTENDO WORLD and the Mushroom Kingdom. Grab matching Mario and Luigi shirts for you and your bestie, a Toad plushie for your little ones, or a Bowser shell backpack for the back-to-school crowd — just don’t skip this one!


This family-friendly shop carries toys, plushies, souvenirs and clothes based on Universal Studios Hollywood’s kid-centric properties. Here, you’ll find “Minions,” “The Secret Life of Pets” and “Trolls” gear — and even not-so-scary dinosaurs and sharks, too. While Cartooniversal might be geared toward kids, there are plenty of adorable souvenirs grown-ups will love, too.

Production Central

This rotating storefront is where you can find limited-time-only Universal Studios Hollywood apparel, merchandise and souvenirs. Its theme changes every few months-ish, so make sure you check out the latest goods at Production Central whenever you’re at Universal CityWalk Hollywood.

Celebrity Authentics

Ever wish you could take your trip to Hollywood home with you? Thanks to Celebrity Authentics, you can. Situated directly across from the Universal Cinema, this shop has a vast selection of posters, photos, toys, and props signed by beloved actors — no joke. Celebrity Authentics validates every single item it sells, so you can be confident your signed product is the real deal. 

Things From Another World

Your one-stop-shop for everything comic book. This shop has a range of comic books, including classic collections, art books and new releases, as well as action figures, statues, apparel, and more collectables. Whether you’re into anime, horror, video games, or superheroes, Things From Another World has you covered. 

Dodgers Clubhouse Store

It’s always baseball season at Universal CityWalk Hollywood. Swing by the Dodgers Clubhouse Store for everything you need to root for the Boys in Blue — bobbleheads, foam fingers, jerseys, you name it. 

Abercrombie & Fitch

Shop comfortable, stylish apparel for men, women and children at the CityWalk Abercrombie and Fitch. Whether you’re looking for work clothes or back-to-school fashion, A&F can help you out.


You know what’s awesome about Southern California? You can surf, skate, and snowboard all in the same day. Billabong is dedicated to these much-beloved California pastimes. You can find bikinis, boardshorts, and whatever else you might need for a day of shredding. 


To add one-of-a-kind flair to your wardrobe, look no further than Francesca’s. Find stylish clothes, jewelry, shoes and accessories at this Bohemian-style shop.

Hot Topic

Some people love pop culture so much, they just have to wear it on their sleeve. And that’s who Hot Topic is for. Find clothes and accessories inspired by your favorite movies, bands, comics and shows at this unique outfitter. 


If you want to sport your favorite team’s logo, Lids is the shop for you. With a wide collection of snapbacks, beanies, bucket hats and more, this store is committed to covering your dome. 

Locker Room by Lids

Get your favorite squad’s hat at Lids, then pop over to Locker Room by Lids for the rest of the getup. You can find jerseys, tees, shorts, and more official pro sports apparel here. 

Karma and Luck 

With an array of jewelry, gemstones, crystals and more spiritually-minded decor, Karma and Luck is unlike any other shop on CityWalk. Bring home something that’ll add good vibes to your living space. 

Nectar Bath Treats

The pastry-shaped soaps at this store look delicious enough to eat — but don’t be fooled! Nectar Bath Treats sells bath bombs, scrubs and body butters that will nourish and soften your skin. 


Find all of your makeup, skincare, haircare and fragrance needs under one roof at Sephora. You can even book a Beauty Lesson, where you’ll get a personalized tutorial from one of Sephora’s Beauty Advisors. 

Shoe Palace 

Sneakerheads, look no further than this footwear outlet. Shoe Palace boasts a wide array of kicks from popular brands like Nike, Vans, New Balance and more. 


It’s seemingly always sunny in SoCal — protect your eyes and stay stylish all at once at Sunsations. This sunglasses shop sells all the brands you know and love, and is conveniently located near the theme park’s entrance. 

The Los Angeles Sock Market

This quirky boutique has nearly every funky-patterned sock you can imagine. Check out The Los Angeles Sock Market to find an A+ birthday gift. 

The Raider Image

Sure, we’re in Los Angeles, but that doesn’t mean you can’t cheer on the Las Vegas Raiders. Visit The Raider Image for apparel, accessories, decor, and everything else silver and black you might need. 


This California-based clothing brand sells surf, skate, and streetwear for folks of all ages. Whether it’s bikinis in the summer or knit sweaters in the winter, Tillys has you covered for every SoCal season. 

What’s your favorite spot to grab a bite or shop for gear in Universal CityWalk Hollywood? Let us know in the comments below.

The post Guide to Universal CityWalk at Universal Studios Hollywood appeared first on Discover Universal.

Behind-the-Beads | How Mardi Gras Parade Floats Are Brought to Life at Universal Orlando Resort

Before the last piece of confetti hits the ground on the final night of Universal Mardi Gras: International Flavors of Carnaval, the creative minds behind Universal Orlando’s Art and Design Team are already set on a year (sometimes two!) in the future.

While there are six floats that return to the parade each season, this small but mighty team turns six additional blank-float skeletons into new works of mobile art that roll through the streets of Universal Studios Florida nightly during Mardi Gras — and they do it every single year!

I met with Kerstin Mais, Art Manager and Deb Aull, Lead Set Dresser for the Mardi Gras Parade as they were in the beginning stages of their four-week sprint to get all six new floats show-ready for the first night of the 2024 event.

“Our designers will come up with a new parade theme every year,” explains Kerstin. “Once the current year’s parade is over, the rotating floats are taken offsite, stripped down to a blank canvas and repainted to match the next year’s designs. We have a great relationship with Kern Studios, a float building company located in New Orleans, and they supply us with the larger-than-life statues that will be placed on the floats. Once these are installed, the floats make their way back to Universal Orlando property where our work begins!”

This year, the Mardi Gras Parade brings the elements to life, with floats representing earth, wind, fire, water, the sun and the moon. “My favorite new float this year is the earth float,” Deb expresses. “There’s a lot of set dressing we’re doing to this one, and it will be covered with beautiful vines and flowers.”

As I look around at the new floats in their current state, they are definitely different from the shiny, glittery, bead-adorned works of art I’ve come to expect as a Mardi Gras fan. This is the beauty of what the Art and Design Team does, though; with their trained eyes, they can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary and create something truly unexpected from year to year.

The first order of business following delivery of the floats is what the team refers to as the “glittering process.” Kerstin explains, “Our float designers provide us with their vision for how they would like the floats to be decorated, and our team applies the glitter based on that design. Glittering alone takes about one to two weeks to finish.”

Deb adds, “When we come in, all of the floats are essentially bare, they only have paint on them. As set dressers, we come in and add the glitter, foliage, beads and anything else the designer has asked for. Glitter really makes the floats beautiful; it makes them come alive.”

I intently watched the team as they meticulously painted on their designs with glue, then took a big handful of glitter and lobbed it at the side of the float. Sometimes, the team has guidelines drawn on the floats to follow; sometimes, it’s up to them and their creative freedom to execute the vision.

“I constantly encourage my team to come to me with their ideas, because no idea is a bad idea,” says Kerstin. “Our work is a team effort, and I always say ‘we’re a team for a reason’ because everybody has their own unique skill they bring to the table. It makes me proud that my Team Members can pitch something to me that I wouldn’t have thought of. I embrace everyone’s ideas and always try to make them happen.”

Teamwork is a theme brought up time and time again the longer I spend with the group, whether it’s between coworkers or between departments. “We have 11 Team Members in Art and Design that work on decor for the Mardi Gras Parade,” explains Kerstin. “But the total number of Team Members who work on this parade is immense.”

Deb adds, “We have a special effects team that installs the confetti cannons and fog, a lighting team who installs the light strips and other special lighting, and an audio team that installs all of the speakers and gets the music working. We all have to work well together since we’re working in the same small area. Luckily, we’re all friends and all happy to be here!”

Once the new floats are covered in glitter from top to bottom, the team moves on to the next step: layering. Foliage, bunting, bead strands and “plantons” (decorative items attached to the side of the floats to give them a 3-D look) are added to make the floats pop. For the returning floats, layering involves adding jumbo bead strands to the sides and giving them a thorough inspection to ensure they’re in tip-top shape. Deb describes layering as her favorite part of the process: “Glittering is fun,” she says, “but I love layering the floats with all of our fun finds and beads. I love seeing the end result with all of the decorations in place, knowing the floats started plain and bare.”

Deb’s experience with decorating floats for the Mardi Gras Parade spans back over two and a half decades. “I was hired as a Set Dresser 25 years ago, adding beads to the floats,” she says. “Now, I’m a Lead Set Dresser, and I love what I do. I remember in the beginning, all of the floats were lower to the ground and were structured differently. Through the years we’ve tried different ways of decorating the floats, and we decided glitter really made them come alive. The designs have evolved to be so much more intricate than they were when I first started.”

Once the last of the decorations have been applied, the team gets to step back and enjoy the fruits of their labor. “My favorite part of the process is when we’re completely done and the floats go out for the first time,” says Kerstin. “I try to stand at the very beginning of the parade to watch them as soon as they come out of the gate. With the lights and effects added, it all just comes together and looks awesome. When I see thousands of people watching the Mardi Gras Parade, I have fond memories of watching the same parade as a child, and it feels so cool to be a part of it.”

The post Behind-the-Beads | How Mardi Gras Parade Floats Are Brought to Life at Universal Orlando Resort appeared first on Discover Universal.

Guide to Meet and Greet Characters at Universal Orlando Resort

In between the rides, the shows and the snacks at Universal Orlando Resort, there are several meet and greet opportunities with some of the most beloved characters of all time. Here is a comprehensive list of all the characters you can currently meet and greet at Universal Studios Florida and Universal Islands of Adventure.

PRO TIP: Designated meet and greet times can be found on the Official Universal Orlando Resort App.

Universal Studios Florida

Scooby-Doo and the Mystery Gang

Location: Hollywood

Photo Credit: @rundmchadwick

The Mystery Gang, featuring Scooby-Doo, frequent the Hollywood area alongside The Mystery Machine. Meet them to find out the latest Universal Mystery they are solving. And don’t forget the Scooby Snacks!

Doc Brown

Location: Hollywood

Great Scott! Doc Brown from Back to the Future also roams Hollywood Boulevard, tinkering with his latest science equipment. I heard he is looking for new friends to be involved in his latest experiments.


Location: Hollywood and New York

In between Marilyn’s shows with her Diamond Bellas, which can be seen next to Revenge of the Mummy she can be found strolling down the Hollywood Walk of Fame. She may treat you with a song or even a mini acting lesson for future stars!


Location: Hollywood

Photo Credit: @epicfamilyquest

He’s the ghost with the most! We said his name three times, and he appeared on Hollywood Boulevard. You can typically find this trickster hanging outside of the Horror Make-Up Show.

Hello Kitty

Location: Hollywood (inside the Hello Kitty store)

Don’t miss out on this super sweet meet and greet with Hello Kitty herself, decked out in her bright-pink dress.

For major fans, pick up a super cute headband in the Hello Kitty store to match Hello Kitty for the photo op!

DreamWorks Characters

Location: Central Park (near NBC Media Plaza)

Various of our favorite DreamWorks friends can be found near Central Park. Shrek and Fiona bring their best wishes from Far Far Away Land. Swashbuckling Puss in Boots makes appearances after his most recent adventure, and he will sometimes be accompanied by his adventure partner Kitty Softpaws. Alex, Gloria and King Julian from Madagascar turn the party up. Poppy and Branch from Trolls visit here to dance all day!

Illuminations’ Characters

Location: Illumination Theatre

In Minion Land, visit Illumination Theater for a unique meet and greet opportunity with Illumination film characters like the Minions, Gru, Margo, Edith and Agnes along with characters from the film “Sing”. You may also catch a fan-favorite “Despicable Me”supervillain here. Hint: He wears orange! OH YEAH!


Location: Alley near TRANSFORMERS: The Ride 3-D

All right, recruits, are you ready to meet the Bots from Transformers? Next to TRANSFORMERS: The Ride 3-D, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Megatron appear at various times to meet the humans of Universal Studios Florida. The characters rotate at random, so prepare yourself to witness the heroism of Bumblebee and Optimus Prime or the wrath of Megatron.

The Simpsons

Location: Hollywood Area

Grab a Lard Lad donut and meet your favorite characters, Homer, Marge, Bart and Lisa Simpson, as well as Krusty the Clown and Sideshow Bob from Springfield, U.S.A at The Simpsons Ride.

SpongeBob SquarePants & Friends

Location: SpongeBob StorePants

At SpongeBob StorePants, F is for friends who do stuff together! Here, you can take a visit to Bikini Bottom and meet SpongeBob, Patrick Star and Squidward.

Knight Bus Operator

Location: London

The Knight Bus Operator loves to share his London sightseeing tips with anyone who stops by. The shrunken head that accompanies the operator is sure to give you a new experience each time you visit.

Mummy Pharaohs

Location: New York near Revenge of the Mummy

Are they after our souls, too? Maybe, but they are also here for photo ops! Get in your most frightening pose while the Mummy pharaohs tower over you for a memorable photo memory!

Hashtag the Panda

Location: Race Through New York Starring Jimmy Fallon

It’s the greatest dancing panda bear of all time! Show off your moves and pose for a photo op with the panda bear that owns an iconic spot in The Tonight Show history.


Location: Near Mel’s Drive-In

Vamanos! Let’s go meet Dora! Her trusty map and backpack have led her to Universal Studios Florida, and she is ready to meet fellow explorers!

Universal Islands of Adventure

Marvel Super Heroes and Marvel Villains

Location: Marvel Super Hero Island

Photo Credit: @waltlizneyworld

The iconic super heroes of the comics have come to Marvel Super Hero Island to fight crime, but they will also pose for a photo with you! Feel like you are a part of the team and meet Spider-Man, Captain America, Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm and Rogue. If you are feeling more villainous, iconic Marvel Villains like Doctor Doom and The Green Goblin also roam the streets to find guests who can help them take over the land.

PRO TIP: If you are a Marvel superfan and want more time with your favorite super heroes, suit up and check out our Marvel Character Dinner at Cafe 4 in Islands of Adventure.

Dr. Seuss Characters

Location: Suess Landing

Photo Credit: @sweetteaandpeonies

Meet beloved Dr. Seuss characters, including The Cat in the Hat, The Lorax, Sam I Am, Thing One and Thing Two, and the Grinch. These characters can be found throughout the land as well as in the show “Oh! The Stories You’ll Hear” that takes place next to All the Books You Can Read.

Blue, the Velociraptor

Location: Raptor Encounter in Jurassic Park

Have you ever wanted to meet a dinosaur? At Raptor Encounter, you can meet Blue the Velociraptor from the Jurassic World films. While this “clever girl” is trained, she is feisty so watch out for your fingers and toes while you interact with her! With the right touch, you may just end up as the next qualified Raptor trainer!

P.S. Occasionally, Raptor trainers will bring out our resident baby Raptors to get them acclimated to humans. This is a great experience for those guests who may be intimidated by the fierceness of an adult Raptor.

Kung Fu Panda Characters

Location: The Lost Continent

The Dragon Warriors Po and Tigress from the Kung Fu Panda movies have requested to meet future kung fu champions at The Lost Continent. If they visit while you are there, you are indeed fortunate.

King Julian

Location: The Lost Continent

Photo Credit: @augustomalta

In addition to Universal Studios Florida, this high-energy lemur can also be found in The Lost Continent! King Julian hosts dance parties here throughout the day, and afterward, guests can strike a pose with him.

Popeye and Olive Oyl

Location: Toon Lagoon

I am what I am, and that’s all what I am! Meet Popeye the Sailor Man and his sweetheart Olive Oyl in various locations around Toon Lagoon. They are commonly found near Popeye & Bluto’s Bilge-Rat Barges and throughout Toon Lagoon.

Hogwarts Express Conductor

Location: The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Hogsmeade

The Hogwarts Express Conductor is the face that greets you into The Wizarding World of Harry Potter — Hogsmeade. He is knowledgeable about everything this snow-capped village has to offer, and would love to greet you for a photo op!

Students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang

Location: The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Hogsmeade

The students of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and Durmstrang Institute for Magical Study perform a colorful procession of magic at the Triwizard Spirit Rally. After the show, they will hang back and pose for photo ops with wizards and non-wizards alike.


Professor Doctor Penelope Tibeaux-Tinker Toothsome & Jacques

Location: The Toothsome Chocolate Emporium & Savory Feast Kitchen

We couldn’t forget about our original characters over at Toothsome! While you enjoy the expansive and yummy offerings at the restaurant, be sure to keep a keen eye out for Penelope Toothsome and Jacques. The brilliant Penelope loves to share with others about the travels that inspired her to create the delicious recipes at this restaurant. Her trusty robot friend and co-entrepreneur Jacques is always by her side.

Who are you most looking forward to meeting on your visit to Universal Orlando Resort? And what has been your favorite character meet and greet experience? Let us know on social media or in the comments below!

The post Guide to Meet and Greet Characters at Universal Orlando Resort appeared first on Discover Universal.

How to Make Universal Studios Hollywood the Perfect Date Spot

Everyone knows Universal Studios Hollywood is an amazing destination for families. But if you’re looking to shake things up with fun, fresh date ideas in Los Angeles, look no further than our city’s own theme park! Whether it’s mom and dad’s big night out on the town, or you’re in those first few rendezvous with someone new, a day at the theme park is a great way to get some QT with your crush. Here’s my itinerary for a grown-up — dare I say, romantic? — day at Universal Studios Hollywood that’ll get you all heart-eyed.

Take a Walk Around the World

Can’t hop on the next jet across the globe? All good, just take a stroll through the Upper Lot at Universal. Head over to the French Street Bistro for a coffee and a pastry, appropriately situated on a block modeled after the streets of Paris, a city where it’s impossible to not fall in love.

Keep looping around, and you’ll find yourselves on the streets of Manhattan. You might not be traipsing through the West Village, but you’ll catch the ambiance of this oh-so-romantic city. And if your date is an animal person (major green flag, in my opinion), you definitely don’t want to miss Illumination’s The Secret Life of Pets: Off Leash. It’s a super impressive dark ride that’ll put a big smile on your face.  

PRO TIP: Before you go, get the full scoop on the ride based on The Secret Life of Pets by reading our attraction guide. And while you’re at it, check out the episode of Discover Universal’s “Ride Guys” video series on it, too. 

Get a Taste of Movie (and TV) Magic

Speaking of traveling the globe, why stop there? Make time for the world-famous Studio Tour, where you’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at movie magic. The Studio Tour a quintessential Los Angeles activity that makes for fun, adorable date vibes. Not only will you get to peek at backlot sets like Little Europe and Colonial Street, but you’ll get thrills, too: an encounter with the shark from “Jaws,” a dead-eyed stare from a certain creepy guy from “Psycho,” and come face-to-face with the big ape himself, King Kong. Perfect opportunity to squeeze your date’s hand a little too hard.

Get a Little Competitive

After all that world traveling, it’s time to come home to the U.S.A — Springfield, U.S.A., that is. After all, what’s more classic than a date at the carnival? Take a chance at Eye Carumba, Dunk or Flunk with Principal Skinner, Wild and Willie, and so many more. You just might be able to win your date an adorable Santa’s Little Helper.

Take a Tropical Vacay

No shade to urban vacations, but is there anything better than a tropical getaway with that special person? Especially one with dinosaurs involved. Make an excursion to the Lower Lot and hop aboard Jurassic World – The Ride. Once you reach the water ride’s (literal) splashy ending, hit the Jurassic Café for a bite. (I can’t say no to the Slow Roasted Mojo Pork.) And don’t skip a drink at Isla Nu-Bar while you’re down there — the tiki-themed drinks will make you feel like you’re honeymooning. Hey, maybe you actually are!

Dive Into Ancient History

Next stop, Egypt! Pop over to the Revenge of the Mummy – The Ride, just across from the Jurassic World The Ride. With the use of sophisticated motion picture technology and stellar animatronics, you and your loved one will get catapulted into a haunted tomb on a wild indoor roller coaster. Just try to make it out without getting your soul cursed for eternity — that’d really put a damper on the whole “romantic date” thing. (And peep Discover Universal’s attraction guide to before you go!)

Catch Some Live-Action Special Effects

Have you ever wished you could be inside an action movie? At Waterworld, you basically are. The 20-minute production includes a smashing (pun intended) array of pyrotechnics and special effects that’ll leave you mind-blown (pun also intended). Only in Los Angeles does a fun date include world-class stunt performers, right? It’s perfect for grown-ups, and the story, stunts and jump-scares are a perfect excuse to snuggle up a little closer to your boo. Learn more by reading our attraction guide.

Pose with Iconic Couples

You’re not the only one on a date at Universal Studios Hollywood! From Shrek and Fiona to Frankenstein and his Bride to Homer and Marge Simpson, the theme park is covered with iconic couples for you to meet. You’ll encounter many of them around the Hollywood section of the theme park (on the Upper Lot), but keep your eyes peeled as you explore every land.

Cozy Up in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

It’s time to step into The Wizarding World of Harry Potter! Take a spin through the plethora of Hogsmeade shops, including Honeydukes, Ollivanders and so much more. (If you want to turn date night up a notch, you can even pick up some dress robes at Gladrags Wizardwear.)Then, stop in for a drink at Hog’s Head and enjoy Butterbeer, which comes in hot, frozen, and cold varieties. Take a look at Discover Universal’s guide to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter before you go! 

Dinner for Two at CityWalk

But wait, there’s more! Just because you’re done with the park doesn’t mean the fun’s all over. Have a peaceful, sit-down dinner with your boo at Universal CityWalk Hollywood. There are tons of great restaurants in this action-packed strip, depending on your mood. Looking to spice things up? Margaritas and carne asada at Antojitos Cocina Mexicana are a must. Want classic, romantic date vibes? There’s always spaghetti and a glass of red at Vivo Italian Kitchen. Hitting the town with a sweet tooth? Try the Toothsome Chocolate Emporium & Savory Feast Kitchen. The choices are basically endless.

Snuggle Up at the Movies

WHEW, it’s been a long day! What better way to relax than by catching a flick in the comfiest movie theater seats in all of Los Angeles? That’s exactly what you’ll find at Universal Cinema. (Seriously, those recliners go all the way back, you’re basically in bed.) This theater always has the biggest blockbusters showing. So grab a ticket to that superhero flick — it’ll help you muster up the courage to hold your date’s hand!

That’s our guide to a perfect date at Universal Studios Hollywood and Universal CityWalk Hollywood! What’s your favorite romantic activity? Let us know in the comments below!

The post How to Make Universal Studios Hollywood the Perfect Date Spot appeared first on Discover Universal.

Pace Yourself: Ideas to Take a Break at Universal Orlando Resort

Walking under the “Welcome to Universal Orlando Resort” sign at Universal CityWalk is your literal sign that you have entered the joyful immersion only Universal can create. 

From the colorful sights and rich smells to the iconic sounds and on-point details in every corner — and even the wardrobe of the helpful Team Members — it all works together to transport you to an absorbing, totally encapsulating experience. 

It’s amazing! It’s exciting! It’s unusual! It’s extraordinary! Truly. But, sometimes and for some of us… taking it all in can be a lot. If it’s your first visit, if you are an introvert, if you are with a family member of another generation, if you happen to be more tired on any given day, if you are neurodivergent, or if you are just perfectly you — whatever the reason — planning for a few breaks during your visit is definitely a good idea. 

I like breaks because I want to stay at the theme parks all day and see everything. When I take 15-30 minutes to rest my body, my senses, and my mind, it increases my enjoyment of the next, wonderful experience. But how do you find breaks in an immersive, themed resort? Here are my best tips for taking a break when visiting the theme parks at Universal Orlando…


When your mind is processing lots of information and input, it can feel nice to give yourself something smaller to focus on.

In The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Hogsmeade, you can buy quills, stationery, and postcards at Owl Post. Then take your correspondence supplies across the way to Hog’s Head pub to enjoy a Butterbeer at a table out back while overlooking Hogwarts castle. Delight in the simple pleasures of writing letters to people you love and who can join you on the next visit. When you are done, walk back to the wizarding stores, have your post stamped with a Hogsmeade postmark, and mail them right there! 

Jigsaw Puzzle – The spacious lobby in Universal’s Great Movie Escape in CityWalk is there for you anytime you need a break, whether you plan to challenge yourself to an escape adventure or not! I like to visit the bar for a mocktail, buy a small jigsaw puzzle in a test tube, and find a marbled table to enjoy fizzy bubbles and complete my puzzle.

Bring Your Book – Maybe the idea of reading a book in a theme park sounds a little strange, but don’t knock it until you try it! Find a good nook to settle in and spend a few minutes lost in the pages. Many experiences at Universal have ties to books, so it is only fitting to read here. Read the “Harry Potter” series at the Leaky Cauldron in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Diagon Alley. Read about Egyptian pyramids and pharaohs after enjoying a ride on Revenge of The Mummy. Read about dinosaurs and then learn even more in the Jurassic Park Discovery Center. Forgot your book? Universal’s got you. Visit All The Books You Can Read in Seuss Landing to buy a book and/or a book-themed sweet treat!  

Collectible Pressed Penny Machines – Placed all over the resort, these machines can be a fun way to organize your day. Start at the entrance to Universal Studios Florida after grabbing breakfast at the TODAY Cafe. You’ll find a large, shaded entryway with plenty of space, a bench, and restrooms. Get your first collectible penny and take a moment to relax.


Look. I absolutely consider Jurassic World VelociCoaster’s “High Hat” amongst my personal favorite experiences in life. No thrill can top it. But there’s also nothing like embracing the equally fascinating, more leisurely experiences at Universal…

The High in the Sky Seuss Trolley Train Ride! – The secret may be out on this Universal Islands of Adventure fan-favorite, but no matter. It’s just so pleasant to move slowly up above with beautiful park views. I’ve been known to bookend my day with this ride at the start and finish.

Hogwarts Express – Climb aboard to continue the journey and travel between King’s Cross Station and Hogsmeade Station in Universal Orlando. When the door to your train car slides closed, that wonderful sigh of relaxation is all yours. Settle in and enjoy seeing characters and creatures featured in the films. The experience on the Hogwarts Express is different in each direction, so if you need a longer break, you can join the queue again and return to your previous destination. NOTE: You will need a park-to-park ticket to experience the Hogwarts Express.

E.T. Adventure – Just walking into the main E.T. Adventure queue is a calming experience. The dark forest rests your eyes and biking slowly through the sky on the adventure is smooth, calm, and captivating.

Kopiko Wai Winding River at Universal Volcano Bay and/or Lazy River at Universal’s Cabana Bay Beach Resort – Call it winding, call it lazy, call it a yes. Staying at Cabana Bay not only puts you steps away from Volcano Bay on an easy mobility path, but you are also basically obligated to take float breaks on both slow rivers. Cabana Bay’s lazy river is right next to a sand beach and The Hideaway Bar & Grill. Personally, I’ll float two laps then get one of Hideaway’s three salads, float two more laps and balance the salad out with cheese fries.  When you are ready, getting to Volcano Bay only takes minutes when you’re taking the dedicated walking path. I recommend going straight to Kopiko Wai because here’s the thing, until you’ve peacefully floated through Stargazer’s Cavern, you haven’t really reached the pinnacle of your relaxed Universal bucket list. Even if you’ve seen a picture, it can’t compare to the experience.


Particularly in Islands of Adventure, you can find many paths behind main locations and away from the main thoroughfares. They are so wonderful! 

Behind Me Ship, The Olive – The winding pathways behind this colorful, imaginative play area could be the best kept secret at the resort. They don’t lead to another area of the park, so most guests chose the main path on their way to another adventure. If you take these wide paths, you’ll be right next to the peaceful lagoon, you’ll find benches and trees, and you can take what could be the second best-kept park secret: a photo of your face “wearing” the VelociCoaster’s high hat.

Behind Cats, Hats and Things – Take a look around the store for souvenirs and then walk through the back doors into a small courtyard. You’ll find a circular bench around a beautiful, green tree. You’ll also find a sign asking you to watch the nest of a Seuss character who needs a rest (our theme!). Restore yourself and snap another of the most special-yet-uncommon photos in the park.  

Behind Mythos Restaurant – The rockwork at the award-winning Mythos Restaurant is among the loveliest in the park. It’s also cooling and calming. As you wait for your table or any time you need a break, stroll around the side and back of the restaurant. There are several pathways that get you close to water.

Hotel Walking Paths – While the Water Taxis are super fun and a soothing transportation option themselves, did you know about the beautiful, green pathways leading back to Universal hotels (where you can also grab a nap in your room before round two in the parks)? The Garden Walk near the entrance to Universal Studios Florida leads to the Hard Rock Hotel and Loews Portofino Bay Hotel. The Garden Walk near Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville leads to Loews Royal Pacific Resort, Loews Sapphire Falls Resort, Cabana Bay Beach Resort and Universal’s Aventura Hotel.


Lastly, here are my truly next-level tips when I’m serious about building breaks into my day at Universal Orlando Resort.

Rent a Cabana (ahead of your visit!) at Volcano Bay. There’s no tip for building breaks into your day more next-level than renting a Cabana at Volcano Bay. It’s a private retreat with concierge service just for you and your guests. Combined with the TapuTapu wearable’s virtual queuing, your whole day alternates between immersive and thrilling ride experiences and restful breaks.

Book a Hotel Right Next to the Parks Really all Universal hotels are great for taking breaks (close proximity, free transportation, a bed waiting for you…), but when I want to balance stimulation with serenity, I book a room at Loews Portofino Bay Hotel. Returning to this Italian-esque paradise during your theme park day is easy via walking path or water taxi. Once there, you’ve got many options for breaks. One: a calming Mandara Spa appointment in a low-sensory environment. Two: the Villa Pool, which offers private cabana rentals. Three: the can’t-miss standby, a nap in your room. Four: the Hillside Pool known for additional privacy and quiet. Five: a self-guided, nooks-and-crannies walk of the property, on which you’ll find small fountains, staircases, and courtyards that feel like secrets.

Double Cool: Ice Cream + Knockturn Alley. No lie: I’ve had friends who have never found Knockturn Alley in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter — Diagon Alley. And that is a true shame because it’s the actual best. Hidden, dark, a little spooky, quieter, and full of fascinations. My next-level tip for giving yourself a break is taking a cold treat (I opt for Salted Caramel Blondie in a waffle cone) from Florean Fortescue’s Ice-Cream Parlour into Knockturn Alley. The triple-cool effect happens when you enter Knockturn’s Borgin and Burkes where the dimly-lit shelves hold some of the most interesting, unusual, and powerful collectibles.  This inside-outside pairing of cooler temperatures has a lovely calming effect.

Caricatures. Between Toon Lagoon and Marvel Super Hero Island, you’ll find a booth with caricature artists, which are so fun! In Universal Studios, you’ll find one across from the Animal Actors On Location! Theater. Here’s the thing: since the art is unique to the individuals, the artist draws you while you sit on a shaded bench for several minutes. Solo or in a pair, this break allows you to rest and leave with a special memory.


Universal Orlando Resort puts a high emphasis on accessibility to support our broad diversity of guests. Knowing how to find support is key. Prepare for your visit by checking out our know-before-you-go accessibility guidance.

Specific to taking breaks, here are some helpful things to know.

Quiet Room – Universal proudly introduced a Quiet Room in 2022, specifically designed for guests who need a thirty-minute sensory break. You can find it near Health Services – Production Central at the front of Universal Studios Florida. This first-come, first-serve room offers a quiet and low-stimulation space for guests. It is equipped with rubber floor tiles, an activity wall panel, dimming lights, and two hiding tunnels.

Guide for Guests with Cognitive Disabilities Universal Orlando Resort offers a detailed guide to support Guests with cognitive disabilities, and to help ensure they, along with their friends and their families, have a positive experience.        

Service Animal Rest Stations – Speaking of a particular kind of break, trained service animals supporting guests at Universal Orlando Resort also need a break. Universal has recently expanded the various locations all around the property for these important guests to get their rest.

What are your go-to spots to take a break at Universal Orlando Resort? Let me know in the comments below! 

The post Pace Yourself: Ideas to Take a Break at Universal Orlando Resort appeared first on Discover Universal.

Guide to Mario Kart: Bowser’s Challenge in SUPER NINTENDO WORLD at Universal Studios Hollywood

In 1992, players pressed “start” on Mario Kart. Brothers Mario and Luigi, who’d been around since the mid-80s, took us on various kart races for the very first time.  

In the gaming world Mario Kart was — well — a game-changer. And still is.

Mario Kart: Bowser’s Challenge in SUPER NINTENDO WORLD at Universal Studios Hollywood is groundbreaking, putting guests in the driver’s seat for an immersive, unprecedented ride experience. Whether you’re a skilled racer or have never held a controller in your entire life, you’re up for this challenge. And Mario Kart is a must-do on your Universal Studios Hollywood itinerary

Let’s-a go!

PRO TIP: Depending on the day, you may need to make a reservation to enter SUPER NINTENDO WORLD. Once you’ve entered Universal Studios Hollywood, open the official Universal Studios Hollywood app on your phone to select the number of people in your party (up to 10) and join the virtual queue for the same day. You’ll still wait in line for the ride, but there’s plenty of fun to be had in the queue.


The long-standing rivalry between Mario and Bowser is as fierce as ever! The fire-breathing Koopa has been plotting the perfect plan to defeat Team Mario on the racetrack. You’ll get into your own four-person kart and join Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Princess Daisy, Toad, and Yoshi to help them win the Golden Cup. But it is Mario Kart, so don’t expect a seamless ride…


Once you’re through the green pipe and into the Mario Kart: Bowser’s Challenge queue, you’ll land on Yoshi’s Island themed spaces. The first one is a whimsical cave-like area, filled with colorful gems and stars, followed by a two-level outdoor room.

You’ll soon reach my favorite part of the line: Bowser’s Castle. This section of the queue is elevated to the second story of the land, and has one of the best views of the entire Mushroom Kingdom — a great spot to stop and take it all in (and take some pictures, too!). You’ll spend the rest of your time in the queue inside Bowser’s Castle. As soon as you walk through the castle gate, you’ll come face to face with an impressive statue of Bowser, which definitely warrants another photo. 

You’ll move through several rooms within the Castle, from the hall of medallions and trophies, to the study where Bowser plots mischievous schemes to defeat Mario and his friends, past his impressive collection of books (take a moment to read the book titles — the references are genius!), to the factory which produces Bob-ombs and Mechakoopas.

You’ll then proceed into two pre-shows. There, you’ll gear up for the race and learn about the ride functionalities on the screens in front of you — how to steer your vehicle, throw shells, collect coins, etc. Next, you’ll grab your Mario-hat-looking visor and adjust it on your head (make sure it’s firm, but comfortable) and board the attraction. Once you’re on the ride, attach the goggles in front of you onto your visor.



If you’ve played Mario Kart before, then you know the kart-racing adventures never go smoothly, not even for the most skilled drivers. You can always count on multiple obstacles to throw you off-course, be they slippery banana peels or sneaky Bob-ombs and Bullet Bills along the way. Well, Mario Kart: Bowser’s Challenge at Universal Studios Hollywood is no different.

“If you look around while you’re riding the attraction, you’ll be able to see your favorite characters racing beside you,” says Abbye Finnan, show producer on SUPER NINTENDO WORLD. “But what makes the ride brilliant is that you’re getting a unique experience by being able to compete with, let’s say, your little brother for coins and points.” Nothing like a dash of competition to elevate the fun!

Once you enter your four-seat vehicle, there are three things you must do before starting your engines:

Pull down your lap bar

Pick up the goggles in front of you and attach them to your visor

If you have one, tap your Power-Up Band on the “M” on the steering wheel so you can track your points. And, if they have Power-Up Bands as well, you can compete with friends and family! You can still play even if you don’t have a Power-Up band, but it surely adds to the fun!

Ready, set… let’s-a go!

As soon as Lakitu gives the 3, 2, 1 signal, you’re off!

Use your steering wheel to move right and left and drive through multiple courses. While you’re at it, make sure you collect any coins you find along the way. Can you get over 100 coins?

But great driving skills alone won’t cut it — you’ll have to use the two buttons at the top of your steering wheel to throw shells at Koopas and other enemies to earn points and defeat Team Bowser. The secret to hitting your targets with your shells is look to aim — wherever you look, that’s where your shell is going to hit. I see you, Goomba! You’ll eventually come face-to-face with Bowser, and when you do, send off as many shells as you possibly can!

Will Team Mario always win? I wish (although I have been developing a soft spot for Bowser lately). “Just like in the video game, there are different outcomes to the attraction. So depending on how many coins you get, Bowser’s team can win,” says Abbye. Great excuse to come back and ride it again, am I right?

KNOW BEFORE YOU GO: You can purchase your Power-Up Band, themed to your favorite character, at stores around Universal Studios Hollywood and CityWalk, as well as at 1-UP Factory, the SUPER NINTENDO WORLD exclusive store. To learn more about Power-Up Bands, check our Guide to SUPER NINTENDO WORLD.  Download the Universal Studios Hollywood App before you arrive so you can sync your Power-Up Band before entering SUPER NINTENDO WORLD and playing Mario Kart.


–   Single Rider available

–   Height requirement: 40” (102 cm)

–   Children under 48” (122 cm) require a supervising companion

–   Ride type: not a coaster, but it’s a 3D and 4D dark ride

–   Child Swap is available upon request

– Universal Express Pass is not available at this time (but is available for VIP Tour guests)


Once you walk through the life-sized green pipe and into the Mushroom Kingdom, you’re immediately transported to the world of Mario and Luigi, where you can punch ? Blocks, collect digital coins (so long as you have a Power-Up Band), and explore the Frosted Glacier area while peeping into the binoculars for fun surprises.

Here’s how to have the most fun in Universal Studios Hollywood’s SUPER NINTENDO WORLD, besides riding Mario Kart: Bowser’s Challenge, of course!

Play the four main Key Challenges around the land — my favorite one is Piranha Plant Nap Mishap!

As you walk around the land from challenge to challenge, stop by the Meet and Greet spots for a quick hello and photo with Mario, Luigi, Toad and Princess Peach. (Yes, that’s me in the photo above. I’m a fan.)

Make a pit stop at 1-UP Factory to grab your favorite SUPER NINTENDO WORLD merchandise — the ? Block reversible pillow turns into a Super Star so that’s a no-brainer. 

This land also has some of the best food and drink at Universal Studios Hollywood. Start or end your day at Toadstool Cafe — Just be sure to make a reservation in advance. And don’t miss my personal favorite menu item, the Super Star Lemon Squash! Take a peek at the Toadstool Cafe menu right here

Let us know in the comments below who won the race in Mario Kart: Bowser’s Challenge when you played: Team Mario or Team Bowser? If you haven’t been yet, tell us what you’re looking forward to experiencing at Universal Studios Hollywood!

The post Guide to Mario Kart: Bowser’s Challenge in SUPER NINTENDO WORLD at Universal Studios Hollywood appeared first on Discover Universal.